The most enviable suitors of Russia: list of bachelors, photo

The most enviable suitors of Russia: list of bachelors, photo
The most enviable suitors of Russia: list of bachelors, photo

What girl does not dream of a handsome, sexy, rich and famous fiance. The most enviable suitors in Russia are hunted not only by socialites, but also by ordinary Cinderellas.

In today's article we will talk about those men with whom you can build your happiness and who are still on the list of Russian bachelors.

Pyotr Fedorov

This sexy actor is 36 years old and his zodiac sign is Taurus. Height 181 centimeters, weight - 74 kilograms. He played in the films "Stalingrad", "Icebreaker", "Duelist" and others. For a long time, the eyes of millions of women have been riveted to him. Tall, handsome and still single.

Petr Fedorov
Petr Fedorov

This is a real Russian aristocrat from a family of actors. His great-uncle - known to all Alexander Zbruev - was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Despite his pedigree, Peter did not want to be an actor, he was fond of painting and even wanted to enter the Stroganov Art and Industry University. But a few months before the entrance exams diedhis father. In memory of him, Peter went to enter the Shchukin Theater School.

Despite his age, Peter is not going to marry, although he has a girlfriend. This is Anastasia Ivanova, a Russian model. They have known each other since 2003, but so far both are confidently building a career. They say that the girl's parents are against marriage with Peter, since the actor is a fickle job. So, dear brides, go for it. Maybe you are lucky and one of the most enviable grooms in Russia will fall in love with you.

Marat Safin

This is a famous Russian tennis player who is now 39 years old. He is rightfully included in the top 10 most enviable suitors in Russia. He was promised a road to big sport, since his mother was one of the best tennis players in the USSR, and later the coach of the Spartak club. Dad was the director of the same club.

There are a lot of rumors about Marat's personal life. They say that he often changes women, but so far he has not been imbued with any great love in order to marry. Therefore, he remains a bachelor.

The first girl was Silvia from Spain, who cheered for the tennis player from the stands. Then he met with Ekaterina Bestuzheva, and in 2004 Marat began a serious romance with Daria Zhukova. But after the girl left him, he managed to start relationships with Alena Selezneva, Elena Korikova, Jessica Biel and other girls.

Safin has an illegitimate daughter from a certain Valeria, with whom he managed to be in a short relationship. Perhaps it is this fact and the fact that he often changes girls that stops Russian beauties from relations with Marat, as a result of which he remains inlist of enviable suitors of Russia.

Pavel Durov

This is a 32-year-old Russian entrepreneur, creator of the largest social network VKontakte. In 2016, Pavel was included in the list of the richest Russian businessmen in 135th place with a fortune of $600 million.

Pavel Durov
Pavel Durov

At the moment, Pavel Durov is not a Russian citizen, but periodically appears in various Russian cities. After some financial investment, he became a citizen of the Caribbean islands of Nevis and St. Kitts.

According to the official version, Durov has neither a wife nor children. But the unofficial version says that Pavel still has a wife, Daria Bondarenko, and two children.

The Internet businessman claims that he is fundamentally unmarried and does not intend to marry, because he considers marriage a kind of feudal tool for suppressing the human personality, which is aimed at embedding a person in the system.

Thanks to such reasoning, Pavel Durov still remains on the list of the most enviable suitors in Russia.

Fyodor Smolov

This is a famous Russian football player. He was born on February 9, 1990, according to the sign of the zodiac - Aquarius. In 2013, Fedor married Victoria Lopyreva. It seemed that the lovers were made for each other, but in the spring of 2015, the girl announced a break in relations with Smolov.

Six months later, he started dating Miranda Shelia, another famous model. In 2017, a photo with his new lover Yulia Levchenko appeared on his social media page, but soon he again became an enviable bachelor in Russia.

If youIf you want to conquer this young enviable groom of Russia, you need to read a lot so that you can talk with Fedor. You should also give up the love of pets, because the football player is allergic.

Milos Bikovic

This is one of the most popular actors in Serbia. Now it is gaining momentum in Russia. They say that he even slightly pushed Danila Kozlovsky, the recognized sex symbol of our country, off the pedestal. Domestic films are increasingly being released with Milos in the lead roles.

Milos Bikovic
Milos Bikovic

The actor does not talk much about his personal life. The brightest romance was with Aglaya Tarasova, the daughter of Ksenia Rappoport, a star of Russian cinema. The actors met on the set of the film "Ice". They began to appear together at secular parties since the fall of 2017.

Today, the actor is allegedly dating 22-year-old Barbara Tatalovic, the winner of the Serbian beauty contest. But for how long is it? Maybe with this girl Milos decides to bring the relationship to the wedding? But until that happens, he is still Russia's eligible bachelor of 2019.

Danila Kozlovsky

After the film "Duhless" was a resounding success, Danila is firmly entrenched in the list of sex symbols in Russia. And he is still unmarried. More precisely, in 2008, a wedding was played with Ursula Magdalena Malka, but three years later the marriage broke up.

Danila Kozlovsky
Danila Kozlovsky

At one time, the actor managed to start a relationship with Liza Boyarskaya, but the girl's father gave her a scolding that she could not datefledgling youth. In 2013, Yulia Snigir became Danila's new chosen one, and in 2014 the press announced the breakup of the couple.

Since 2015, the young actor has been dating Olga Zueva, a famous model. In 2016, the girl moved into his apartment. But there is no ring on Danila's finger. The actor dreams of a big family with the woman he loves, whom many believe he has not yet met.

Kirill Nagiyev

Kirill Nagiev
Kirill Nagiev

This handsome man is the son of the famous Russian showman, actor Dmitry Nagiyev. Born on August 31, 1989, height - 186 cm, weight - 80 kg. He has already taken his niche in show business, starring in TV shows, films, and participating in various TV shows.

Kirill lives in a separate apartment from his parents, together with Yulia Melnikova, a graphic designer. The couple has not yet been painted, so the handsome Kirill Nagiev takes pride of place in the list of enviable suitors in Russia.

Arkady Abramovich

Who is Abramovich? Prominent Russian billionaire. His son Arkady already has $12 million on his account and is a co-owner of Chelsea. That's who the enviable groom of Russia, whose photo you now see. He is smart, handsome, fashionable, and drives a Bentley.

Arkady Abramovich
Arkady Abramovich

Arkady is very interested in the topic of investments. He even completed an internship in one of the London offices to understand the work of the bank from the inside. In 2013, he met with the daughter of a famous restaurateur Alexandra.

The couple even received the blessing of their parents, but broke up a year later. NowArkady remains free to the delight of the fair sex.

Ilya Medvedev

Do you know who this is? This is the son of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev himself. He was born on August 3, 1995. In 2017, the guy graduated from the Moscow Institute of International Relations and received a bachelor's degree.

Currently studying for a master's degree. After he graduates, Ilya wants to work on legal projects in the field of technology.

Ilya devotes most of his time to studying, as a result of which relations with girls are more friendly. If the guy goes on dates, he is accompanied everywhere by security guards. Because of this, nothing is known about the private life of the Prime Minister's son except that he is currently single.

Aleksey Vorobyov

Alexey Vorobyov enviable groom
Alexey Vorobyov enviable groom

This is one of the most enviable suitors of Russia from famous musicians. In search of a wife, Alexei took part in the TV show "The Bachelor", which took place on TNT. Beautiful and smart girls fought for his hand and heart, but the young handsome man did not choose any of them.

Alexey's heart is still free. He is not going to part with the role of a bachelor. The charming heartthrob managed to start relationships with Victoria Daineko, Oksana Akinshina, Tatyana Terekhova, Tatyana Navka, Anna Sedokova, but they all did not last for a long time.

Now, according to the media, Alexei has a girlfriend, Veronika Romanova, who was his old girlfriend. Maybe she will win the heart of a handsome musician. Or will he remainenviable groom of Russia? We'll see.

Who else is on the list of desirable Russian bachelors?

The lists of the most enviable suitors in Russia include the children of famous musicians, actors who have already grown up and turned into handsome men:

  • Ivan Makarevich. An actor with beautiful dark eyes who loves animals and has a hard time with social gatherings.
  • Alexander Golovin. Now he is 27 years old. He managed to star in the films "Bastards", "Christmas Trees". He is young, famous and handsome.
  • Egor Creed. Despite being only 23 years old, he is already a famous songwriter.
  • Emin. He was already married, but divorced. Rich, successful, handsome man that many women like.
  • Philip Gazmanov is the son of Oleg Gazmanov, who is not deprived of female attention. Now he is studying at a university in England and works as a fashion model.
  • Pavel Tabakov. A handsome young man, the son of Oleg Tabakov, who is simply hunted by crowds of fans, fascinated by the talent of a novice actor.
  • Artemy Shulgin, was born in the family of producer Alexander Shulgin and Valeria. After graduating from Berklee College of Music, he intends to work in music production and management.
  • Arseny Shulgin is the younger brother of Artemy. He studied at the Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after F. Chopin. Currently building a career as a pianist.
  • Nikita Efremov is the grandson and son of the famous Oleg and Mikhail Efremov. Now this is a young actor who plays in the Sovremennik Theater, acts in films, voices cartoons. He was married to Yana Gladkikh, but in 2015the couple broke up.

This was a list of the most eligible suitors in Russia. If you intend to turn the head of one of them, you must be educated, smart and attractive. Perhaps then one of the presented bachelors will turn his attention to you.
