Central Asia is inhabited by peoples with ancient history. The excavations proved that the first human settlement on the territory of Kyrgyzstan was in the Stone Age. More than ¾ of the entire area of the state is occupied by mountains. And the entire territory of the country is at the level of 500 meters above sea level.

State division into districts
The country is conditionally divided into two regions, southern and northern. Both conditional regions have different economic and demographic development, due to isolation, as they are located on opposite sides of mountain ranges.
Regions | |
South | North |
Osh | Chuiskaya |
Batken | Naryn |
Jalal-Abad | Issyk-Kul |
Talas |
Southern regions are characterized by a higher population density, and here most of the inhabitantsemployed in agricultural work. The northern region is more developed industrially, especially the Chui region. The regions are connected by high-mountain roads, and air transportation has been established.

Talas region: general characteristics
Let's take a closer look at this part of the northern region. The Talas region of Kyrgyzstan is the smallest in terms of area among all regions. It borders on Chuiskaya and Kazakhstan.
In Soviet times, the administrative unit was part of the Chui region. At the same time, in winter, movement was possible only through Kazakhstan.
The administrative center of the Talas region is the city of Talas.
Administrative division of the region
There are only 4 districts in Talas region.
District | Short description | Population in 2009 | Administrative Center |
Talas | Located in the east of the region, the district consists of 13 rural districts and 27 villages | 58867 |
Manas village |
Kara-Buurinsky | Located in the mountainous and eastern part. There is 1 urban-type settlement, 9 aul districts and 22 villages in the district | 56 442 | Kyzyl-Adyr village |
Manas | Located in the north-west of the country and partly borders on Kazakhstan, consists of 22 villages and 5 rural districts | 32 913 | village Pokrovka |
Bakay-Attinsky | Located in the western part of the region, includes 9 aul districts and 19 villages | 44 057 | Bakay-Ata village |
It is interesting that the village of Kyzyl-Adyr in the Talas region was previously called Kirovskoe, and the current name is translated as "Red Foothills". This is due to the fact that the mountain range near Kyzyl-Adyr has soil with a large admixture of clay, and it is called loam. As the ancestors spoke about such land, you can’t plow it when it’s wet - you get bogged down, but you can’t lift it dry - it sticks together.

Nomads and pastoralists live in the highlands.
In 1999, the region's population was only 4.1% of the total population of the country, about 198 thousand, which made it possible to call the region the smallest. By 2011, the figure had increased slightly and was already 231,800 people.
With all this, the Talas region is characterized by a high birth rate and a low death rate.
Demographic situation in the region
In the demographic yearbook of the Kyrgyz Republic, you can find a lot of interesting information.
Thus, as of the beginning of this year, 255,150 people of both sexes live in the Talas region, of which:
- men - 128 898;
- women - 126 252.
As in other regions of the former USSR, in the country and even in a singleThe region has a high mortality rate among the middle and elderly male population. The table shows the composition of the population of the region by sex and age at the beginning of 2017.
Age | Gender | Total | |
male | female | ||
0-4 | 16 802 | 16 026 | 32 828 |
5-9 | 16 361 | 15 774 | 32 105 |
10-14 | 13 411 | 13 039 | 26 450 |
15-19 | 11 511 | 11 010 | 22 521 |
20-24 | 12 716 | 11 679 | 24 395 |
25-29 | 10 036 | 9 038 | 19 074 |
30-34 | 9 240 | 8 354 | 17 592 |
35-39 | 7 640 | 7 117 | 14 757 |
40-44 | 7 104 | 6 628 | 13 732 |
45-49 | 6 123 | 5 956 | 12 079 |
50-54 | 5 268 | 5 857 | 11 125 |
55-59 | 4 798 | 5 321 | 10 119 |
60-64 | 3 214 | 3 851 | 7 065 |
65-69 | 2 183 | 2 706 | 4 889 |
70-74 | 808 | 1 082 | 1 890 |
75-79 | 856 | 1 477 | 2 333 |
80-84 | 453 | 753 | 1 206 |
85-89 | 221 | 448 | 669 |
90-94 | 129 | 93 | 222 |
95-99 | 18 | 64 | 82 |
100 or more | 6 | 11 | 17 |
Nationalities of the region
Ethnic composition statistics for Talas region is quite difficult, but in 2009 things were as follows:
Nationality | Qty | % ratio |
Kyrgyz | 208 399 | 91, 90 |
Kurds | 5 547 | 2, 45 |
Russians | 4 356 | 1, 92 |
Kazakhs | 3 049 | 1, 34 |
Other nationalities (Uzbeks, Germans, Ukrainians, Tatars and Greeks, numbering less than 2 thousand people) | 5 428 | 2, 39 |
total | 226 779 | 100 |
Tourist routes of the region
The smallest Talas region of Kyrgyzstan is not only preserved traditions and originality of the local population, but also beautiful valleys and memorable places that attract tourists.

This region is called the land of Manas. It is believed that it was here that he was born and died. Kumbez Manas, according to one of the legends, was built by the son of Manas - Semetey. Another version says that the kumbez was erected by his wife, Kanykei. And so that the enemy troops do not defeat it, the name of a woman of a we althy family is inscribed on it. On the territory of the complex, in addition to the main building, there are burial mounds and catacomb monuments, many stone sculptures.
Ken-Kol burial ground is located in the city of Talas. It is famous for the fact that burials were found in it,peculiar only to nomadic peoples - in underground vaulted chambers and in rectangular pits, with wooden beds or coffins. An interesting fact is that the buried are attributed to the Caucasoid race, but with an admixture of Mongoloid features. Household items of buried people have also been preserved here.
Travel companies definitely recommend visiting the museum of the writer Chingiz Aitmatov, which is located in the village of Sheker. It was within the walls of this building that the youth and childhood of the writer passed.

The most famous national park, Besh-Tash, is located in the region. It got its name because of the river of the same name, which stretches for 30 km throughout the entire territory of the protected area. The total area of the park is 32 thousand hectares. Here you can meet rare animals: Turkestan lynx and snow leopard. There are more than 800 species of vegetation and 2 thousand insects on the territory. And there are rainbow trout in the river. If possible, it is definitely recommended to climb to a height of 3 thousand meters, to the lake, the depth of which is 28 meters, and the water has a turquoise hue.
You can not ignore the architectural monument of the times of the Soviet Union - the Kirov reservoir. You can also visit the tract Aiyrtym-Oy and Ak-Tube with preserved medieval achievements dating back to the period of the 11th-12th centuries. And in the upper reaches of the Aflatun gorge, in the state reserve, see Semenov's fir. This tree grows exclusively in Kyrgyzstan, and it is believed that the huge plantings of these plants were still in the Ice Age.