Communists - are they utopians or people of the future?

Communists - are they utopians or people of the future?
Communists - are they utopians or people of the future?

Yes, it is worth recognizing that the party has lost its fans, only sincere ones remain, those who believe that the future lies in universal equality. It turns out that communists are people who are not afraid to express their convictions. Let's figure it out.

the communists are
the communists are

What did the communists believe?

This is a complex question that has more to do with the realities of today than with human beliefs. In that big country that no longer exists, they believed that it was possible to build a society that would provide each of its members with the best conditions for development. The slogan was: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Unfortunately, this did not work out. And it was not created at all, since those who only noticed their needs were at the helm, and saw only opportunities in the people. Such was the time. Looking back at those events, we can conclude that the communists are hypocrites. All this was exaggerated in the press for a long time, exciting the minds of the post-Soviet people. So the strongest country collapsed, and with it its only party.

Russian Communists

party communists of russia
party communists of russia

Now everything has changed. The communists are the party that stands forrights of workers (proletarians). The idea arose along with the birth of the capitalist system. It is based on a negative attitude towards the use of other people's labor for personal enrichment. The idea, unfortunately, is still relevant today. And no democracy will replace it. The Party of Communists is fighting to the best of its ability to ensure that each person can freely realize himself, receiving everything necessary for this. This refers to both material goods and opportunities. Agree that there is something to fight for! Only the strength of the adherents of communism is not enough. Until a mechanism has been invented that can break the "golden calf" that has completely captured the minds of mankind. But the communists (real ones) do not fight with money. They are people of ideas. Adepts are recruited only faithful, hardened, able to refuse benefits for the sake of justice. There are still few of them.

communist party
communist party

What is communism

A little about the negative attitude towards him. It arose (better to say, artificially created) on the basis that it was closely associated with the USSR - the country of the Devil for all "progressive mankind". But communism has not yet existed in any state. This is a system that was built and built, but it did not work out. And his idea is very progressive: the harmonious development of any personality. This is exactly what Jesus called for. It is not for nothing that some ideologists of the West have recently begun to accuse the Pope of Rome of communist views, seeing hateful ideas at the heart of his activities. And he just fulfills the commandments of the Lord, urging everyone to take care of their neighbors, not to sin, notoffend and so on. Representatives of big finance immediately became worried, seeing communist ideas even in the commandments of Christ!

Is it possible to build a welfare society

There have already been attempts, but the propaganda was stronger. As long as society is ruled by advertising and propaganda that destroys the individual's own idea of how it should develop, communism cannot be built. This system will remain a utopia. He has only one chance to come true - to wait for such a collapse of the "golden calf", which will make it impossible for the latter to return to the throne. Then people will begin to wonder whether it is really necessary to “take away” goods, where it is better to receive them, devoting oneself not to struggle, but to creativity!
