The last century was marked by the development of several basic types of economy. These included a market and planned economic system, war communism, as well as diversity. Our state in its history has known all these formations. Indeed, in each period of time, their own socio-political situations were created, the result of which was this or that system.
Diversified economy is one of the systems tested at the beginning of the last century, which has fully justified itself. It also began to signify new relationships between subjects of economic relations in the transition period. Here, multiformity has become practically one of the defining features of this system. The main characteristics of this concept need to be considered in more detail.
General definition
Diversified economy is one of the signs of the economic system in the modern world. It is built on the principles of coexistence within one state of private, state and mixed forms of ownership.
Under the way of life, one should mean such a type of relationship between the subjects of production activity, in whicha specific economic system is defined. At the same time, they organize their life activities according to certain principles.

The basic concepts that include the economic structure are:
- the way of doing business;
- form of ownership;
- approaches in production management;
- types of regulation of relations within the public.
Modern multistructural economy
The multistructural nature of the Russian economy is characterized by a mixed type of organization of the work of subjects of economic relations. It has the characteristics of a market system. However, in the modern world, there are other types of structures that are present in our society.

In addition to the dominant market-type economy with mixed forms of ownership, at least 5 residual structures stand out. These include:
- monopoly (specialized) small production;
- family and intra-family creation of goods and services;
- "second economy" (the second job a person has);
- shadow economy.
The essence of the economic processes that take place in modern society, the listed structures practically do not change. But they have a place to be.
Basic modes
Modern forms of management predetermine the emergence of basic structures in the economy. First of all, the municipal and state structures are distinguished, as well as medium and large joint-stock companies.entrepreneurship.

In a multistructural society, a small-business organization of relationships also has the right to exist. In contrast to it, the oligarchic-monopoly regime operates. A cooperative type of public relations is also highlighted.
It is worth noting that it is entrepreneurship that is the main driving force behind all the components of modern multistructural structure. It creates the prerequisites for the development of social economic relations. Such a principle is fundamental to multiformity.
Considering the forms of management that are components of a multistructural structure, it is worth paying attention to the state. It regulates the interaction and activities of all participants in economic relations. With the help of the legislative system, the state becomes to protect the interests of each process. This is not affected by forms of ownership, principles of organization of production, etc.

The economic structure of the state develops on the basis of the functioning of enterprises and organizations that belong to its property. It is also built on the basis of state property. These include land, financial, mineral resources, and real estate.
The share of state property in a mixed society ranges from 20 to 30%. The resources available to the state allow it to carry out the regulatory socio-economic functions assigned to it.
Municipal andcooperative way of life
The municipal socio-economic structure takes as a basis the relations that develop at the level of enterprises or organizations of social and communal spheres. To carry out their activities, the subjects of such relations have at their disposal financial, land and other property. It is classified as municipal property.

The municipal structure serves as the basis for the formation of an environment for the life of territorial communities.
Cooperative type of relationship organization functions in several forms:
- credit;
- consumer;
- material and technical sphere of management.
Small business
Studying the essence of economic processes in a multi-structural economic system, one cannot ignore small business. It covers most of the production areas of consumer goods, as well as related services. For example, it can be trade, intermediary activities or household, maintenance.
Small-scale entrepreneurship is also actively developing in the field of innovation and scientific service. Its basis is private, individual or small-group (shared) property. On its basis, small businesses carry out their activities.
Medium and large businesses
Diversity of the economy is one of the principles of organizing ties in modern society. One of the main categories here is the average andbig business. It is based on shareholder ownership.

The presented way has found its distribution in most social, industrial, infrastructure sectors of the modern economy of our country. Also, according to the principles of this organizational system, new production structures are developing, the activities of which are based on shared ownership belonging to the labor collective.
In this category, the oligarchic-monopoly structure stands out in a separate group. It includes subjects of large national economic complexes. It covers electronics, energy, information, oil, etc.
Family and shadow way of life
In the modern world, the shadow way of life has received quite a lot of development. It operates outside the framework of the legislation that establishes the state. Its forms are very diverse. This includes tax evasion, illegal production and corruption, and trafficking in illicit goods and drugs.
The family way of life is characterized by an increase in its role and importance due to the increase in the influence of ownership on goods for industrial or mixed purposes. This type of organization of social relations combines production and consumer functions.
Having considered the components, as well as the features of the modern structure of the economic system of the state, we can say that the multistructural nature of the economy is a structure conditioned by the realities of modernity. It is the main feature of the economytransitional type. Entrepreneurship is the driving force behind most of the structures that make up the system. But the regulation of the processes taking place in the national economy is entrusted to the state.