Demi Moore, famous actress, was born in 1962 in the USA. The first tape with her participation was released in 1981, and since then she has played in many films and TV shows - "Ghost", "Charlie's Angels: Only Forward", "Soldier Jane", "Another Happy Day" … The actress was married three times. Her first husband is musician Freddie Moore. They were married at a very young age and soon parted amicably. Demi's second husband is world-famous actor Bruce Willis. From marriage with him, Demi left three daughters.

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Love story
In 2003, the public learned about the emergence of a new couple in Hollywood - Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. The age of the actress did not bother Kutcher. But the girl was sixteen years older than her chosen one! Soon they played a beautiful, passionatea Jewish wedding.
Kutcher admits that the actress fascinated him when he first saw the film "Ghost". Then the young actor was only twelve years old, and he could not even imagine that one day "beautiful Molly" would become his wife.
Demi Moore drew attention to Kutcher at one of the secular parties and invited the handsome actor to ride on a yacht. The guy immediately liked the actress, he was able to win her over. Demi admits that she was able to see a kindred spirit in him. Thus began their romance.

Marriage despite gossip
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher have been married for six years. During this time, they had to listen to a lot of unpleasant things in their address. The actress was reminded in every possible way of her age, pointed out that she looks good only thanks to the efforts of plastic surgeons, and her chosen one was called nothing more than "another Demi Moore boy." It was said that he drew attention to Demi only because of his self-interest. Although this was far from the case. Ashton Kutcher by that time was already quite a successful and we althy person. He was widely known for the popular film "Where's My Car, Dude?" and his own TV show. He also at that time was already the owner of the production center and his own restaurant. Because of the connection with Demi Moore, Kutcher lost roles in the films of famous directors - Martin Scorsese and Sarah Coppola. All due to the fact that they also considered him a selfish boy with a damaged reputation.

Their wedding was played according to Jewish customs and went perfectly. Demi Moore was happy. After a magnificent wedding, the young flew away for a honeymoon to Spain.
Two years after the wedding, the famous Demi Moore changed her last name to "Kutcher".
Katcher and daughters Demi
The pair of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher has long been considered one of the most harmonious star couples. Their love story seemed sincere, and the union seemed strong.
Ashton Kutcher did not immediately manage to find a common language with the daughters of Demi Moore. The girls adored their own father and suffered a hard divorce of their parents. It was difficult for them to get used to their mother's new marriage. But over time, Ashton still managed to improve relations with them. Moreover, Bruce Willis also treated Demi Moore's new husband well and even used to go to baseball with him.
Couple problems
A few years after the start of a relationship, the couple (Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher) started having problems. Demi was worried about her inevitable "impending old age." After all, next to her was a young handsome man, the object of adoration for many girls! In pursuit of youth, Demi spent incredible money on spas and the most expensive and modern anti-aging treatments. In addition, she tried to keep up with the times and began to publish moments from her personal life on Twitter. So, it seemed to her that she would look younger and more modern in the eyes of the public and her young spouse.
Besides, everything was complicated by the fact that Demi Moore could not give birth to Kutcher's child. ThatHe loved and wanted children very much, became attached to her girls. Once Demi realized Kutcher wants to have children. And she will never be able to give birth to them. Physically, Demi Moore could still have children, but psychologically she was no longer ready for this. Her last pregnancy ended in tragedy. Their fourth child with Bruce Willis was never born. And the actress was very afraid that she would have to go through it again.
The girl was insanely jealous of her husband, and he saw in her jealousy only maternal care. His mother, when he was seventeen, would not let him hang out with his friends. She tried to control every step just like his wife did now.

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Reason for divorce
Ashton Kutcher started cheating on his wife. For the time being, she turned a blind eye to this, tried to be a wise woman and save her family. For the time being. So it was until one of the girls with whom her husband walked, Martha Leal, did not sell information about the connection with Kutcher to the yellow press. The actress could no longer bear it. So the couple Demi Moore - Ashton Kutcher broke up. The divorce took place in 2011.
Demi and Ashton today
Later, rumors spread that the popular actress began to abuse alcohol and light drugs, antidepressants … Because of these rumors, her role in the LoveLace project fell through. And it was another blow for the fifty-year-old actress. Kutcher's career was on the rise. Demi Moore is depressed. She had to undergo a long course of rehabilitation. Now she looks great againeven found the strength to congratulate her ex-husband, Ashton Kutcher, on the birth of a child that actress Mila Kunis gave him. Kutcher, on the other hand, says that a previous marriage has already taught him how to be a father. After all, he and his wife had to raise three teenage girls. Now he knows what to do when his daughter comes of age.

Demi also starred in new projects after a two-year break. The last filmed films with the participation of the actress are "Abandoned" and "Ovsyug". Now the press is crediting her with an affair with Orlando Bloom.