Recently, Japanese cuisine has come into fashion. And along with it, the traditional oriental table etiquette. Japanese chopsticks have become an indispensable attribute in any restaurant or sushi bar. For us, accustomed to standard forks and spoons, eating rice or rolls with chopsticks is a real wildness. But it's never too late to learn. So, what is the correct way to hold Japanese chopsticks?

A little bit of history…
Japanese chopsticks are an old, traditional instrument used in East Asia. They first appeared in ancient China. Legend has it that they were invented by an ancestor of the Japanese and Chinese named Yu, who was trying to get a piece of fatty meat from a hot and narrow cauldron. The correct name for the sticks is kuaizi or hasi. Initially, they were made of bone, but now wooden, more practical sticks are in demand. Rich people in the Middle Ages could afford to eat from silver utensils to avoid food poisoned by arsenic, as it darkens the precious metal. In Japan and China, sticks were decorated with carvings, jewels, covered with enamel - this was a symbol of we alth. In the East, sticks are a purely personal item that is unacceptable to pass on to other family members or friends. Therefore, restaurants and cafes serve disposable wooden or plastic equivalents - varibashi. As you can see, the history of this cutlery is ancient. So, how to hold Japanese chopsticks correctly? During this time, not only etiquette has become more complicated, but also the rules for using such exotic things.

How to hold Japanese chopsticks correctly?
Restaurants and sushi bars serve hashi together. In order to use them, you need to carefully separate them. The lower part of the chopsticks for sushi is non-working - it is motionless while eating. The upper, dominant hashi is the working one. So, the base of the stick, which is located below, is placed between the index finger and the brush. The thin end is firmly pressed with the upper thumb to the ring finger. At the same time, we hold the working (upper) hashi like a pen and freely manipulate it. Now you know how to properly hold Japanese chopsticks. But do not forget about the rules of etiquette!
Etiquette and Hasi
Japanese restaurants in Moscow offer a huge range of dishes to eat with hashi. After all, Asian cuisine is a whole tradition, previously unknown to us. But knowing how to hold Japanese chopsticks is not enough. You need to follow the basic rules of Japanese etiquette:
- Don't leave hashi or stick them in your food (this is only done at funeral ceremonies).
- Don't lick cutlery - it's topindecency.
- If you deign to touch a piece of food with a chopstick, you must definitely eat it.
- Are you asked by a friend to pass food across the table? Do not under any circumstances do this. This is not accepted in Japan.
- If you hold a hashi in your fist, it means your hostility. Do not play with them or move dishes while eating.
- Don't draw attention to yourself: talk quietly and don't laugh out loud.

A little about traditions
In Japan, every family has special hashi coasters. They are collected and revered. In addition, the ability to eat with Japanese chopsticks is very much appreciated. For example, a competition is held to recruit staff for a hotel or restaurant. Whoever collects beads with chopsticks the fastest can get not only a job, but also an additional bonus. Khasi is a whole culture. Learn how to eat them properly, improve your skills at home, and you will understand why they are so revered in Asia.