A constitutional monarchy is a form of government

A constitutional monarchy is a form of government
A constitutional monarchy is a form of government

In the modern world, there are two main forms of government: the monarchy and the republic. There are two types of monarchy: absolute and constitutional. In the first, power is wholly held by the reigning person or (in the case of a theocratic absolute monarchy) by the spiritual leader. In the second form, everything is a little different. A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which the constitution limits the power of the monarch. In countries with a similar form of government, the executive power belongs to the government, i.e. the cabinet of ministers, and the legislative power belongs to the parliament, which is called in a special way in different countries.

constitutional monarchy is
constitutional monarchy is

Types of constitutional monarchy

A constitutional monarchy is a form of government that can be either dualistic (representative) or parliamentary. In both cases, the monarch has to share his power with the legislature of the country, that is, with the parliament. However, if in the first case the executive power belongs to the king (emperor, sultan, king, prince or duke, etc.), then in the second case the monarch is also deprived of this privilege:executive power is vested in the government, which in turn is accountable to parliament. By the way, the power of the monarch is legally limited: there is a decree according to which no orders of the reigning person can have force until they are countersigned by this or that minister.

The power of the monarch in countries with a constitutional-monarchical form of government

In a dualistic monarchy, ministers are appointed (removed) by the monarch. They are responsible only to him. In the parliamentary appointment of officials is also carried out by the reigning person, however, the members of the government are not accountable to her, but to the parliament. It follows that in states where the form of government is a parliamentary monarchy, the reigning persons practically do not have real power. Any decision, up to personal matters, for example, regarding marriage or, conversely, divorce, the monarch must coordinate with the legislature. As for the legal side, the final signing of laws, the appointment and dismissal of state officials and members of the government, the declaration and termination of wars, etc. - all require his signature and seal. However, without the consent of Parliament, he has no right to act as he considers right. Therefore, a constitutional monarchy is a type of state in which the monarch is not the actual ruler. He is just a symbol of his state. Nevertheless, a strong-willed monarch may well dictate his will to both parliament and government. After all, he is authorized to appoint ministers and other officials, and is also able toinfluence the country's foreign policy.

constitutional monarchies, list
constitutional monarchies, list

Constitutional Monarchies of Europe

In European countries before others there was a transition from absolute to constitutional monarchy. So, for example, in Great Britain it happened in the 17th century. To date, in eleven states of the Old World (Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Great Britain, etc.), the form of government is a constitutional monarchy. This indicates that the peoples of these states did not want to radically change the political system in their countries, completely overthrow the royal power, however, obeying the new realities, they made a peaceful transition from one form of government to another.

constitutional monarchies of Europe
constitutional monarchies of Europe

Constitutional monarchies: list

1. United Kingdom.

2. Belgium.

3. Denmark.

4. Netherlands.

5. Nevis.

6. Jamaica.

7. New Guinea.

8. Norway.

9. Sweden.

10. Spain.

11. Liechtenstein.

12. Luxembourg.

13. Monaco.

14. Andorra.

15. Japan.

16. Cambodia.

17. Lesotho.

18. New Zealand.

19. Malaysia.

20. Thailand.

21. Grenada.

22. Bhutan.

23. Canada.

24. Australia.

25. Saint Kitts.

26. Tonga.

27. Solomon Islands.28. Saint Vincent.
