How long do spiders live? Lifespan of different types of spiders

How long do spiders live? Lifespan of different types of spiders
How long do spiders live? Lifespan of different types of spiders

Most spiders live only a few months, as they have many enemies in the form of various predators, parasites and diseases that kill them long before natural old age. How long do spiders live? Those lucky ones who manage to complete their life cycle live for about a year or more, depending on the species. An interesting fact is that spiders kept in captivity show amazing longevity. Some female tarantulas, for example, can live for over twenty years.

how long do spiders live
how long do spiders live

Spider lifespan varies by species

Some spider species may not reach maturity for several years. Spiders of the genus Sicarius from the desert in South America and Africa can live up to 15 years. Web-spinning spiders generally don't live longer than three years, even under optimal environmental conditions.

big spiders
big spiders

How long do spiders live? Mostly about a year, with five or six months often spent in the egg stage. However, some tarantulas can live as long as twenty years. There are cases in history when single representatives in captivity lived to be thirty years old. And tropicaljumping spiders live for about three months or less.

nature spiders
nature spiders

Spiders: habitat

When asking where spiders live, it's better to ask where they don't live. They are able to live almost anywhere and that is why they are one of the most diverse living creatures in the world. The only place in the world where these fearsome insects are not found is Antarctica.

male spider
male spider

That's what nature ordered - spiders were able to evolve to such an extent that they can do without water for a long time and live in a very dry and hot climate. They can survive in the harshest conditions imaginable. They get water from their food sources. These living creatures are considered terrestrial as they almost always live on land. They can be found on trees, plants, grass and so on.


These are fairly versatile organisms that can live anywhere. They can go almost unnoticed and blend in well with their natural surroundings. Some species live along the shores of lakes, ponds and other bodies of water, not because they need water, such a habitat provides them with the necessary shelter and food sources.


What do spiders need in a human house?

Spiders don't need much - some free space and food. Despite the fact that they prefer mess and clutter, they can still be found in clean and well-ventilated areas. In houses and apartmentsSpider people prefer cooler and darker areas, most often wall corners in closets, toilets, hallways, on balconies, behind cabinets, and so on.


The ideal habitat is the lack of wildlife, as captivity increases their lifespan. However, it depends on how they are taken care of. After all, a person can also pose a certain threat to domestic spiders.

the biggest spiders
the biggest spiders

The biggest spiders in the world

One of the largest spiders in the world is the Brazilian Wandering Spider, with a paw span of 15 cm. It is not the largest spider in the world, but its poison is deadly. A worthy place among the giants is occupied by the so-called Camel Spider, with which the myth is associated that it feeds on camels and even people. However, in reality this is not the case. It is also called a scorpion, as it looks like it. In length, the Camel Spider reaches about 15 cm. The Brazilian giant reddish-red tarantula is one of the largest in the world. The male spider is usually smaller than the female, which can have a leg span of up to 26 cm.

big spiders
big spiders

The rarest spider in the world is the Hercules Baboon. This huge spider has an approximately 20 cm leg span, however, since 1900, not a single representative of this species has been seen. Despite his name, Hercules does not eat baboons, his favorite treat has always been insects.


Colombian giant black tarantula can reach 23 cm. This intimidating black spider has brownish hairs and reddish markings on its body. This seemingly extremely aggressive devourer is completely harmless to humans.

how long does a spider live
how long does a spider live

How long does the world's largest spider live?

The list of "The largest spiders in the world" is headed by the Goliath tarantula. As the name suggests, this spider is large enough to feed on birds. The body length of the Goliath reaches 10 cm, and its powerful fangs grow up to 2.5 cm. Its bite is not fatal to humans, but severe pain, nausea and profuse sweating are guaranteed. Its distinguishing feature is the hissing sound it can make with its paws.


How long do goliath spiders live? Males live an average of 9 years, while 14 years is the average age for a female of the largest spider in the world. When answering the question of how long spiders live, an interesting pattern is revealed: on average, females live longer than their partners, for example, one of the most dangerous spiders on the planet, the Black Widow, lives for about 5 years. For obvious reasons, males live much less.
