What is "vivat": definition and origin

What is "vivat": definition and origin
What is "vivat": definition and origin

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Every cultured person should say "Hello" when meeting with friends and friends. Thus, he welcomes them. It is customary for the military to say "I wish you good he alth." These expressions have a common origin. Other languages also have similar words. For example, the Latin "vivat".


what is viva
what is viva

You can find out what "vivat" is in any explanatory dictionary. Each of them gives roughly the same definition. The stress in the word is placed on the second syllable. If you open a punctuation guide, you can find information there that an interjection is separated by a comma if used next to animate nouns. When it is combined with inanimate objects or with words in the dative case, a punctuation mark is not needed.

What is "vivat" in Latin? In translation, it means "long live". In Russia, this word became widespread in the eighteenth century. This expression is commonly used as a wish for prosperity and success. It is considered obsolete, but some people still often use it in theirlexicon.


viva it
viva it

From time immemorial, Russian soldiers on the battlefields said "cheers", later replacing it with "vivat". Thus, they raised their morale, urged themselves and others to the maximum concentration of strength and attention. This is a kind of motivation for action. What is "vive"? The word is an enthusiastic exclamation, carrying positive emotions.

However, Peter the Great disapproved of this expression (cheers). Some sources report that the emperor even forbade the use of it at all under pain of death. He considered such a cry inappropriate, sowing panic in the ranks of the fighters.

Instead of "cheers" Peter proposed to introduce "vivat". This made the Russian army similar to the European one. After some time, they began to greet with a word not only the commanders, but also the royal family. Then the expression was used quite widely for a long period. Less common at the moment.

Thus, we got the answer to the question of what "vivat" is. This is both a magnificent greeting, and a wish of he alth, and an analogue of the cry "Hurrah".
