Zaporizhzhya NPP: radiation leak in 2014

Zaporizhzhya NPP: radiation leak in 2014
Zaporizhzhya NPP: radiation leak in 2014

Before the world had time to recover from the major nuclear disaster that occurred at Chernobyl in 1986, the media were full of new reports of the accident. This time, the topic of discussion was the Zaporizhzhya NPP. It is also located in Ukraine, not far from the city of Energodar, on the banks of the Kakhovka reservoir and is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.

First posts

zaporozhye nuclear power plant
zaporozhye nuclear power plant

Most recently, the media reported that on December 28, 2014, at 19:24, the third power unit of the Zaporozhye NPP was disconnected. This happened due to the operation of the generator protection against internal damage. However, the "Maidan authorities" hastened to reassure people, saying that the accident was not dangerous, and there was no point in worrying in vain. But the facts show that criminal experiments were carried out at the nuclear power plant, and possibly a special sabotage, which had been developed since the beginning of the summer of 2014. Concerned residents of Zaporozhye were the first to start talking aboutsocial media crashes. They wrote that a second Chernobyl had happened in their country. The Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant has not yet emitted radiation, nevertheless, both the inhabitants of Ukraine and the mass media of Western countries note that Kyiv is trying to hide the accident, as it happened in the USSR with Chernobyl.

Strange reaction of the Ukrainian authorities

As it became known, just a few days before the accident occurred at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, iodine-containing medicines began to be distributed in the settlements located near the plant. This was reported by Luxembourg intelligence. At first, the information was linked to the fact that there could be threats from nuclear power plants located in France. But still, the coincidences of such a plan lead to the conclusion that they prepared for the disaster in advance, and Europe knew about it. For example, as soon as the headlines "Zaporozhye NPP" flashed in the media, the accident at which was described as an explosion, Kyiv immediately reacted by blocking the Ukrainian nuclear forum on the Internet. Immediately after this, an emergency power outage was carried out in Odessa due to a shortage of capacities caused by the shutdown of the third power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP.

Cause of the accident

Zaporozhye nuclear power plant accident
Zaporozhye nuclear power plant accident

The main reason for the failures, world experts and experienced nuclear scientists call the replacement of Russian fuel cells with American ones at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant. It is assumed that the United States deliberately prepared a second Chernobyl, and the new authorities of Kyiv, dancing to the American tune, agree to everything, the main thing is that they be paid, and Russiawhile losing money. For example, the use of Westinghouse nuclear fuel at the South Ukrainian NPP almost led to an accident in 2012. Then the country suffered losses amounting to 175 million dollars. And in 2014, the Zaporizhzhya NPP did not need to replace fuel elements, because in the first half of the year Ukraine was provided with Russian fuel in the amount of 339 million dollars. However, in order to "annoy" Russia, the Kyiv authorities are ready to sacrifice their own country and people.

Second cause of the nuclear accident

radiation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant
radiation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant

Again, the United States was involved. As you know, at the beginning of June, under the conditions of increased secrecy, the Zaporizhzhya NPP received American "tourists". At the same time, the power plant personnel were sent on vacation, and for several days the workers did not know what overseas experts were doing at the second power unit. Hence, there were grounds to believe that the Zaporozhye NPP was handed over to curators from the United States for illegal experiments. The bet was made on the fact that during the offensive of the Russian army, an explosion of a nuclear power plant would be carried out in order to later shift the blame on the Russians. However, this information became public, and the Ukrainian authorities changed tactics. What happened at the power units in the fall of 2014 remains a mystery. Some media reports that the accident is the result of an unsuccessful sabotage or undermining a pre-laid projectile. Whatever the reason, the accident happened. And the Ukrainian authorities are still reassuring their people, despite the fact that the radiation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant exceedsadmissible norm in 16 times! And this suggests that for Kyiv, the threat to the life and he alth of its citizens is not an obstacle to the continuation of nuclear experiments in the country and a possible catastrophe.
