Where Ivan-tea grows in Ukraine and Russia

Where Ivan-tea grows in Ukraine and Russia
Where Ivan-tea grows in Ukraine and Russia

Perhaps no other plant is as popular among the people as fireweed. Where Ivan-chai grass grows, probably, not only the villagers know, but also the townspeople who go out into nature. Why do you love the plant so much? Why is there such an interest in him? These and some other questions will be answered in the article.

Plant name

Ivan-tea and narrow-leaved fireweed are the two most common names for this representative of the flora. But in those places where Ivan-tea grows, other names are often assigned to it. It depends on the region, traditions, customs associated with tea drinking, the collection of medicinal raw materials, the level of development of traditional medicine.

fireweed Ivan tea where it grows
fireweed Ivan tea where it grows

In this regard, about twenty names of the herb we are considering are known today. And each of them is justified. Wild hemp, skripun-plakun, firefighter, Kolorsky-Kuril tea, khrypnyak, Ivanov tea, wild violet, mother liquor - this is only a small part of the list of names of the same plant.

Growing places

Fire fires are the mostcommon places where Ivan tea grows. He "settles" here one of the first, when other plants can not yet adapt to the new conditions of existence. But as the conflagrations overgrow with trees and shrubs, Ivan Chai is dying out.

Sparse forests and their edges, hillsides, clearings, clearings, dry peat bogs, sandstones are also favorite places of fireweed. Thickets of wild raspberries are sure to attract Ivan Chai.

where the grass ivan tea grows
where the grass ivan tea grows

Where does this grass grow in Russia? The answer to the question is not difficult, since the plant is found everywhere. But it has received the greatest distribution in the strip of coniferous and mixed forests of Siberia and the European part of the mainland. Ivan-tea is especially popular among the local population.

Photos (where this amazing plant grows in Ukraine, not all Ukrainians know) confirm that the favorite place of fireweed is the mountainous regions of Transcarpathia. But the timing of the collection of leaves to obtain high-quality tea is very limited here. This is due to natural conditions - dry weather is suitable for harvesting, and during the flowering of willow-tea, the rainy season falls and abundant precipitation grew.

The seeds of the plant are carried by the wind over long distances and remain viable for many years. This circumstance contributes to the widespread distribution of fireweed not only in Russia and Ukraine, but throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Description of the plant

Ivan-tea belongs to perennial herbaceous plants of the fireweed family. Its height can be from 50 to 150centimeters, it all depends on the growing conditions. Attractive flowers that appear in July-August. They are pink-lilac in color, collected in large inflorescences, located at the top of the stem. In autumn, instead of a flower, fluffy fruits similar to pods-boxes are formed. The leaves are long, narrow, with short petioles.

Ivan tea photo where it grows in Ukraine
Ivan tea photo where it grows in Ukraine

Using a plant

In those places where willow-tea grows, people have long used it for various purposes, so the plant can be called universal. Medicine, cosmetology, cooking, beekeeping, human life - these are the areas where the amazing grass was used.

Fireweed is distinguished by the fact that a person has learned to use all parts of the plant. The roots are eaten raw and cooked. They also make decoctions and infusions. In some cultures, the roots were used to make flour. In certain proportions, it was mixed with wheat flour and baked bread.

Different types of drinks are prepared from fireweed leaves. They can also be used in dishes as a substitute for white cabbage.

From the stems of the plant, after special processing, strong ropes used in everyday life are obtained. The fluff formed after flowering is used instead of cotton wool, and also as stuffing for pillows. This is how Ivan-tea was widely used. The photo (where this universal plant grows, we have already discussed) allows you to get additional information about it.

It is also worth adding that among individual entrepreneurs there are many who opened lines todayfor the production of tea from fireweed leaves. Using special equipment and the secrets of beverage production technology, they get good results. This enables consumers to enjoy a drink with amazing properties.

Ivan tea photo where it grows
Ivan tea photo where it grows

Healing properties

In those places where Ivan-tea grows, few of the locals doubt its healing properties. Since ancient times, the plant has been used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Ivan-tea is prescribed to normalize the blood formula, metabolic processes. Drinks made from fireweed increase the amount of breast milk in nursing mothers. In addition, Ivan-tea has a diuretic, choleretic, laxative effect.

Preparations based on fireweed can have an antioxidant effect. Such drugs are included in the program aimed at restoring the body after courses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

The data of modern research aimed at studying the chemical composition of parts of the plant may explain the positive effect that those who consume willow tea get.

Collect terms

What rules should be followed when picking fireweed (willow-herb)?

where Ivan tea grows
where Ivan tea grows

Where the plant grows is the first thing you should pay attention to. Only those specimens that grow in ecologically clean areas are suitable for collection.

Excluded collection near railways,highways, industrial enterprises. The highest quality raw materials are those collected on the slopes of the mountains.

It is necessary to stock up on medicinal herbs during active flowering. But first, it is desirable to "collect a dossier" on this representative of the plant world. First, you need to know exactly what the grass looks like so as not to confuse the desired stalk with other "relatives". It will help you figure out what Ivan tea looks like, photo. "Where does fireweed grow?" - item number 2 on the list of pressing questions for a novice herbalist. But it is not enough to know its habitat. Information regarding the time of grass flowering is very important. In the southern regions, this period falls on June-July. In the north - for August-September.

In addition, the collection is excluded in rainy weather and grew during the fall. Due to this, in some regions, the collection of willow-tea is greatly reduced.

Today, an active revival of the old Russian traditions associated with tea drinking, the use of not overseas plants, but those that grow in the Motherland, in our case, in Russia, is planned. Ivan-chai is not the last place here. A drink brewed with herbs is not only tasty, but also extremely he althy.
