This predator stands out from other felines. Unlike their closest relatives, lions live in a pride and cooperate with each other. Such a family has its own structure and follows certain rules.
Lion pack structure
A pride is a group of lions with several females and one or two males. Sometimes such a family consists only of females. Sometimes a full-fledged flock can have about 40 goals. But usually much less.

Everyone lives in the same territory, the size of which mainly depends on the number of heads in the family and the amount of food. On average, it occupies 50 square meters. km. The lion pride is a structure in which each beast has its own position. Animals that live in the savannah adhere to a certain routine from generation to generation. Males protect the territory of the pride from hyenas, cheetahs and other predators. Females go hunting, providing for the whole family. But some lion communities that live in other parts of the Earth may have a completely different structure. Each animal gets its own food, and they gather in flocks only during the rutting season.
Pride Kings
Each flock has its ownleader. If there are only females in the family, then their head is dead. The leader may be challenged by a young lion to take his position. At this point there is a fight. Usually the leaders last only three years, after which they are overthrown by stronger lions. In such families, females spend their entire lives, but the growing males eventually (after a couple of years) leave the flock. Two brothers can live together all their lives. "Friends" are looking for a new pride, in which one of them is trying to take the place of the leader.

Lion cubs
Pride is a place where lion cubs can appear at any time of the year. To do this, the couple moves away from the rest of the family at a distance. Returning, the female bears babies for about 100 days. For childbirth, the cat chooses a secluded place, often in the bushes. Usually 3-5 kittens are born. Until a certain time, the mother takes care of the offspring on her own, but at the same time she does not lose touch with the pride, calling to him with a roar. A month and a half later, she introduces the cubs to their family. All members of the pack take care of the babies, and this is really important, because fragile kittens have many enemies, from which only the pride can protect. An eagle or a predatory beast can steal and tear babies.

Life in the family
During the hot daytime hours, the family prefers to relax. After eating, all the inhabitants of the flock rest in one place. Pride is a convenient structure from which all members benefit. Females are protected, males are fed. It is interesting that lions competently dominate their possessions. All animals that are on the territory of the pride belong only to him. But at the same time, lions will never kill an extra animal. They clearly know how much they need to feed themselves. They also control the birth rate of offspring. If there is enough food, lions can bring kittens more often, if there is hunger around, they will not have babies.
On the hunt
The pride of lions knows how much food is needed to feed themselves. For example, for a family of four cats a week, it is enough to catch one zebra. Toward evening, the lionesses begin to hunt. Surprisingly, zebras or other ungulates feel that predators are about to "dine." After all, when the lions just rest, the animals do not scatter from them, but calmly graze. The cat lets out a strong growl to panic its prey. Frightened ungulates flee from danger, falling into the clutches of other members of the pride, who are hiding in another part of the clearing. Usually the whole hunt is led by an old predator who stands aside, making barely audible sounds to his friends. But sometimes even such cunning tricks may fail, because ungulates are distinguished by agility and speed.

Lion Roar
Those who have heard the roar of a lion understand how impressive and at the same time terrifying phenomenon. At night, this powerful sound can be heard at a distance of 8 kilometers. But why do lions roar? Pride is a family in which all members not only cooperate, but also communicate, give signals to each other. This way they can maintain their social connection. The important thing is that the distance they can serve eachother sound "alerts", much more than the human ear hears. The lion always puts meaning into his roar. In addition, both males and females make sounds. But the lioness sounds a little weaker and higher in tone.
Also, lions are not always together, they can roam their territory. On the borders, a predator often encounters enemy prides, and if he does not recognize someone else's roar, he will be taken by surprise. Lions from a strange family are able to bite a stranger to death. Therefore, the roar for this predator is vital. Lions can use their sounds to notify that the area is occupied and guarded. Thanks to this, young, immature single males can safely wait out the time of loneliness and formation and avoid a skirmish with the dominant lion of the formed pride.