The calm charm of Russian nature is best felt near small rivers. Gently sloping shores, dense and picturesque coastal growth, bird noise and an unexpected splash of frolicking fish… Such a picture can be observed literally throughout Russia. To do this, you do not need to go on a long journey - just drive a few tens of kilometers from any city. Lopasnya flows not far from Moscow - a river on the banks of which you can organize a wonderful family vacation and educational local history excursions.
General information
For each body of water, you can issue a personal passport. Our heroine is no exception to this rule.

Birthplace unknown. Either underground keys, or a small reservoir near the village of Epiphany in the territory of New Moscow (Trinity administrative district).
Length - 108 km. The width of the channel in certain areas is 50 meters. The bottom mark drops to four meters. The size of the basin (the area on which the catchment is made) is 1090 sq. km.
Age unknown. But archaeological expeditions on its shores found artifacts that date back to the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 2nd century BC. e. It is possible that already in the era of the developed Neolithic, the Lopasnya River slowly rolled its waters.
Journey through the history of the region
For lovers of history and archeology, traveling by water is a great opportunity to indulge in your favorite hobby without having to travel far from home. To do this, you need to visit the source of the river. Lopasnya begins its course in an interesting place - the village of Epiphany. It got its name from the church, which was built in 1733 by the landowner Ostafiev. In the middle of the 19th century, the old wooden temple was rebuilt in the style of early classicism. In this form, he survived to the present.

Another place a traveler should visit is the Dyakovo settlement near the village of Talezh (now the settlement of Barantsevo). Archaeologists have established that people have lived in it since the 8th century BC. e. Many finds of prehistoric household utensils, animal figurines, hunting and fishing tools allow us to conclude that life in the settlement was in full swing for many centuries.
Another Scam
In the mouth, not far from the junction with the Oka, there was an ancient Russian city on the river that has not survived to this day. Lopasnya - such a name could be given to their settlement by the B altic tribes, and later by the Vyatichi, who lived on these lands. There is a version that the name itself comes from the B altic word loba (lobas). This term refers to the course of a river. In the 12th century there wasan outpost of the Chernihiv principality on the borders of Vladimir Rus. The mixture of two cultures had a significant impact on the development of the coastal territory - the Slavs learned from the B altics the customs of erecting burial mounds and circular fences. They wore a lot of jewelry and adopted the customs of funeral rites.
The first documentary evidence of the existence of ancient Lopasnya is the Ipatiev Chronicle (1175). The settlement is mentioned in the letters of Ivan Kalita and Dmitry Donskoy. On these lands, Russian squads wade across the Oka on their way to the Kulikovo field. The city was destroyed by the army of Khan Tokhtamysh in 1382. In its place, near the village of Makarovka, there is an archaeological site dedicated to the disappeared ancient settlement.
Lopasnya again (revival and continuation)
Later on the banks of the river, not far from the ruined ancient city, a new settlement arose - the village of Lopasnya. In 1954, it received the status of a city, and the memory of the great Russian writer A. P. Chekhov was immortalized in its name. Chekhov's estate in the village of Melehovo is located a 15-minute drive from the city railway station. Many innovations are associated with his name in these parts, which the Lopasnya river of the Chekhov region remembers. Both the district and the city itself cannot be imagined separately from the historical events that accompanied the life and work of the writer.

Thanks to the labors and efforts of Anton Pavlovich, fast courier trains began to stop at the railway station (1894). The first post office began to workdepartment (1896), which now houses the museum of Chekhov's letters. What about the villages of Novoselki and Talezh? As you know, Chekhov built schools for peasant children in them. As a physician, he visited many coastal villages. And he often came to the Davydov Pustyn Monastery, located on a high river bank, in order to admire the magnificent beauty of the local nature.
Reflection of literature and art
The attraction of the Chekhov region lies in the large concentration of famous names associated with such a colorful name - Lopasnya. The river has given shelter near its waters to many famous people. One of the most interesting places is the estate "Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye", which was owned by the descendants of the noble boyar family of the Vasilchikovs.

Pyotr Lanskoy was a relative of the owners of this estate. In 1844 he married the widow of A. S. Pushkin - Natalya Nikolaevna. Both Goncharova herself and the heirs of the great poet were frequent guests at the estate. In 1905, the last representative of the Vasilchikov family died. Since that time, the estate began to belong to the descendants of Pushkin, and it was called the "Goncharov House". Here, in 1917, they found a handwritten copy of the author's "History of Peter" - the last work of A. S. Pushkin.
The name of Pyotr Mikhailovich Eropkin (1698–1740), an outstanding architect and builder, is associated with Lopasnia, according to whose designs many buildings in St. Petersburg were built. Another famous and talented person was born in the village of Venyukovo - sculptor and graphic artist G. D. Alekseev (1881–1951).
Lopasnya attracts guests to its shores not only because of its historical past. The river and its tributaries are an indispensable place for a quiet and cozy family holiday. Wonderful nature, excellent ecology and convenient transport location have made the river banks a favorite leisure spot for many citizens.

Lovers of rural recreation appreciated the offers of small boarding houses that are located along the entire course of the river. One of them is the Peshkovo estate, which is located on an unnamed tributary of the Lopasnya. Boats and catamarans, billiards and paintball - for the convenience of vacationers, the most comfortable conditions have been created. And no one doubts whether it is possible to swim in the river. Lopasnya carries its clear waters away from the industrial, urbanized world. There can be no complete rest without swimming in its clean and calm course. It's amazing how such pristine and friendly places have been preserved at a distance of less than 100 km from Moscow.
No tail, no scales
Rods and spinning rods are a hobby and passion of a large number of people. In anticipation of a good catch and delicious fish soup, they are ready to go to the ends of the world. Not to mention such a trifle as a small car ride. It will take about two hours of travel for the Lopasnya River to open its bins. Fishing in these places has a good reputation among avid anglers. Roach, chub, bleak seem to be waiting for experienced fishermen, moving lazily in a leisurely current. But the dream of every real lover of fishing is pike. For thistrophies, many are ready to sit for hours on the river bank.

In order to successfully go fishing, you will have to move away from the densely populated Moscow region. The most popular fishing grounds are the section from the dam in Kubasovo to the Oka, into which the Lopasnya flows. Although regular visitors to these places know that the section of the stream below Turov is a spawning area in which fishing during the spawning period is prohibited.
Extreme on small rivers
Who said that for active water recreation it is necessary to go to mountain and dangerous rivers? Real adventures can be found without moving a long distance from the centers of civilization. And the release of adrenaline into the blood of lovers of water travel can be guaranteed to organize even a small and outwardly calm Lopasnya. The river seems to lure tourists with its leisurely and imposing course.
The measured and somewhat relaxing nature of the alloy changes after the dam, which is in Kubasovo. The water becomes narrow and fast. Rifts, on which you will have to show remarkable strength and dexterity, shoals, clamps, blockages … A certain difficulty is introduced into the passage of the route by the threshold that has come from nowhere on a flat river. If any of the tourists took rafting lessons in their lives, this knowledge and experience will come in handy on the route along Lopasna. Few were lucky enough to reach the junction with the Oka. But the beauty of the picturesque shores more than compensates for all the difficulties and difficulties of such a journey.
Proximity totransport infrastructure contributes to the development of organized tourism in Lopasna. Getting to the starting point of the hike is not difficult. One of the routes runs from the village of Semenovskoye to the ancient Khatuni, which in the 13th century was a city in the Ryazan principality. The village of Semenovskoye is the former estate of Count Vladimir Orlov. Some outbuildings of the manor's estate have survived to this day. After crossing the river on the bridge, after 7-8 km you can see another estate of the Orlovs - Nerastannoye. The majestic grove of century-old lindens is all that has been preserved of it.

Along the bends of the river bed, bypassing Avdotino and Beketovo, tourists continue their journey through Lopasna. They will have to pass the ponds, which in former times served for breeding fish and gave the name to the nearest village - Prudno. The river industry is still flourishing here. Therefore, local residents always answer in the affirmative to the question: “Is it possible to eat fish from the river?” Since ancient times, the Lopasna has fed everyone who has been on its shores.
The end of the route is the village of Khatun, which was once an important commercial and industrial center. It was engaged in weaving and pottery. The products of butchers, bakers and scarf printers were dispersed throughout the district by waterways. Of the historical sights, the ancient settlement, protected by a cliff and an earthen rampart, has been preserved.
Together with the end of the hiking tour around Lopasna, we can sum up our story. Russian river, which is very similar tomany of its other sisters, as in a mirror, reflected in its waters the entire historical period of development of the territory adjacent to it. Wars and raids, the flourishing of trade and industry, the rise or fall of cities, and the lives of people.

More than 40 settlements stand on the banks of Lopasna. Three dozen large and small tributaries flow into it in order to carry their waters together to the Oka. Picturesque banks, convenient location, excellent rest among native nature - small rivers of Russia offer great tourist opportunities.