Yangantau is a mountain, climbing which, according to old-timers, you can feel the burning of the earth under your feet. 300 years ago, the name of the place sounded like Karakosh-Tau, or Mount Berkutov. Now the name of this place is synonymous with the word "burning".
One of the many pluses is the healing properties of Yangantau. The mountain is the point where you can get healing mud.
This place is connected with Chelyabinsk by M5 - a route passing through the Gornozavodsk Territory. To get here, you need to pass Ust-Katav and Zlatoust, turn towards Kropachevo, and then there will be only 40 km separating the traveler and the destination. Then you can climb to Yangantau.
The mountain is famous for its spring called Kurgazak. Nearby there is Kuselyarovo - a village where you can get medical treatment with hydrogen sulfide.

Discovery history
The legend of Mount Yangantau says that a shepherd who spent the night here discovered wonderful healing properties. He settled down for the night, crawling under the root of an old tree. Suddenly, steam rose from the ground. So even during the cold season it was quite warm here.
In addition, earlier the person had pain in the limbs,which began to disappear. He told about this to his friends, who also began to visit this place. Mount Yangantau in Bashkiria was crowned with a statue depicting this same shepherd who discovered this miracle.
In our time, the statue is being restored. They built a hospital, which quickly gained wide popularity. The buildings are modern, comfortable, the roads are covered with asph alt. At a depth of 60 m, a huge cauldron boils in the depths of the soil, allowing people to heal numerous and serious ailments.

Scientific observations
Mount Yangantau was also explored by PS Pallas, a famous Russian explorer. He carried out an expedition here with his companions and described the local nature. In the spring of 1770, they moved along the Yuryuzan River. In the evening, it seemed that a giant cloud of steam, a couple of arshins high, was accumulating around the hill.
The scientist also learned from local residents that 12 years before his arrival, a lightning struck a pine tree, which burned it to the very roots. The fire spread to the mountain and ignited it from the inside. More fundamental research began in the second half of the 19th century Yangantau.
Mountain has been the subject of more than a hundred scientific papers and papers, which contained theories regarding the origin of the amazing features of this place. In fact, the exact answer has not yet been given.

Theories of emergence
Yangantau is a mountain called "burning" in the Bashkir language. Counts,that she might be a dormant volcano. It has not been established what substances are bubbling inside, and whether they may be dangerous for the local population in the future.
At a depth of 70 m there is a core of thermal type, the temperature of which reaches 400 °C. There are cracks on the surface through which the gas penetrates to the outside. There they are intercepted by wells of steam hospitals. Closer to the top, the air is hot, while in other places it is dry. The reason for this is still of interest to researchers.
In winter, more activity of combustion processes begins than in summer. It is impossible to drill to great depths here, because this creates a risk of disturbing the natural balance and completely attenuating the mountain.
Medical use
Treatment of people here began in 1940. At first, the technique was reduced to burying a person in the ground cover and spending some time in the steam pits, sitting on stools. Around 1935, wooden barracks were already in use.
Today, having arrived here, you can see a modern-type sanatorium with all amenities. Mount Yangantau has been groomed and cleaned. Photos can show what excellent conditions are created here. Even the slopes are monitored very closely. On them you can go down to the bank of Yuryuzan.
The air itself here is useful and healing, just like water. A little earlier, heating was carried out using the energy of mountain bowels. Piped water also has healing mineral properties. You can drink it, cook food on it, wash clothes and wash dishes. The local nature is extremely generous.
Recent studies have been donesource Kurgazak, which showed that its liquid belongs to the group of Caucasian mineral waters. It contains manganese and useful iron, elements of zinc and phosphorus, silicon, molybdenum and much more, along with healing microflora. Due to this composition, the substance is called alive.

Healing water
Although the size of the mountain is small, its glory is truly great. In Kuselyarovo, where you can get by following the Yuryuzan, there is a lake with hydrogen sulfide. Even in cold weather with a temperature of minus 40, it is not subject to freezing. The water is slightly s alty, not only people, but also animals like to quench their thirst with it. Such a liquid can cure ocular trachoma. At a distance of one and a half kilometers there are springs spouting from the ground.
These places are truly unique, because, going outside, the water reacts with atmospheric air and may lose its beneficial properties, so you need to be treated on the spot.
Lake mud will not be as effective if you take it to the right place for a long time. Sapropels are also found here - ancient marine deposits. There is a theory put together by one of the local historians of these lands, which says that in hoary antiquity there was a global cataclysm, which became a factor in the emergence of the wonderful properties of this place. So the useful objects here are inextricably linked with each other.

Sanatorium complex
The local resort is named after the mountain. Around the true beauty, which is provided by the Ural Mountains. Height of the sanatoriumabove sea level - 413 m. Founded in 1937. On the site of the he alth resort you can find comprehensive information regarding its procedures and treatment programs, as well as accommodation and accommodation. The Ministry of He alth oversees this point, which operates throughout the year. The maximum number of people living within its walls at a time is 840. Any person from the age of 4 can undergo a treatment course. Families often come here.
Wells are both artificial and natural. You can take a thermal bath, which affects he alth in many ways. Pain and inflammation are relieved, muscle tone improves, and joints become more mobile. Improves microcirculation in the internal organs, gas exchange of tissues and blood, homeostasis. Activity rises. Steam-saturated gases are also used, in which there are ions of more than thirty useful components.

So this region is a real treasure, thanks to which everyone can make their life longer, he althier and more enjoyable. The staff of the sanatorium is ready to accept any person who comes here in any of the seasons.