The word "picket" what does it mean?

The word "picket" what does it mean?
The word "picket" what does it mean?

Today, the word "picket" is used very often in speech. What does it mean? It turns out that this lexical unit has a lot of meanings.

Translation of "picket"

It is interesting that it came to us from France, although at first glance it seems quite even native, primordially Russian. And the meaning of the word "picket" in French is "count".

People involved in cartography, land measurements, excavations, geodetic surveys and other similar activities are often forced to put certain marks on the ground. It is most convenient to use pegs for these purposes. So they first began to be called pickets. Then the distance marking points on railway lines and highways, gas and oil pipelines, as well as power lines with a step of 100 meters began to be called pickets.

The transfer of the meaning of "mark" relative to other objects made it possible to call a notch with a file on metal structures. A point marked with a marker or indelible paint on concrete, metal or polymer insulation is also a picket.

What is an outpost and guard?

If you go back in time, even before the 19th century, then field guards in the army and outposts will appear in your mind's eye. In works about those times, you can read: “We met along the waypicket . What is it, what are we talking about? It turns out that the author is referring to a patrol patrolling a stretch of road or territory.

Piquet game

What is a card game, everyone understands. And one of them in the past was a picket. The point of the game was to score the agreed number of points as soon as possible. The first mention of a card picket dates back to the middle of the fourteenth century. True, then the game was called ronfle or cent. It received its modern name much later.

pivet what is
pivet what is

Small group protest

People who took to the streets, driven by a common idea to draw the attention of others to the riots, illegality or immorality of someone's actions, picket. That's what they call their movement. Usually pickets are quite legal in nature, since they do not cause destruction. Although picketers may well disrupt traffic on the roads or stop the work of a plant or factory.

the meaning of the word picket
the meaning of the word picket

Often such events try to put before the company's management burning pressing issues related to living and working conditions. Sometimes the protesters try to draw the attention of others to the condition of the roads, the attitude of people towards the homeless and animals. There were even pickets fighting for the cleanliness of the environment, directed against the use of profanity in speech.
