Voronezh is a million-plus city with beautiful architecture and many attractions. Here you can have a great time visiting theaters and cinemas, monuments, exhibitions and galleries. Museums of Voronezh fully reflect the history and culture of the city, the list of addresses of which is in the article.

Cultural and historical we alth of the region
This city is called the cultural center of the Russian Chernozem region. The history of the region has several millennia. During this period, many works of art, folk art, ancient artifacts and historical documents were collected here. All these values are carefully classified and carefully preserved by the museums of Voronezh. The list of all exhibits has several hundred thousand names. Many of them are masterpieces of not only national but also global significance.
In total, there are more than twenty exposition galleries in the city, some of them are unique. For example, the archaeological reserve in Kostenki - places of ancient sites, or "Divnogorie" - the pearl of this region.
Next, we list all the museums of Voronezh. The list is impressive. A brief description of the largest complexes is also given. When choosing a route around the city, tourists should definitely visit them.

Museums of the city of Voronezh: list
1. The regional museum of local lore was opened in September 1894, it has more than 170 thousand exhibits. The most valuable among them are collections of weapons, unique orders and medals, rare books, porcelain and ceramics, numismatics and philately, and ethnographic items. Address of the main building: Plekhanovskaya street, 29. The complex also has branches:
- A. L. Durov's house-museum (Durova street, house 2);
- Museum of the Great Patriotic War "Arsenal" (Stepan Razin Street, 43);
- "History of the Creation of the Russian Fleet" (Revolution Avenue, 22).
2. The Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after I. N. Kramskoy was founded in 1933. An ancient and incredibly valuable part of the museum's collection is the unique engravings of the Petrine era. Address of the complex: Revolution Ave., 18.
3. "Museum-Diorama" opened its doors to visitors only in 2000, but has already won popular love and recognition. The purpose of the creation is the collection and preservation of objects and documents of the military history of the Russian Federation and the Voronezh region, the patriotic education of youth. Located on Leninsky Prospekt, 94.
4. The Kostenki Museum-Reserve was established in 1991 on the basis of archaeological excavations and research work carried out in the city and its environs for more than 130 years. Address: Voronezh region,Khokholsky district, with. Bones.
5. Museum-Reserve "Divnogorie" was founded in 1988 in the open air. This natural architectural and archaeological complex is one of the most famous sights of the Voronezh region. Located in the Liskinsky district near the farm Divnogorie.

Literary heritage
Describing the museums of Voronezh (the list is quite long), it is necessary to recall the Voronezh Regional Literary Museum named after I. Nikitin. It was founded in October 1924 in order to preserve the memory of the great Voronezh poet. Located on st. Nikitinskaya, 19. It is a structural part of the Voronezh Regional Literary Museum, which includes the following branches:
- D. Venevitinov's estate-museum (Ramonsky district, Novozhivotinoe village);
- apartment-museum Mordasova (Lenin Square, building 9, apartment 32);
- Tyurin's house (Nikitinskaya street, 22).
Also popular is the Yesenin Folk Museum on Karl Marx Street, 112.
List continued
It will be interesting to visit other museums of Voronezh. The list of them can be continued: the museum of entertaining sciences "Einsteinium", the museum of zoological, geology, archeology, history of folk education of the region, folk art, sports and books. Very popular is the "House of Svarog" - a collection of artifacts of pagan and Slavic culture. Museums of fires and theatrical puppets are unusual.