Decoration is The meaning of the word in different interpretations

Decoration is The meaning of the word in different interpretations
Decoration is The meaning of the word in different interpretations

Language is a dynamic system that is constantly evolving. And this process continues as long as the people live - its bearer. Some of its components are destined to die, others - to be constantly updated. It often happens that words from another get into one language. This mixture gives a special sonority and variety of speech. Each person has his own lexical dictionary in stock, which he uses every day. Some words die or remain obsolete, which are used by writers and poets to give the atmosphere of the time in which the written work takes the reader. One of these words is the word "decoration".

word decoration
word decoration

Meaning of the word

In Ushakov's dictionary, decoration is something that serves as a decoration for something, or an external setting.

Ozhegov's dictionary interprets the word somewhat differently. According to him, decoration is not only furnishings, but also clothing and attire. In this sense, the poet Alexander Blok used it in his work. In one of his works, the forest was adorned with leaves. In this case, we are talking more about the figurative meaning of the word when describing the beauty of the autumn forest.

It is always worth considering the setting for which the word was applied. If athe text refers to a city or a treat on the table, decoration is a sign of we alth and abundance. In relation to a house, the same word indicates rather a modest or ancient setting. Although in relation to the ceremonial halls, the applied noun "decoration" is able to convey a sense of solemnity and festivity more than modern synonyms for this word.

Synonyms for the word

Not every language can boast such a variety of lexical shades and synonyms as Russian. In some dictionaries, in addition to traditional meanings, the word "decoration" is interpreted as table setting, evening dress, dressing, style of dress. What if it's translated into English? It turns out that decoration is scenery, design, style, decoration, interior and exterior decoration inside the room. One of the most distant meanings is a garland or holiday flags.

decoration is
decoration is

Word paradigm

It often happens that with a change in the form of a word, its stress is transferred to another syllable. This rule does not apply to the noun "decoration". Regardless of which form of the word is used in the text, the stress always falls on the second syllable: decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration, decoration.
