Radiological weapons: the process of infection, consequences, means of protection

Radiological weapons: the process of infection, consequences, means of protection
Radiological weapons: the process of infection, consequences, means of protection

Today, scientists in many countries, in addition to traditional types of weapons, are developing weapons of mass destruction. They are based on qualitatively new or previously unused physical (ONFP), biological and other principles. The result of the achievements of different technologies and in different fields of knowledge was the emergence of laser or beam, infrasound, radio frequency, geophysical, gene, annihilation, kinetic and radiological weapons. In addition, several new weapons have been invented that are considered non-lethal. In other words, they are special means used in the information war. Learn more about radiological weapons of mass destruction in this article.

radiological weapons of mass destruction
radiological weapons of mass destruction


Radiological weapons are one of the types of weapons of mass destruction that affect humans and other living organismsand material objects by ionizing radiation, which is produced by radioactive materials. They are also called military radioactive substances (BRV), which form the basis of this ONFP. In other words, the BRW data are used as damaging factors for radiological weapons.

How to get the ARV

Warfare radioactive substances are extracted from various chemical elements that are affected by neutrons. As a result, isotopes with a high level of radioactivity are formed. Waste from nuclear reactors has also become the basis for obtaining FRB. Once released into the environment, radioactive materials contaminate it and other objects.


The simplest type of radiological weapon is the "dirty bomb". Structurally, it is a container inside which radioactive isotopes are located. Their release into the environment occurs as a result of the destruction of the container.

Dirty bomb
Dirty bomb

Especially for this purpose, the bomb was equipped with an explosive. After the charge is triggered, the shock wave sprays the FRB over a large area. A striking example was the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Then the leakage of radioactive substances occurred after the destruction of the reactor, which became a kind of container for the BRV. According to experts, "dirty bombs" can be of various designs. It all depends on what properties radiological materials have. BRVs are equipped with warheads in rockets and aerial bombs. They can also be in bombs, shells, mines and other ammunition.

Infection process

This procedure takes place in several stages. First, when a ground-based nuclear explosion occurs, a fireball and smoke are formed. BRVs stay inside the ball, which, together with smoke and fog, begins to gradually rise upwards. As a result, it will take the form of a swirling cloud, which will pick up the air flow. In addition, particles from the ground are also captured by this stream, which will later become radioactive. Larger pieces will settle immediately, without moving far from the epicenter of the explosion. Small ones will be carried away by the air stream. They will infect a large area.

radiological weapons damaging factors
radiological weapons damaging factors

About the effect of FDA on organisms

According to experts, objects exposed to radiation, have local radiation damage to various organs and develop radiation sickness. This is fraught with dangerous genetic consequences, since under the influence of radiological weapons the body's work is disrupted and dangerous pathological changes begin to develop in it, which as a result can negatively manifest itself in descendants. For example, children of a person affected by ionizing radiation may suffer from various mental and physical illnesses, their bodies have a reduced resistance to infections.

About protective equipment

Protection against radiological weapons is provided for doctors providing medical care to victims of radiation, personnel of the troops, civil defense units and the population. These funds are medical and medical-technical. Through the former,medical or biological prevention and treatment. With the help of the second, sanitary prevention is carried out. Medical equipment includes an individual first-aid kit (AI) with medicines in liquid and solid forms with a total weight of 100 g. AI is completed with two syringes-tubes with Budaksim antidote. The drug is administered intramuscularly after the first signs of poisoning. There is also a two percent Promedol. Used as a pain reliever. There are special chloramine tablets for water disinfection. 3 g of active chlorine falls on one tablet. According to experts, it is able to disinfect 0.75 liters. Water can be consumed after 40 minutes.

protection against radiological weapons
protection against radiological weapons

Also, antidotes (antidotes) can be attributed to protective equipment. Their task is to prevent or eliminate the effect of toxic substances on the body. You can protect yourself from radiological weapons with special helmet-masks and gas masks.
