Carbine "Vepr 223": model range, description, manufacturer and performance characteristics

Carbine "Vepr 223": model range, description, manufacturer and performance characteristics
Carbine "Vepr 223": model range, description, manufacturer and performance characteristics

An unusual weapon for the Russian market like the Vepr 223 carbine has been produced since the 90s of the last century. Initially, this type of guns was focused on export to other countries. Soon, domestic users mastered the advantages and capabilities of the new caliber and began to buy this type of weapon. Consider the features of this modification and its differences from its predecessors.

Carbine "Vepr 223"
Carbine "Vepr 223"

General Description

Russian carbines "Vepr 223" are produced by the Molot plant, whose production facilities are located in the Vyatka-Polyansky region. The first unit of the weapon in question was released in 1998. The hunting variation soon caught on among domestic consumers who had previously favored small bore rifles. The updated cartridge "Ram 223" belongs to other types of ammunition, surpassing standard charges by 2-3 times in accuracy, lethality and range.

Now the Vyatka-Polyansky plant produces suchmodifications of the weapon in question:

  • standard model, launched in 1998;
  • Pioneer version, representing a modernized predecessor.
  • "Super 223" is equipped with a different stock configuration, an orthopedic butt, proved to be better than the original in test tests;
  • "Vepr-1V-223" is a standard variation with slight differences from the original in terms of the organization of the aiming device.


The accuracy parameter of the "Vepr 223" carbine is stable regardless of the modification of the weapon. The optimal distance at which this parameter is organic is 100 meters. At long distances, one should not expect miracles, since the Kalashnikov light machine gun became the basis for the carbine in question. And this is far from being a sniper rifle.

The basic components and mechanisms of the Vepr are almost identical to the PKK. This approach should not be associated with the desire to be original. It's just that the Molot plant has been producing RPK for a long time. It is logical that with a minimal reorganization of production, the plant reoriented itself to the production of hunting carbines.

Operation of the carbine "Vepr 223"
Operation of the carbine "Vepr 223"


The domestic carbine "Vepr 223" was released in 1998, belongs to the "Ram" series, outwardly practically does not differ from the line number 308. The model is distinguished by its simple design and unpretentious maintenance. In addition to the affordable price, the weapon in question has the following advantages:

  • wooden, high quality handguard;
  • machine-gun type sighting device;
  • possibility of mounting optics;
  • comes with belt and case.

Instead of foreign charges, you can use domestic counterparts. A suitable "clip" is selected by experienced shooting of ammunition from different manufacturers. The carbine "Vepr 223 Rem" is illegible in relation to cartridges. The main thing is to ensure good accuracy and aiming.

The capacity of the clips of the weapon in question is 5 or 10 charges. It is quite possible to use a more capacious store, but the law of the Russian Federation prohibits the use of civilian weapons that can hold more than ten rounds. Some craftsmen remake analogues from the AK-74 or purchase foreign versions.


The carbine "Vepr" caliber 223 can be used for the following purposes:

  • hunting medium and small animals;
  • sports and recreational target shooting;
  • training technique given the low recoil of weapons, this is quite justified.

You shouldn't test the gun at long distances, because it's not a "sniper" or even a bolt-action carbine. Recently, there has also been a tendency to use weapons in shooting ranges and at firing ranges. The main thing is to observe safety precautions when firing.

Shooting from the carbine "Vepr 223"
Shooting from the carbine "Vepr 223"


Below are the main parameters of the carbine "Vepr 223Rem":

  • used charges - 223 rem;
  • mag capacity - 5 or 10 rounds;
  • effective firing range - 100-300 meters;
  • weapon weight - 4200 g;
  • barrel length - from 42 to 590 millimeters, depending on modification.

Due to size differences in the market, you can choose a version that is oriented to specific tasks. For example, a model with a long barrel is best suited for hunting, and a short-barreled version is best for home protection.

Carbine "Vepr 223 Pioneer"

This modification has been produced since 1999, it is a modernized and more expensive version of the standard version. The product is lighter (3600 grams), which makes it suitable for women and teenagers.

Other differences:

  • stock made from selected walnut wood;
  • butt made according to the "Monte Carlo" configuration;
  • lightweight receiver;
  • trigger part placed on a separate base.

The modification in question is of high build quality, recommended for firing at short distances. "Pioneer" is successfully sold not only in the domestic market, but also abroad, including in the USA.

Image"Vepr 223" with an optical sight
Image"Vepr 223" with an optical sight

Carbine "Vepr 223 Super"

A hunting rifle of this model went on sale in 2000. The version was developed taking into account user feedback, devoid of most of the shortcomingspredecessor. However, all problems could not be avoided.

This modification is equipped with a solid stock and an orthopedic buttstock. The carbine is better suited for hunting than its predecessor. The main advantage of the weapon is the ability to fire quickly and accurately. The technical and tactical parameters of the weapon are identical to the "Pioneer", but with better build quality.

Dismantling the carbine "Vepr 223"
Dismantling the carbine "Vepr 223"


In this series there is an original representative of 1-B Rem. This hunting weapon almost completely interprets the Kalashnikov light machine gun. Design nuances include:

  • folding stock;
  • presence of a working bipod for firing;
  • rear sight according to RPK configuration;
  • slit-type flash hider.

The specified model belongs to the heaviest samples (weight - 5200 grams). This type of weapon does not have the ability to fire in bursts; the gun is not intended for long-term hunting. Since there are not so many special shooting ranges in the country, the model under consideration is not widely used. The carbine is aimed at foreign users who appreciate it for its unique exterior and combat characteristics.

Pros and cons

Like any mechanism, including combat and hunting weapons, the carbine in question has its advantages and disadvantages. Pros include:

  • reliability and endurance of a design similar to the RPK system;
  • possibility to use various ammunition, withoutspecial gun reconfiguration;
  • almost identical resemblance to the combat counterpart, which is appreciated by many fans of firearms.

Disadvantages include:

  • pressing and warping of the front sight on the barrel, the indicated problem is not always clear due to the reason for sealing existing samples.
  • sight bar subject to displacement;
  • forearm is often asymmetrical on both sides;
  • poor butt fixation, negatively affecting accuracy and accuracy when firing live ammunition.

The main problem is that it is very difficult to make a good carbine out of the light machine gun version. This is especially true for aiming and accuracy. Appearance is not a problem. Users have noted that said weapon often jams when the trigger is released, making it impossible to re-set the safety.

Image"Vepr 223" with a collimator
Image"Vepr 223" with a collimator

Problem knots

If you come across a sample with a not very neat assembly, you can fix the problem with a simple set of tools (a set of files and sandpaper with different grain sizes). An unstable and wobbly stock is fixed by replacing the screws or tightening the existing screws under the washer. The second option is to attach the element with epoxy. Adjusting the lateral adjustments often becomes a problem when hunting in dense thickets, the bar strives to catch on bushes and branches. As a result, you have to shoot the carbine again. One of the exits, according touser feedback - gluing the screw part of the flywheel to the aiming bar.

In reviews of the Vepr 223 carbine, consumers often point to the unusual shape of the butt and the problematic layer of varnish applied to the forend and butt. The gun in this design slides in the hands, which requires the removal of the primary coating, followed by its impregnation with special compounds. Some owners recommend pre-notching the forearm and stock. This approach allows you to increase the reliability when holding and using weapons, as well as securely fix them, regardless of weather conditions and other nuances. Problems with the operation of the trigger mechanism are solved by disassembling and subsequent grinding of individual parts and assemblies that are in contact with each other.

What are users saying?

Many experienced hunters treat.223 ammo with a grain of s alt. This is not surprising, given the fact that over the years they have become accustomed to the size of 5.6 millimeters. But it is worth comparing the obvious pros and cons of cartridges and guns in which they are used. It is unlikely that anyone will object that one barrel suitable for various charges is bad. Another thing is that accuracy and aiming suffer at the same time. Nevertheless, these parameters at a distance to the target within 100-150 meters are not critical.

Carbine "Vepr 223 Rem"
Carbine "Vepr 223 Rem"


The design of the "Vepr" carbines of all modifications is based on the time-tested and action-tested hand-held analogues of the Kalashnikov machine gun. Whereinthe weapon in question cannot be called something new or unique in its characteristics. The main advantage of the Vepr is the maximum similarity with the PKK and the corresponding parameters in the simplicity of design and unpretentiousness. This feature is largely due to the fact that the Molot company has been producing combat units for a long time. This determined the commonality of many elements in the hunting version (removable magazine, bolt rotation mechanism, rear sight placement, etc.).
