Reading, layout, meetings, planning meetings, news from the fields, deadlines, proofreading, editing - the process of publishing a periodical is captivating and exciting. It is infinitely interesting in its creative component and technical implementation.
This article will discuss an important element of the editorial team - the editorial board.

Editorial board - what is it? Answering the question
The editorial board, or the editorial board, is a team of experts that determines the editorial policy of the publication, approves and corrects the content of the next issue, its content and decoration.
It is important to note that the editorial board can include both full-time editorial staff and invited experts - authoritative, highly qualified representatives of a particular field, opinion leaders in their industry. The editorial board is a council of competent specialists that decides on the specifics of the publication, its strategy and development.

Who approves the editorial board?
The composition of the editorial board is formed by the chief editor and approved by the founder of the publication. If the publication is not highly specialized, thenThe editorial board of a journal or newspaper is formed according to the principle of universality: leading authors or experts in each issue covered by the publication are invited to participate.
The editorial board is directly involved in the life of the publication, contributes to its development and improvement. Participates in reviewing manuscripts.
Meetings of the editorial board, as a rule, are held on a quarterly basis. May convene more frequently as needed.
It is also important that the editorial board is an advisory body, that is, empowered to discuss any issues, but not to decide them. Management and control in the editorial office of the journal is directly carried out by the editor-in-chief.