Many conscripts sooner or later face the fact that an autobiography must be submitted to the draft board. A sample of its writing, as a rule, is attached. However, even if there is a certain template, most people of military age have a number of questions related to filling out this document. How to write an autobiography for the draft board correctly?

What should be the CV for the draft board?
When compiling an autobiography, you must follow the rules for writing documents. First, your "resume" should be structured, competent and logically complete. In addition, your CV to the military registration and enlistment office (we will provide a sample of its writing later) must fully disclose all the necessary information about you.
It is very important that the "resume" looks as natural as possible. Therefore, this letter, as a rule, is written not in a businesslike, but in an arbitrary narrative style.
General requirements for writing an autobiography for the military enlistment office
If you have a sample autobiography for the military enlistment office, then writing on its analog is much easier. If the template forThere is no “resume”, the requirements for writing a biography should be taken into account. What are they? The first thing to pay attention to is the order in which events are presented in the document. It should display all information about you in strict chronological order.
Second important point: when composing a letter, try to include information of paramount importance. That is, describe the most important events in your life in the style: “was born in such and such a year”, “graduated from such and such a school”, etc. However, with such a document, you should not go into details and delve into details, that do not carry any semantic load.

Third point: an autobiography for the military registration and enlistment office (a sample of writing is attached below) must contain complete information about the recruit. This means that the document fully discloses all the key points of the biography (full name, year and place of birth, education, marital status, place of work). At the same time, all the data indicated in the biography must be reliable without fail.
Of course, if you are embarrassed by any points in your information, for example, those that may negatively affect your reputation, then you can simply remain silent about them. Otherwise, all data must be true and real.
What other points to pay attention to in the autobiography?
If you pay attention to the sample autobiography in the military enlistment office, then it clearly shows additional information that must be indicated. For example, yoube sure to mention information about the current physical condition. It can be some sporting achievements, awards and medals. Also write about whether you have had surgery and serious injuries, chronic diseases and contraindications to playing sports.
With a properly designed biography, its volume will not exceed 2 sheets (printed or handwritten).

Autobiography: Sample Writing for the Military Commissariat
At this point, we offer you an approximate sample of filling out a biography. So, first you need to indicate your full name, year, place and city of birth. For example: “I, Sidorenko Ivan Alekseevich, was born on January 23, 1983 in Moscow.”
In the second stage of writing, information about your parents is indicated. For example: “Father: Alexei Petrovich Sidorenko, was born on such and such date and year in Khabarovsk. Lives at the following address: Moscow, Maly Tolmachevsky lane, 6, apt. 42. Has two higher educations in the legal and humanitarian fields. Starting from such and such a year, he has been working at the Moscow factory of upholstered furniture "Alliance-M" as the head of the sales department.
Mother: Antonina Ivanovna Sidorenko, was born on 1970-02-03 in Uryupinsk, Volgograd region. Lives at the following address: Moscow, Maly Tolmachevsky lane, 6, apt. 42. Has a higher economic education. Since 2000, he has been working at the Moscow Abrasive Plant (MAZ) as head of the transport department.”
Approximately such information includes an autobiography in the draft board. The spelling pattern may vary depending on the composition of your family. So, for example, if you have brothers or sisters, their details should also be indicated in the bio.
For example: “Sister: Sidorenko Svetlana Alekseevna, born in 1986 in Moscow. Lives at the following address: Moscow, Maly Tolmachevsky lane, 6, apt. 42. Has a secondary technical education. Since 2001, he has been working at the confectionery factory OOO Zolotoy Krendel as an adjuster of production equipment.”

Awards and education
The next step is to provide information about your education. For example, your autobiography in the military enlistment office (a sample of it is in our article) will include the following data:
- Place, dates and names of educational institutions ("Place of study: secondary school No. 12, graduation date - 2000. From 2000 to 2005, he studied at the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Public Administration").
- Availability of awards and certificates (“In 1997 he was awarded a certificate of honor for first place in the Mathematics Olympiad; in 1995 he received a school cup for first place in city basketball competitions”).
More information
From additional information about yourself, indicate, for example, the following: “In 2002, I took part in the sports competitions of Moscow State University in wrestling and suffered a knee injury. Since September 2002 he has been hospitalized. After recovery procedures, I have no medical contraindications to physicalloads. I am not registered with medical institutions. Since 2005 I have been a member of the Udarnik boxing club. In 2007 he participated in regional competitions and received a gold medal. In 2008, he won silver at the competition. Gold in 2009.”

Also, an autobiography in the military registration and enlistment office (a sample filling is easy to find if desired) may include information about the presence of a driver's license. For example: “In 2010, I studied driving at ANO “REC” Aspect Auto” and received a category “B” license. I am fluent in English. I can say about myself that I have excellent communication skills and quickly find a common language with people. I don't have any problems getting to know a new team. I enjoy respect among my comrades. In illegal actions was not noticed. I am not registered with law enforcement agencies. He had not previously been involved in places of detention. All relatives, teachers and acquaintances characterize me exclusively from the positive side. I am not married. No children.”
At the end of the biography, as in all documents, the signature and date are put.
Now you know how to write an autobiography for the draft board correctly. Whether or not to follow our advice is up to you.