Trident of Ukraine: an ancient symbol in the service of the state

Trident of Ukraine: an ancient symbol in the service of the state
Trident of Ukraine: an ancient symbol in the service of the state

Images of this symbol in Ukraine can be found everywhere. Starting with the fact that the main trident of Ukraine is the small coat of arms, approved legislatively and constitutionally by the Verkhovna Rada (1992). It, along with the anthem and the flag, is a symbol of statehood and consists of an English blue shield with a golden border and a golden symbol. The large coat of arms of Ukraine also includes a trident, but its image has not yet been finalized. It exists only as a project so far.

History of the trident of Ukraine

history of the trident of ukraine
history of the trident of ukraine

The symbol itself is one of the oldest known to mankind. It is believed that this is an attribute of strength and power. In ancient times, he symbolized the mighty Poseidon. It is with the trident that many famous images of this deity have come down to us. In India, it is the weapon of Shiva, the many-armed god. Often Shiva was depicted withwith this weapon in hand. In the Buddhist tradition, it is an attribute of the highest power.

In the culture of the ancient Slavs - a sign symbolizing the trinity of the world: Reality, Nav, Rule. And in the era of Kievan Rus - the coat of arms of Prince Vladimir, considered one of the greatest rulers in the world, the founder of Orthodox Russia. Then the symbol becomes the state sign. It could be seen everywhere on coins and seals.

Different versions

The most likely theory of the origin of the trident is the image of a falcon falling on its prey. It was also the Rurik family sign, meaning independence, freedom, strength.

Other researchers see in it a conditional image of an anchor, which was a symbol of the peoples living near the Black and Azov Seas. The theme of the Rurikovich seems to be the most relevant. Confirmation of this is the finds of archaeologists: images of the times of the first Ruriks, where we see the same falcon. We see similar symbols on some English coins of that era (10th century). Another version is the origin of the Khazar bident. For example, the seal of Svyatoslav, who died in 972. It also featured a bident.

trident of ukraine
trident of ukraine

What does the trident of Ukraine mean?

When the Ukrainian People's Republic was formed (1917), the issue with the flag and its colors was resolved relatively quickly. But with the coat of arms, things stalled. Several options were offered. Yellow lion on a blue background. Leo and Archangel Michael. Cossack with a musket. Golden single-headed eagle, and other options. Grushevsky, chairman of the Rada, noting that the country did not havepermanent coat of arms, singled out the trident of Ukraine as the main project. And since the end of 1917, when the sample of the first credit note was approved, there were imprints of the symbol on it. The trident of Ukraine in 1918 was also located on the naval flag (in the upper part). In the same year, a decision was made to adopt the coat of arms of the Ukrainian People's Republic, where this symbol also occupied a central place. It is also installed as the central part of the state seal of the UNR.

what does the trident of ukraine mean
what does the trident of ukraine mean

In 1918, the emblem of the Ukrainian state contained the image of a trident in the upper part, above a Cossack with a musket.

By the way, the use of this symbol was stopped in Soviet Ukraine, and it is revived only after gaining state independence in 1992.

Modern interpretations of the symbol

The modern trident of Ukraine is an integral symbol of independence and statehood. It is also a symbol of the fighting spirit of Ukrainians in the fight against all kinds of invaders for many centuries. We must not forget that Ukraine at all times (practically until the last century) was under the yoke of various states. And only in recent decades has it finally gained true sovereignty.

Christian interpretation of the symbol

With the advent and spread of Christianity, the trident acquires a more religious meaning and is associated with the symbol of the Holy Trinity, representing the unity of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. This interpretation is most relevant among Orthodox Christians and Catholics who live in the territoryUkraine. For science, this position seems doubtful. And the meaning invested in the original ancient symbol is borrowed. Which does not detract from the merits of the Orthodox and Catholic faith itself.

Encrypted word

During the formation of Ukraine as an independent state, an important role was played by giving existing symbols some new, mystical meaning. This happened with the trident in Ukraine. Some began to believe that the word “Will” is encrypted in the symbol itself, that is, freedom (in Ukrainian). This interpretation helped to realize oneself involved in a certain nationwide and national idea of struggle for a bright future for the Ukrainian people.

coat of arms of ukraine trident
coat of arms of ukraine trident

Be that as it may, the trident was and remains a magical symbol, one of the most ancient, a kind of amulet against evil forces for its bearer, a kind of protective amulet designed to protect a person, society, the country as a whole from encroachments on their freedom and independence.
