The political regime is the methods of exercising political power in society.

Political regime: types and essence
Any political regime is one or another combination of opposing principles of organizing relationships between people: democracy and authoritarianism.
State political regime: concept, types
The political regime is usually divided into several types: authoritarian, totalitarian and democratic. Let's take a closer look at each of them: what they are based on, and what are the principles of their existence.

Political regime, types: totalitarianism
With this type of regime, power is completely monopolized. As a result, it ends up in the hands of only one party, while the party itself isunder the rule of only one leader. Under totalitarianism, the state apparatus and the ruling party are combined into one. In parallel with this, the stateization of the whole society is being carried out, that is, the eradication of public life independent of the authorities, the extermination of civil opinion. The role of law and law is downplayed.
Political regime, types: authoritarian
This type of regime, as a rule, arises where the demolition of already outdated socio-economic institutions is carried out, as well as the polarization of forces during the country's transition from traditional to new industrial structures. The authoritarian regime mainly relies on the army, which, if necessary, intervenes in political activity in order to end the protracted political crisis, which simply cannot be overcome by legal, democratic means. As a result of such interference, all power passes into the hands of a certain body or political leader.
Types of state political regime: authoritarianism and totalitarianism
With the similarity of authoritarianism with totalitarianism, in the first case, some polarization and delimitation of interests and forces is allowed. Some elements of democracy are not ruled out here: parliamentary struggle, elections, and, to some extent, legal opposition and dissent. But at the same time, the rights of public political organizations and citizens are somewhat limited, legal serious opposition is banned, and the political behavior of organizations and individual citizens is strictly regulated by regulations. Destructive, centrifugal forces are restrained, which creates certainconditions for democratic reforms and harmonization of interests.

Political regime, types: democracy
Democracy primarily means the participation of the masses in government, as well as the availability of democratic freedoms and rights for all citizens of the country, officially recognized and enshrined in legislation and the constitution. Democracy in the entire history of its existence as a socio-political phenomenon has developed certain values and principles, which include:
glasnost in the activities of the authorities;
equal right of citizens of the state in the management of society;
division of powers into judicial, legislative and executive;
constitutional design of the state system;
complex of civil, political, social and economic freedoms and human rights
These values, of course, describe an ideal system that does not exist anywhere else. Perhaps it is, in principle, unattainable. However, institutions to uphold the values of democracy exist for all their shortcomings.