The information space of the whole world is constantly shaking from the "exploits" that ISIS militants demonstrate to the people. Their deeds are so cruel and senseless that it is impossible to remain indifferent. Why do they do it? Who are ISIS fighters? Where did they come from in this world? Let's find out.
History of Appearance
ISIS militants for many appeared "out of nowhere". All the world's media immediately began to talk about them.

They operate in Syria and Iraq. But there are enough of their own radicals. Only experts understand their subtleties and shades. Believers in the Middle East traditionally take up arms. They defend their views not by democratic rallies, but by force. Militants began to operate in these places during the Iraq war. The state has collapsed. It was necessary to protect their families in an elementary way, then to raise money. Then came the "color revolution" in Syria. There, too, the people live hot and religious. Many took up arms against Assad's secular regime. But these groups waged a meaningful ideological struggle. They areput forward demands, directly said what exactly they did not like. ISIS fighters are completely different.
Geographic location
According to experts, these "beasts" first appeared in Iraq. They needed weapons. It was in this country that it turned out to be more than enough. The militants either bought it or took it by force. The Iraqi regular army not only did not resist, but went over to the side of the bandits. They then crossed into non-government controlled Syria.

The world began to shake with horror, looking at how ISIS militants burned a man in a cage alive, and at their other actions. These people have no morality in the conventional sense. They commit killings for fun or pleasure. In some of their actions it is generally difficult to see common sense. It is especially scary that they must record their "exploits" on video. The videos immediately go online. For example, this year the world had to witness the execution of citizens of various states by ISIS militants. Underage children took part in some actions (as killers).
Who becomes an action movie?
It is believed that this "brutal" movement was originally formed from people with mental disabilities. They wanted to kill, they enjoyed it. Then the locals began to join them. They were in a difficult position. There is a war around, the law is the presence of weapons and the ability to use them.

There is simply no other. For helpno one to turn to. You have to choose: either join the killers, or die at their hands. The first turned out to be preferable for many. In addition, ISIS fighters receive money for their service. There is an opportunity to protect their families from starvation. There is also the recruitment of foreigners through the network. But this is not what the gangs do. Such work is simply beyond the power of semi-literate warriors.
Money from where?
It is clear that the conduct of hostilities requires considerable funds. According to experts, the militants receive them from we althy Arabs living mainly in Saudi Arabia or Qatar. Only these donations are not the only source of funds for the militants. They regularly rob settlements. According to some reports, they are engaged in racketeering, stealing people for ransom. In addition, these animals (sorry for the term) trade in people. They mainly capture Christians and foreigners. Then they demand a ransom. If they do not receive, then they do not stand on ceremony for a long time. Victims do not just die, but become the protagonists of another frightening video. The news of the sack of Mosul, the richest Iraqi city, dispelled many myths about the temporality of this formation. With half a billion that they got, you can wage a war for a long time. Surrounding states from time to time make attempts to cope with these beasts. However, the militants are very mobile. They are difficult to draw into open combat. They attack themselves where no one is waiting. They rob, kill and disappear. Air bombardments do not cause tangible damage to them, only lead to new casu alties.

Someone's experiment?
Politicians are constantly arguing about what kind of power this is, why and who needs it. The execution by ISIS militants of the next victims becomes a topic for discussion at the highest level. They are talked about in the UN Security Council, the US President considers them one of the main threats. Considering that it was the States that supplied the militants with weapons, and that the allies of this country are also financing, all this seems strange to many experts. Theories are put forward that the US itself supports this force. They need it to create chaos in the Middle East. Others go further. They see ISIS as part of a plan to get the US out of the global crisis. America needs a big war. So she creates it in the most explosive corners of the world. And the Middle East has always been and remains a “risk zone.”