Bukharievich Movsar Baraev is a Chechen executioner. He was an accomplice in several major terrorist attacks and the commander of the Islamic Regiment. The whole world learned about this man when he and his accomplices took hostages in Moscow in 2002.
Bukharievich Movsar Baraev: biography and activities
Movsar was born on October 26, 1976. The homeland of the terrorist is the Chechen-Ingush Republic, the city of Argun. Arbi Baraev was Movsar's uncle. He led the Islamic Special Forces Regiment, and his nephew followed his uncle's example. So the guy began to study the basics of military operations.

The father of Movsar Bukharievich Baraev was Suleimanov Bukhari Akhmedovich, and his mother's name was Larisa Baraeva. In addition to the terrorist himself, his family had three more children: the girls Fatima and Raisa, as well as the boy Movsan.
Start of terrorist acts
Arbi and Movsar Basayev began to communicate actively when the future terrorist came underuncle's command in the Islamic regiment. At that time, the guy was eighteen years old. Movsar Baraev performed a huge number of tasks regarding the armed separatist formations. And some time later, Movsar was appointed bodyguard of Arbi Baraev.
In 1998, the future terrorist expressed a desire to participate in an armed clash in Gudermes. During the military operation, the guy was seriously injured. In it, young Movsar took the side of Mezhidov's Sharia guard. The next combat mission did not make the guy wait either. This time young Movsar fought against federal troops.
In 2001, in the Chechen village, Movsar Baraev was appointed head of the jamaat. Behind the terrorist is more than one attack on columns of Russian soldiers. In these hostilities, the guy took not only an active part, but also had a great desire to inflict as many provocations as possible. The attacks in Urus-Martan, Grozny and Gudermes were also provoked by Movsar Baraev.
Wrong and real death
In August 2001, the Russian Federal Service issued a verdict that a Chechen terrorist had died. However, after some time, videos with the participation of Movsar Barayev began to appear on the Internet. After that, the special service admitted that they rushed to conclusions and recognized the terrorist as alive.
It is worth noting that in the fall of 2002 in Russia it was reiterated that Movsar was dead. And they also did not show significant evidence of the death of a terrorist. In fact, the Chechen executioner was alive. In the same year, Movsar came to Moscow with his group oforder of Shamil Basayev.
On October 23, 2002, Movsar Barayev and his terrorist group captured people. Everything happened in the Moscow House of Culture. During the negotiations, the terrorists put forward their demand: to end the hostilities in Ichkeria. Movsar Barayev's death happened three days later during the assault on a famous building.
Terror attack "Nord-Ost"
October 23, 2002 was imprinted in the memory of many Russian families and not only. On this day, many people decided to visit the Moscow House of Culture to relax and watch the next premiere of the musical. No one suspected the impending threat. After some time, a terrorist group with the participation of Movsar Barayev captured the audience who were in the theater. It immediately became clear to many representatives of the federal services who carried out the terrorist attack on Dubrovka. After that, Movsar began to put forward demands. All this dragged on for three days.

On October 26, 2002, Russian troops began the following actions: the release of hostages and the neutralization of an illegal group. As is known, many invaders were killed and most of the hostages were released. However, those who were not involved in the conflict were killed in this attack. Everyone has relatives and relatives.
Plan of a large-scale terrorist attack in Russia
Chechen terrorist Baraev Movsar Bukharievich actively assisted in the terrorist operation in the House of Culture. The plan of the attack was developed at the headquarters of President Aslan Maskhadov. The operation consisted of two important parts: the capturetheater audience and a series of explosions.
Of course, the explosions were planned to be arranged in crowded places. The group had the option of filling an inconspicuous car with explosives. The heads of the Chechen group have appointed Movsar Baraev in charge of the terrorist attack.
As mentioned earlier, the illegal group chose the Moscow House of Culture as their target. It is there that on certain days there are a huge number of people. However, the terrorists considered other options. But they stopped there. The building is far from the center, it had several outbuildings and a huge concert hall.
What weapon was used?
Chechen group brought weapons and explosives into Russia with the help of cars. In order not to be noticed, they were hidden under apples. The bandits transported prohibited weapons in parts, using different brands of cars. As for the group, its members reached their destination in different ways.
Later it became known that the terrorists got to Moscow in three ways: by train to Kazansky railway station, by plane and by bus. Movsar Baraev arrived in the city by train. The group planned that fifty people would participate in the attack. Of these, a large number of women.
Terrorist act
When the illegal group was about to seize civilians, there were 800 people in the hall of the Moscow House of Culture. On the appointed day at 21:15, three cars drove up to the target of capture. They contained terrorists who subsequently broke into the hall.
Slightly later special servicesannounced official figures: captured 912 people. However, there were other testimonies of witnesses that there were 916 people in the main hall of the theater. The group held hostage not only citizens of Russia, but also other states.
Movsar Baraev and his men planted bombs around the hall. They installed a cylinder on the balcony, where there was a high-explosive fragmentation projectile. And between the balloon and the explosive, the terrorists placed damaging parts. The women in the group got into a chess position. On them, gang members fixed bombs with a special belt. If they put that part of the plan into action, there wouldn't be a whole lot left around.

After that, the bandits allowed the hostages to call their families and friends. They also told them to report to the authorities that for one murdered gang member they would take the lives of ten civilians. The Russian authorities assembled their military forces within one hour. Armored vehicles, a police squad and a special forces detachment were brought to the theater on Dubrovka. However, it was still too early to start fighting.
Many people were able to escape the tragic fate: actors who were backstage and theater workers ran away from the building as soon as they realized that this was a terrorist attack. The rest, about seventeen people, the gang released without any negotiations.
On October 24, 2002, two people managed to get into the concert hall of the theatre. Later it turns out that they were killed by Chechen fighters. One of them was the military Vasiliev. After that, the Russian services again made an attemptmake contact with terrorists. Deputy of the State Duma Aslakhanov entered the building of the House of Culture next. This is exactly what Movsar Barayev planned: to talk to someone from the authorities.

In addition to the above negotiators, such well-known pop singers as Alla Pugacheva and Iosif Kobzon, as well as journalists, doctors and the former president of Ingushetia, went to the building. Negotiations continued until the morning of 26 October. The people who entered the building helped free more than 20 hostages.

After Movsar Baraev and his group put forward their demands, the Russian authorities could not agree to the assault. President Vladimir Putin decided to have a talk with the head of the FSB, where they agreed that the terrorists would be spared their lives if they left all civilians alive. The Chechen bandits did not accept the deal and began to threaten that on the morning of October 26 they would start killing people.
Operation to free the hostages
Ultimately, the Russian authorities did not wait for the bandits to start killing people. They decided to start storming the building on the night of October 26th. It was not difficult for the special forces to get into the House of Culture.

The first floor was not guarded by terrorists because they were afraid of snipers. Specially trained soldiers made holes in the walls and made their way to the air vents. Commanders-in-chief have been ordered to use gas that causes paralysis.

BAt 05:30 in the morning, gunfire and explosions were heard in the theater building. The Chechen bandits began to put their elaborate plan into action. The assault by Russian forces started at 06:00 in the morning. A little later, a message came that most of the bandits were destroyed, and their commander, Movsar Baraev, also died. At 7:25, military operations against the terrorists were over.

The newspapers and TV programs informed that as a result of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka, 750 civilians were released, due to gas poisoning, 650 people were urgently hospitalized in the nearest hospitals. Unfortunately, not all people survived. As a result, 130 people died. Forty terrorists were eliminated by military security forces, more than thirty explosive structures were found, as well as a huge amount of weapons.