How many articles have been written on the topic of mercy. Some try to reveal the essence of this virtue, the second - to show its significance, and still others completely refute its disinterestedness. And yet the essence of mercy, as before, eludes them, like a morning dream, dissolving into the depths of consciousness.
And all because you can’t just take and describe in ordinary words such a phenomenon as mercy. An example is what is needed for a better understanding. After all, only thanks to clear images is a person able to understand the thoughts of another person. Otherwise, the written text will remain only letters on the screen.

What is mercy?
The explanatory dictionary gives us a rather dry meaning of this word. According to him, mercy is just a manifestation of compassion for another person. It is the ability of people to forgive each other, throwing back all ambitions and prejudices.
It would seem that there is nothing to add to this wording. But, rereading these lines again and again, you gradually become convinced that something is missing here. As if something unsaid remained in the shadows, capable of settingeverything in its place.
Because mercy is not just a feeling inside us. This is a powerful force capable of doing good deeds. And if you understand it, comprehend it and teach it to others, then soon the world will change forever. But let's talk about everything in order.

The invisible world of our soul
So, how to better understand the meaning of the word mercy? Well, for this you need to look inside yourself. Try to consider that distant, unknown world in which our feelings live. After all, it is there that mercy is born and matures.
But it cannot exist alone for long. Without love for neighbors and kindness in the heart, mercy quickly fades away. Therefore, only those who have cultivated these virtues in themselves can be called merciful. Awareness of this fact will help to better understand the nature of the concept we are considering, so to speak, to see its origins.
Why is mercy needed?
When discussing the topic of mercy, it is impossible not to ask: “Is it really so important in the modern world?” The question is entirely justified. After all, now is the era of progress, market relations rule the world, and almost all acquaintances are based on mutual benefit. Has not mercy lost its significance in such a society?
The answer lies in the question itself. Yes, the world is becoming much harsher now, because capitalism and eternal competition have made us look like predators. But that is why kindness and mercy are so important now. If it weren't for them, people would long ago have cut each other's throats in pursuit of their piece of happiness.
Mercy is a restraining barrier thatdoes not allow humanity to fall into the abyss of their ambitions and desires. It is like a small raft that keeps us afloat in a sea of sins and vices. That is why the modern world so badly needs such a virtue as mercy. An example proving the truth of this statement can easily be found in real life. After all, every day someone performs an act of mercy towards others. This can be a simple alms to the poor or a collection of money for the needs of an orphanage.

What is the difference between Christian and secular charity
Poems about mercy are a familiar norm for the Christian community. Many psalms and revelations deal with this theme. It is not surprising, because mercy to others is the main virtue for a believer. But is there any difference between the ordinary display of compassion and what Christians preach?
You need to understand that any Christian wants to go to heaven, otherwise what is the point of his faith? Naturally, one can argue with this statement, and yet … there is hardly a person who voluntarily wants to go to hell. But now is not about that. More importantly, behind the manifestation of Christian mercy is almost always a desire to please God. That is, it is he who is the factor that affects the compassion of the believer.
If we talk about secular mercy, then it comes directly from the heart. Its source is the personal qualities and values of the individual. Such a person does not expect praise and reward from above, his goal is mercy itself. An example of this can be seen in thosesituations where people are trying to solve certain social problems: feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, help the wounded, and so on.

Mercy is an example of the noblest feeling
Although it doesn't matter what the source of this feeling is. Indeed, thanks to the actions that a person performs under his influence, the world becomes better day by day. Helping orphans, delivering medicines to hot spots, fighting hunger in African villages - all this became possible only thanks to the efforts of people in whose hearts the flame of mercy burns.
The good news is that you can see the manifestation of this virtue not only on the screen, but also in real life. A guy helping an old woman cross the road; a kind woman who daily feeds homeless dogs; an unknown writer reading fairy tales in an orphanage; thousands of volunteers donating blood for the needs of the hospital… All of them are vivid examples of human mercy, breaking the usual stereotypes of the modern world.