Man has greatly influenced the state of the environment and, unfortunately, not for the better. Chemical plants with toxic emissions, water pollution, littering, deforestation, drying up swamps - all this could not but affect the lives of our smaller brothers. Over the past half millennium, about 1000 species of living beings have become extinct, and people who purposefully or indirectly destroyed them are largely to blame. Extinct animals have become victims of human shortsightedness and stupidity. Mammals, birds, amphibians subject to protection are entered into the Red Book almost every year, and very often species that have completely disappeared from the face of the earth began to fit in.

Extinct species of animals due to human fault occupy a very impressive list, here are some of the most famous of them. The last zebra Quagga died on August 12, 1883 in one of the Dutch zoos. People exterminated this species for the sake of a beautiful and very durable skin - the meat was inedible, thereforeit was just thrown away. A sad fate befell the Tasmanian thylacine marsupial tiger. In appearance, he very much resembled a large dog with stripes on his back and a long tail. This species disappeared after the invasion of the habitat of settlers. The animal was not ready for this, so it died not only during the hunt, but also from the shock.
Extinct animals were often hunted, and the passenger pigeon was no exception. Poultry meat was the main dish in the diet of the poor. There were so many pigeons that they were killed and taken to other regions in whole wagons, fed to pigs, used as fertilizer. It so happened that in just a century the Americans completely destroyed this species, and then for a long time they were looking for the reasons for the disappearance of such a common bird. The last pigeon died in Ohio on September 1, 1914.

Extinct animals were sometimes destroyed due to sabotage. For example, the Carolina parrot was exterminated for causing significant damage to fruit trees. The last couple died in 1918 in Cincinnati. People are indirectly involved in the destruction of the Chinese river dolphin baiji. Cargo and merchant ships polluted the rivers so much that this species simply could not live there. In 2006, the extinction of the species was officially recognized.
The Steller's cow became the record holder for extermination, it was destroyed in three decades. Extinct animals always swam near the surface of the water in herds, fed on seaweed. Sea cows were exterminated because of the delicious meat, tender fat that does not spoil onover a long period, and strong skins. The last representatives of this species were seen in the 1970s. Because of the delicious meat and availability, Steller's cormorant also suffered. This bird was somewhat reminiscent of a penguin, the last representative died in 1912.

A sad fate befell the wingless auk, Turanian tiger, dodo, golden frog and many others. Some of them were the object of hunting, others suffered indirectly due to changes in environmental conditions, pollution of nature.
Endangered animals in Russia, USA, India, Thailand and other countries need protection and care, therefore, in order not to see them on the list of extinct species, each of us must make at least a small contribution to the cleansing of the environment.