Films from director Konstantin Seliverstov

Films from director Konstantin Seliverstov
Films from director Konstantin Seliverstov

Konstantin Seliverstov belongs to the type of directors who work on their projects in all areas. For example, Konstantin not only directs his films, but also writes scripts for them, plays small roles. In addition, sometimes he acts as an operator. The complete filmography of Konstantin Seliverstov currently includes only twenty films. Despite the fact that there are relatively few of them, the director is very famous in Russia, as he puts his soul into each of his projects.

I am tempted in love and pure art

Among Konstantin Seliverstov's films there is a tape "I am tempted in love and pure art". The picture was released in 1999. Starring Yuri Zelkin, Sergei Chernov, Hayat Hakim. Also in the film you can see Antonina Filimonova, Svetlana Nikiforova, Vladimir Tyminsky. Other roles were played by Ksenia Karakash, Irina Khegay, Nikolai Palachev.

Frame from the film "I am tempted in love and pure art"
Frame from the film "I am tempted in love and pure art"

The main idea of the tape is very bold, because"I am tempted in love and pure art" - erotic film. In the center of the plot are the director, artist, architect, choreographer, actress of films for adults. Each of them tells stories about their lives. But these are not ordinary stories, but stories about achievements in sexual life. Konstantin got the role of director.


Konstantin Selivestrov in 2012 released an art house called "Moonlight". The main roles were played by Polina Malakhova, Willy Semenov, Victoria Alalykina. Also in the film you can see Nikolai Gryakalov, Alexander Sekatsky, Murad Gauhman. Other roles were played by Misha Beberashvili, Nikolai Marosanov, Victoria Prokhorova.

At the center of the story is an ordinary young girl who is going through a difficult period in her life. The fact is that for the main character a real crisis has come in all spheres of life. The girl is not just upset and depressed, in fact, she is very annoyed that she does not know how to get out of this situation.

For advice, the heroine turns to her closest friends, but no recommendations help her. The girl starts to get even more angry and upset. Will she be able to overcome all difficulties and become happy?


One of the most famous films of Konstantin Seliverstov is the film "Process". The painting is based on the work of the same name by Franz Kafka. The film starred Anton Schwartz, Elena Shvareva, Andrey Shimko. Also the roles were played by Natalya Shamina, Alexander Anisimov, IgorGolovin.

Shot from the film "Process"
Shot from the film "Process"

The tape tells about a simple man named Josef K. He is an ordinary bank employee, whose life has always been not very noticeable, but at one moment everything changed. Josef is arrested and convicted, but the guy cannot find out why. The hero receives a suspended sentence, so he continues to live, as before, the only difference is that now he must constantly appear for interrogations. The situation gets more and more difficult, as no matter what Yosef does, he cannot defend himself. The guy turns to different people for help, and, despite the fact that he is not denied, yet no one does anything to justify him. All these people are somehow connected with this strange trial.

The Martian Chronicles

Konstantin Seliverstov's film "Martian Chronicles" is very reminiscent of the director's tape, which was previously mentioned in the article. The fact is that the actor, film director, architect and porn actress are again in the center of the plot. Only this time they are not going to talk about their past, although of course this topic will also be discussed.

Film "The Martian Chronicles"
Film "The Martian Chronicles"

The governor of the city in which the main action of the film takes place decides to hide his theft from the city treasury, justifying it by the fact that he was preparing an expedition to Mars. The governor gathers volunteers into a team, which he sends to a real death. Among the volunteers are the above people.
