Alexander Gobozov will be remembered by all fans of the Dom 2 TV project for a long time. One of the brightest participants for several years, under the guns of video cameras, built love in full view of the whole country. Today you will learn about the three most famous love stories of Alexander and how his chosen ones fought for the right to become his soulmate.
Short biography
The future TV star was born on August 16, 1982 in an intelligent family. His father was a surgeon, and his mother worked as an engineer. He spent his childhood and youth in his native Vladikavkaz, from where the guy was drafted into the army. The hooligan threesome got into the air force and for two years he regularly repaid his debt to his homeland. It was there that his significant acquaintance with Andrei Cherkasov took place. During the service, an event happened that completely turned the life of a young soldier upside down - participants in the famous TV show came to the unit. At that moment, the guy realized what he wanted from life - he was attracted by the world of show business. He did not sign the contract and after a short rest went to conquer Moscow.

Coming to the project
The participants accepted Alexander into their ranks without any problems - the guy conquered them with his guitar playing and his upbringing. As a real son of North Ossetia, he knew what honor and pride are. But relationships with girls were not easy for him - at first he tried to win the heart of the beautiful Victoria Karaseva, and then Erika Kisheva. Having failed to achieve reciprocity with the first, he abandoned the claims to the second when he learned that in the past the extravagant brunette was a man. Gobozov did not expect such a turn and decided not to develop relations.
The first story. Nadia Ermakova
Who would have thought that handsome Alexander would fall in love with a frankly not pretty new member from Orel? She came with a treat, and her openness and sincerity crossed out all the flaws in her appearance. The red-haired simpleton had one undoubted advantage, which was noted by all the inhabitants of "House 2" and Alexander Gobozov - she had an incredibly beautiful figure. The paratrooper fell at the feet of the girl, and a bright and crazy romance began between them. He filled up his beloved with gifts, and she became prettier every day. Nadezhda became a blonde, learned how to do makeup and bought new outfits. In the blink of an eye, from an ugly girl who was given the offensive nickname "Martha", she turned into a white swan.
But soon the beautiful fairy tale came to an end. Nadenka felt strength and began to try to "pull the blanket over herself." She wanted to be a leader in relationships and have power over Gobozov. The guy endured, and only rare quarrels darkened the firmament of their love. The girl wanted moreand she began to allow herself impartial statements not only to her lover, but also to his family. Sasha could no longer endure this, and fists were used. After another scandal, he broke off relations.

The second story. Olga Sokol
A petite blonde appeared on the project immediately after the separation of Nadezhda and Alexander. She was able to attract the attention of a guy, and soon they were already settled in a city apartment. Nadia went crazy with jealousy and asked to be forgiven for all her sins. Sasha was relentless - he put an end to this story. But constant conflicts with the ex-girlfriend and misunderstanding on the part of Olga led to the fact that fights began in this couple. Only if Nadenka humbly accepted the beatings of the paratrooper, then Olga tried to fight back. The final point was the betrayal of Sasha. The couple left the gate.

Third story. Aliana Ustinenko
Summer 2013 brought new experiences to the fans of the project - several old bright participants returned to the construction site at once. Among them was Alexander. They came to show newcomers how to build love in reality. But Gobozov did not have time to become a mentor - he fell under the spell of Aliana Ustinenko and realized that he had disappeared completely and irrevocably. The young beauty turned the romance's head, and soon they could no longer imagine life without each other. The relationship developed so rapidly that after a while the girl had already announced to the guy about her interesting position.

Sasha immediately suggested that the future mother formalize the relationship, and the couple played a gorgeous wedding. From now on, Aliana Gobozova and Alexander Gobozov were bound by marriage. Before the birth of the child, they sorted out the relationship many times in a raised tone, but it never came to a divorce. After the birth of Robert, real problems began. The wife found out about the infidelity of her faithful and turned his life into hell. Alexander's mother hurried to intervene in the situation. But her arrival heated up the situation even more - it came to fights between the women closest to the guy.

The next step towards reconciliation was the arrival of Aliana's mother - a smart woman was able to convey the right thoughts to her daughter. Relations began to improve. For this, the young family had to leave the project. But there was another tragedy. Soon Aliana and Alexander Gobozova learned about the terrible diagnosis of the girl's mother - cancer. The woman fought for her life, but time was lost. After the funeral, Aliana filed for divorce. They are currently on friendly terms, but each has a new love relationship.