The cardinal transformation of the system of political-administrative, socio-economic and regulatory relations that has taken place over the past decades has led to society's awareness of the importance of social stability. The social structure is affected by any changes that occur in the content and nature of the interaction of social strata and groups, in the level, nature and extent of inequalities, the choice of aspirations, life goals and preferences.
Social stability and stable society

From a general philosophical point of view, social stability is not only the stability of specific areas of society, but also an integral property of society, which is not the sum of the stability of all its aspects. At the same time, stability implies the reproduction of social processes, structures and relationships in terms of the whole society. The mentioned reproduction should not be a thoughtless repetition of the previous one, but its change.
A stable society is a developing and at the same time stable society, characterized by well-established mechanisms and processes of social change that maintain its stability. The society remains stable on the condition that it does not remain unchanged, but develops the potential and makes the necessary changes in the society. Contradictions and problems of the development of society arise only if it is stable and are resolved through evolutionary social changes.
Social stability underlies the interaction of social groups, strata, institutions and other units. The mentioned interaction is manifested both at the macro and micro levels in human relations, behavior and activities. Being an integral phenomenon, it is provided by factors and processors, simultaneously acting as conditions, prerequisites and means.
Socio-cultural environment
The main factor is the socio-cultural environment, on which the socialization of the individual and his ability to assimilate general cultural values depend. A person's ideas about the world around him and his place in it are formed on its basis; it contributes to the creation of the so-called model of behavior based on moral guidelines. The reforms of the social system carried out in the 1990s in the country were not without the difficulties of changing the main components of the socio-cultural environment, increasing tension in society and deepening tension in it, and increasing uncertainty.
Ignoring these processes can provoke a change in the social structure, which can becomecause of the civil revolution. For this reason, the study of factors that influence the personality and socially significant processes through the prism of the socio-cultural environment is important.
Define environment

Philosophers define the sociocultural environment with three components:
- Mega Wednesday. The social world that surrounds a person and determines the socio-psychological and spiritual atmosphere of the era.
- Macro environment. The country and society to which the individual belongs. The macro influences culture and social conditions through certain factors - social institutions and the media.
- Microenvironment. An environment represented by three main groups - family, friends and educational and labor collective. Each of the groups differs in age and cohort parameters.
Studying socio-cultural problems
Problems of the socio-cultural environment are studied in science in several directions - sociological, socio-philosophical, ethnological, socio-psychological and many other aspects. The plurality of the definition of "socio-cultural environment" is explained precisely by this.
- The socio-cultural environment is understood as a set of generally accepted norms, values, rules, laws, technologies and scientific information that society and a person have as part of society for effective interaction with the living environment.
- This term also means a phenomenon whose cultural and social processes are closely interconnected and dependent on each other.
- Under Wednesdayalso understand the communicative and informational component, consisting of works of art and mass media products.
- The term socio-cultural environment is often defined as a specific social space assigned to each individual and allowing a person to enter into cultural relations with society.
In fact, the formation and development of the socio-cultural environment occurs only in the process of interaction between different people and under the influence of cultural, socio-economic and other factors. The environment itself provides the conditions that motivate people to perform daily activities. It is logical that it affects the preferences, aspirations and life position necessary for self-realization and satisfaction of basic needs. In the event of a change in the vector of development, factors and features of the sociocultural environment may undergo transformation.
Environmental factors

The qualitative changes that have taken place in the socio-cultural environment over the past decades have affected not only the content of the motivational orientation, but also the structure of the ideas of individuals and entire groups about the key aspects of society. This is explained by the fact that the social and cultural meanings and meaning of all human actions and life are determined by three types of factors.
Firstly, the factor of the socio-cultural environment is the material conditions on which it depends what people can do to realize their own goals, needs and interests, and the specific forms and boundaries of human self-realization in certain historicalperiods. Secondly, - ways of organizing and regulating socio-cultural life, developed and established as a result of social practice, among which are norms, institutions, standards of actions, interactions and behavior. No culture will function without such socio-cultural formations. Thirdly, these are individual personal characteristics that affect the capabilities and inclinations of a person when choosing a further life path in specific conditions.
Individual Development

The state of the modern socio-cultural environment is largely considered the result of the processes taking place in society, reflecting all the conflicts and problems of a single society. At the same time, the environment allows you to overcome the above difficulties.
The development of personality is influenced by several factors, one of which is biological. It includes features and characteristics determined by the genotype. Accordingly, the biological factor, as well as the signs and characteristics with which a person was born into the world, cannot be changed. The second factor affects everything that surrounds the individual. The environmental factor allows you to develop the potentialities bestowed on a person by a biological factor. For a person in a sociocultural environment, it is important that there is an environment around that can change the environment mentioned.
In modern philosophy, the environment is perceived as a decisive, but by no means the only factor influencing individual development. First of all, the interdependent and spatial-volumetric connection is emphasized.individual with the world around him.
Socio-cultural environment and education
The socio-cultural educational environment in modern philosophy is characterized as a substance with certain properties that facilitate the interaction of different objects.
According to scientists, the main mechanisms of environmental influence are as follows:
- The environment creates opportunities for various activities, self-realization and self-presentation.
- The environment provides choices and role models.
- The environment is characterized by the imposition of sanctions for compliance or non-compliance with its requirements. In the context of the sociocultural environment, their peculiarities are that they do not refer to a specific subject, and the requirements themselves are often vague, which affects the regulation of human activity.
Environment elements

The socio-cultural environment includes three mandatory elements: subjects of active socio-cultural activity, represented by social groups, institutions and individuals; conditions, opportunities and factors for its implementation; all steps in this process.
The socio-cultural environment is divided into a macro environment and a micro environment. Within the framework of the first, factors, institutions and laws of the state scale work; within the framework of the second - the activities of small groups and individuals included in them, including their sociocultural environment.
Influence on children
Within the socio-culturalenvironment, various initiative-creative formations function. An important role in them is played by subcultures that are in continuous interaction with the macro environment and form an independent basis for connecting with it. This allows you to activate the creative potential of each person. For this reason, many scientists believe that the development of the socio-cultural environment, in particular, the formation of society, occurs under the influence of the younger generation.
Subculture contributes to the formation and development of the child. It is characterized by a combination of focus on socialization and the human world with the assertion and individualization of the unique "I". During this period, the sociocultural environment of children becomes dependent on peer society.
Relationships determined by the socio-cultural environment consist of a huge number of contacts with nature, the social world, the arts, interactions with the immediate social environment. The totality of the mentioned relationships influences the child's creative abilities through psychological and pedagogical mechanisms.
In the process of creativity and education, the socio-cultural environment affects personal factors that act as an incentive for further movement and development of a person.
Family and socio-cultural educational environment

The formation of a child as a person takes place in the family - the most important educational institution of society. In it, the child is socialized, formed as a person and learns socio-cultural experience. An important factorsocial formation is the socio-cultural environment of the family.
Socio-cultural environment of the family - the culture of lifestyle, relationships, interactions and behavior that has developed in the family. The socio-pedagogical potential of the environment in which the child grows up depends on it - opportunities and their sources.
Characteristics of the family as an environment
The potential of the family as an educational environment is characterized by the following phenomena:
- The way of the family, it is also the established order in the family. Relations between family members, norms and rules of behavior, microclimate, social and spiritual development of the child as a person depend on it.
- Microclimate. The psychological background on which the child is brought up and the life of the whole family passes.
- Living conditions. Contributes to the satisfaction of the spiritual and vital needs of a person.
- Family culture and its role in shaping the sense of beauty, the culture of personality.
- Pedagogical knowledge of parents used in raising children.
- The culture of parental behavior, their relationship, serving as a role model for the child.
- Family traditions that shape the culture and image of the family.
- Leisure culture, shaping the leisure culture of a growing person.
Functions of the socio-cultural institution of the family

At the same time, the family performs socio-pedagogical functions. Among them are:
- Reproductive. It consists in procreation.
- Socialization and resocialization. Receipt andthe assimilation of social experience and the formation of the personality of the individual on its basis.
- Educational.
- Economic. Ensuring and satisfying the spiritual and material values of all family members.
- Recreative. Material and moral support for each of the family members.
- Communicative. Communication in the family and preparing the child on its basis for life in society.
Nurture Factors
The upbringing of a child in a family is carried out under the influence of various factors. When considering the family as one of the factors, processes or phenomena that have a direct impact on the educational activities of parents and the socio-cultural environment of the family are taken into account. Prospects, difficulties, success and problems in raising a child are predicted based on the influence of the sociocultural environment and its individual factors.