Few experts in the field of political science now know who Georgy Khosroevich Shakhnazarov is. Meanwhile, this bright original scientist and public figure left a bright mark in the history of our country.
Let's consider the main stages of the life path of G. Kh. Shakhnazarov.
Years of childhood and youth
Georgy Khosroevich Shakhnazarov was born in 1924 in the city of Baku in the family of an Armenian belonging to an ancient aristocratic family. His father had a higher (still pre-revolutionary) education and worked as a lawyer. However, after the revolution, he was forced to hide his aristocratic origin and therefore changed his surname, passing its truncated version to his son.

Georgy was brought up in an educated environment from childhood, read a lot, knew foreign languages, was interested in law.
By the way, Georgy Khosroevich Shakhnazarov (whose nationality did not fit into the traditional framework of Azerbaijani society) was forced to give up his right to his own position since childhood. This skill, according to his confession, was later very useful to him both in scientific and insocial activities.
His youth was overshadowed by the war. Like many of his peers, the young man had to endure the harsh war years. Shakhnazarov Georgy Khosroevich went through the war, was an artillery commander, liberated Minsk and Sevastopol. He had military awards.
Love for science
The desire for scientific knowledge led the young man immediately after the end of the war to the student bench. He brilliantly graduated from the Faculty of Law of the State University in Azerbaijan and immediately entered the graduate school of the Academy of Sciences.
Three years later, the young man presented his Ph. D. thesis to the dissertation council, which he brilliantly defended and received a Ph. D.

Georgy Khosroevich Shakhnazarov carried his love for scientific knowledge through his whole life. He wrote a lot, published scientific articles, de alt with issues of legal understanding of political processes. It is Shakhnazarov who is rightfully called the founder of political science in the USSR.
His doctoral dissertation, defended in 1969, was devoted to legal political science, as it was connected with the justification of the idea of socialist democracy.
Community activities
Georgy Khosroevich Shakhnazarov did a lot for science, whose biography partly repeats the fate of many of his contemporaries who climbed the party and scientific ladders. Interest in political science led him not only to science, but also to politics.

He was one of the first to declare the need to reform the political system that had developed in the USSR, which no longer suited either the party leadership or ordinary members of the party.
Being an adherent of the ideas of democracy, Shakhnazarov offered a mild version of changing the political system. However, his scientific constructions were not always in demand by members of the government.
Striving to realize his plans, in the late 1980s Shakhnazarov participated in the elections and became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
However, he did not hold this position for long. Shakhnazarov continues his political career and becomes one of the advisers to the President of the USSR.
He actively publishes scientific and popular science works, trying to understand the changes that are taking place in the country. In general, he continues to believe in the ideals of the new democratic order, however, as a conscientious scientist, he cannot but see that these ideals are far from being always implemented in practice.
Shakhnazarov, as a scientist, is concerned about the price of freedom that the country and people must pay for the right to abandon the negative tendencies of the Soviet legacy.
Recent years
In the last years of his life, Georgy Khosroevich Shakhnazarov (1924-2001) continued to work actively, he spoke at scientific conferences, participated in symposiums and political negotiations.
He published a lot of scientific literature. Wrote works of art. Published a book of memoirs and philosophical reflections.
He died suddenly at a conference in Tula on the way toLeo Tolstoy Museum in Yasnaya Polyana at the age of 76. He was buried with honors at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.
Famous son
However, our story about G. Kh. Shakhnazarov will be incomplete if we do not mention in it the famous son of this man. Shakhnazarov Jr. is a well-known screenwriter, director and director of Mosfilm. By the way, the son inherited from his father a rare mind, education and intelligence.
Like his father, Karen Shakhnazarov is interested in politics, is engaged in social activities, supporting the beliefs of his parent.

Concluding the story about G. Kh. Shakhnazarov, we can say that the path of this person as a whole repeats the path of his generation peers. All milestones of the biography coincide with vital events in the history of our country of the last century: the harsh Soviet childhood, military youth, years of study, passion for science, social activities, the destruction of a great country and the belief that Russia will still receive the status in the world that she deserves.