Russia and NATO: problems of interaction

Russia and NATO: problems of interaction
Russia and NATO: problems of interaction

News feeds give us more and more disturbing messages every day. The world is tense. It seems that in some of the burning regions, Russia and NATO will enter into direct confrontation. This worries the majority of the population. War is a terrible event. No one can escape its consequences. Therefore, it is desirable to understand what is happening. Let's consider whether a war between Russia and NATO is possible from different points of view.

Russia and NATO
Russia and NATO

A bit of history

Russia and NATO almost always opposed each other in the information field. These are two sparring partners who guaranteed balance on the planet after the end of World War II. In fact, the weapons of Russia and NATO guaranteed the refusal of hotheads from the desire to prove their case to the enemy in a hot way. They tried to maintain relative parity constantly. Although the West observed active offensive actions in the political field. So, after the collapse of the USSR, not only the countries of Eastern Europe, but also the B altic states joined NATO. That is, one of the opposing sides was actively expanding, while the other was losing ground. Nevertheless, parity existed due to Russia's nuclear triad. NATO was created in 1949 by Western countries. The goal of the Alliance was proclaimed to contain the military power of the Soviet Union. In principle, even after the collapse of this country, nothing has changed. Political scientists argue that Europeans are "genetically" afraid of Russia. This circumstance, explained by the history of our continent, allows us to manipulate the consciousness of the inhabitants. They believe in the need for confrontation. It should be noted that Russia and NATO have not always been clear adversaries. Until 2014, a constant dialogue was maintained between them at the political and military level. True, the events of 2008 in Georgia almost interrupted communication. But they did not become critical for relations between Russia and NATO. More serious disagreements emerged after the return of Crimea to its homeland. Let's ask ourselves why is this happening? Why does the world need a carefully sponsored confrontation?

russia nato usa
russia nato usa


In 1990, it was officially announced that the old confrontation system was over. Russia refused to cooperate with the socialist countries in the form of the Warsaw Pact. It would seem that NATO's enemy has disappeared, self-destructed. However, the Alliance was in no hurry to follow suit. And it's not just about the main goal setting. NATO is a political alliance of various countries. Each in it solves its own problems, looking for benefits. The USA did not do to liquidate the Alliance, since its institutions allowed to control the European partners. A military base on the territory of the state is an excellent argument in resolving any contentious issues. And the world already in the 90s began to slide towardsstate that we are seeing today. A serious crisis was coming. Politicians could not have foreseen this. The countries of Europe, for their part, also did not want the dissolution of the Alliance. And they did not think about fear of the Russian threat, which was ephemeral at that time. They were so profitable. The alliance freed the authorities of the member states from the need to form and maintain their armies. NATO de alt with serious problems in the development and introduction of new weapons, and solved defense issues. The Europeans considered that this was a profitable union, and it was not worth abandoning it. Russia, for its part, even expressed its intention to join the Alliance. But the initiative in the West was met with cold bewilderment. From a business standpoint, an adversary is essential.

weapons of russia and nato
weapons of russia and nato

Change of goal setting

After the change in the political situation on the European continent, Russia and NATO were looking for other ways to interact. There was even a period of some purely external warming. But the bloc's rapprochement with the Russian Federation was not considered constructive and useful for the Western world. On the contrary, they decided to use it as an instrument of globalization. That is, the Alliance was supposed to be the dominant military component of the new world order. It was strengthened and expanded as far as resources allowed. Russia, on the other hand, was assigned the role of an extra and a potential, but not a dangerous threat. The mentioned war on 08.08.08 mixed up the plans of those who staked on the Alliance. I had to correct them immediately. These events seriously spoiled relations between Russia and NATO. In any case, this is what our Western partners think.

Cooperation - confrontation

When discussing the relationship between NATO and the Russian Federation, it is impossible not to mention the period of close contacts. They started in 2002. Then a special body was created, called the Russia-NATO Council. He de alt with many issues. It is worth highlighting cooperation in the field of combating terrorism, countering the spread of drugs, eliminating accidents, and salvaging ships. Certain results in these areas have been achieved. Joint exercises were held to work out interaction in the course of eliminating terrorists and other dangers common to the continent. It seemed that the tension between the old adversaries began to decrease.

weapons of russia usa nato
weapons of russia usa nato

But everything fell apart

As already mentioned, the first dangerous bell sounded in Georgia. NATO's plans to include Russia in this closest neighbor could not but cause concern. Ukraine also expressed the same intention. It turns out that the Russian Federation could simply get into an environment. And the countries of the Alliance were in no hurry to show a friendly attitude towards the former enemy. The situation began to clear up when Saakashvili gave the order to attack the Russian peacekeepers. It was an aggressive gesture that the leadership of the Alliance did not condemn. Since 2008, it has become clear that there can be no friendship with the enemy. He will not rest until he fulfills the tasks laid down in NATO at the time of its creation.

On weapons of Russia, USA, NATO

Issues of providing armies are constantly discussed by politicians. Every now and then, negative news from both sides gets into the information field. In fact, it should be understood that there are few technical characteristics and exercises to compare the potential. Real combat experience is required. It is believed that the Alliance weapons are much more modern than Russian. Constantly bring reports on the creation of certain mechanisms, the introduction of technically more advanced devices. By the way, there are as many scandals as with the latest US aircraft carrier, which could not independently reach its home port. All this should be considered part of the information war, which is actually being waged today. Opponents keep their secrets from prying eyes and ears.

russia vs nato
russia vs nato

War Games

You know, politicians build their own field in which they try to promote this or that idea. In our case, when it is profitable, in the West they talk about friendship, but when plans change, they shout that Russia is against NATO. The military is another matter. They never forgot the old feud. Even during joint exercises, they looked closely at weapons, tried to penetrate the secrets of tactical plans and technologies. The population is told some fairy tales. The service people understand that we will never become brothers with the West. The military constantly enters into visual contact when performing their tasks. So, information is getting into the press that Russia is forcing NATO planes to leave the course, in some cases even to land. Although the latter is, of course, speculation.

Economic background

When talking about the confrontation between potential opponents, one should really look at the events taking place in the world, the general order of things. It's no secret that it's not the military who are in power these days. And the very phenomenon of confrontation, as it turns out, is tied more to the economy than to the military threat. The latter is remembered only when the ruling elite needs to influence the layman, to create support for their projects. NATO has now become a superstructure over the military-industrial complex. They are busy collecting and distributing contributions, most of which go to the United States. It is the hegemon who is engaged in the armament of the armies, scientific and technical developments. That is, the Alliance has turned from a mechanism for protecting countries, into a way to withdraw money from those who trusted it. The world in 2009 entered the peak of the crisis. And, despite the assurances of politicians, he could not get out of it. There is less and less money. And the military-industrial complex requires constant giant infusions to maintain its existence. This is how legends of confrontation arise.

war between russia and nato
war between russia and nato


This is a separate issue. It has already been mentioned that in order to find out who is stronger, a demonstration of weapons in real hostilities is necessary. After all, each of the parties developed its military-industrial complex according to a separate scenario. The point of such a demonstration was Syria. Russia, NATO, as the main players, entered its territory with their armed forces. Each side has its own allies. But they use the overlord's weapons. That is, there is a clear demonstration of what each side is capable of. And while events are unfolding not in favor of NATO. After all, all parties opposing Assad in Syria are armed with their equipment. But they cannot cope with government forces. The Russian Aerospace Forces demonstrated such novelties that shocked the generalsNATO.

About "Calibers"

It is impossible not to mention the Caspian volley fired on the birthday of the President of the Russian Federation. From small ships deployed thousands of kilometers from the theater of operations, guided cruise missiles were launched at terrorists in Syria. Its importance cannot be overestimated. The Russian Federation has demonstrated a new type of weapon that it did not have before. However, great achievements are noted in the political plane. "Caliber" is not just a weapon. They are a real deterrent. They say that after the video of the salvo hit the Internet, in many countries the generals sat over the maps and decided which of them was protected from a potential threat. It turned out that there are none in the world. The Caliber system can be placed on small river-sea boats. They are mobile and invisible. Tracking the movement of the armada of carriers of winged death is not possible. This is how hotheads cool down in the modern world, thoughtlessly declaring the possibility of a preventive nuclear strike.

russia planes nato
russia planes nato

Will there be a hot conflict?

Of course, the reader wants to understand whether it is worth fearing a real war with NATO. This question is often discussed by political scientists on various shows. And the generals of the Alliance make all sorts of threatening attacks towards Russia. However, there seems to be nothing to be afraid of. Wars occur when one side is ready for it. The current crisis state of the world economy is a guarantee that there will not be a serious fire anywhere. Opponents will find outrelationships through local conflicts. Neither side will pull a big war today. Elementary resource base is not enough. Which is very good! You don't want to die! This is how we will live!
