The richest world of colors contains so many colors that it is sometimes difficult to determine which shade you have to deal with. However, when it comes to, for example, photography or cinema, we can confidently divide them into color and black and white. It is by these characteristics that one can accurately determine whether a particular palette belongs to chromatic and achromatic colors.
Color Separation
Achromatic (black and white scale) and chromatic color (gamma spectrum) got their names thanks to the Greek language. Literally, they are translated as colorless and colored. When they are mixed, colors are obtained that are different in hue, lightness and saturation.

In itself, the concept of chromatism is associated with a sequence of semitones. Chromatic colors include all shades of the color spectrum. Lightness is a property that combines chromatic and achromatic colors.
Why do we seeworld in color?
The ability of human vision to perceive different colors of the spectrum is an amazing gift that allows us to experience storms of emotions at the sight of sunset and rapid spring flowering, determine the maturity of fruits and create masterpieces of painting… By the way, the aesthetic perception of the world is inherent only to people.
The cells of the eye are directly responsible for the perception of color. Not all living beings are able to perceive the world in color. But for most people it is available. Rods and cones are special receptors in the eye. The former are responsible for the perception of achromatic colors, the latter for distinguishing chromatic ones. Perceptual disturbances are mainly related to the ability to see a spectrum or a single chromatic color.

In order to see color, light is needed first of all. Agree, in the dark you are unlikely to be able to determine the color scheme of a particular thing. All objects are endowed with the ability to absorb and reflect light rays. In this case, only the wavelength of the light matters. For example, a green apple reflects waves whose length corresponds to one of the shades of green. All other colors are absorbed so the apple stays green.
Basic chromatic colors
In fact, all chromatic colors and shades are created from red, yellow and blue. A different combination of reflected light waves allows us to see a variety of tones in the color gamut. So, for example, even kids can say with confidence that by mixing yellow paint with blue, you canget green, and when you combine yellow with red, you get orange.

Black absorbs all waves. White, on the contrary, reflects them. These colors are called achromatic and have only one characteristic, lightness, which creates a spectrum of grays ranging from bright white to black.
Chromatic color characteristics
The lightness of the hue allows you to compare chromatic and achromatic colors with each other. So, any chromatic color can be compared in lightness with another shade of the spectrum or with an achromatic shade. Almost always, we can tell without thinking which of the shades is lighter or darker.
We must not forget that, unlike black and white, any chromatic color has a certain saturation. This characteristic is determined by the degree of difference between the hue and the achromatic equal in lightness and allows us to talk about its brightness. When mixing a chromatic and achromatic palette with the same lightness, the color will not change - shades of gray have no color. Changes will occur when adding a darker or, conversely, lighter achromatic palette.

Mysterious play of light
The most unusual colors for human perception are iridescent shades of mother-of-pearl, when the color changes depending on the angle of incidence of light. The name of the color is due to its natural manifestation - by the name of the mineral that covers the shell of the mollusk. It is he who serves as a building material for the growth of the pearl.
The transfusion of colors occurs due to the special structure of mother-of-pearl, consisting of many tiny crystals, each of which refracts and reflects light. Therefore, the color of mother-of-pearl seems to us such a shade that shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.
It is generally accepted that there are 7 colors in the rainbow. The main chromatic colors are collected in a bizarre arc shape and smoothly transition from one to another. In fact, a rainbow is nothing more than the refraction of sunlight in droplets of moisture invisible to the human eye.
Rainbows become a natural phenomenon when the skies clear up after rain. You can also observe a rainbow over ponds with intense evaporation, over fountains and waterfalls. Even on a frosty day, when the air is filled with small ice crystals, you can see this amazing natural phenomenon, which is considered one of the most striking manifestations of the spectrum of chromatic colors.

The world is full of bright colors and rich colors that can please the human eye, fill life with beauty and the richest impressions. Only by understanding the full depth of the priceless natural gift, you can fully enjoy life.