Russian President Vladimir Putin has a reputation for being smart and knowledgeable. Perhaps many would like to receive lessons in public speaking from him. The whole world carefully and attentively listens to his every word, and already many of his phrases are becoming winged. Judging by the president's speech, we can conclude that he is familiar with all styles of speech - both bookish and colloquial. In conversation, he uses a business style, however, he does not miss the opportunity to use a slang word.

One such example is his characterization of the current American President. In July of this year, Vladimir Putin gave this answer to the question of what he thinks of Trump: he described him as an open person who knows how to listen, and most importantly, he “does not mold a hunchback.” What does this phrase mean?
Value of expression
After seeing the news about how Putin described Trump, many wonderedquestion: what does the expression "sculpt a hunchback" mean? Where does it come from? This phrase refers to the colloquial style, namely to its variety - jargon. The expression "to sculpt a hunchback" has a very simple meaning - to deceive. Very often people say something that is not at all truthful and reasonable, "think up on the go", "make fools out of themselves." In such cases, the expression "sculpt a hunchback" is appropriate.
How did this saying come about?
Let's figure out where the expression "sculpt a hunchback" came from. In order to understand the meaning of a phrase, you need to determine the meaning of each of its components. So, the word "sculpt" means "to attach something to something." For example, you can stick something to a wall or ceiling, that is, to any surface using adhesive tape or other means.

The second word of the phrase is "humped". Who is hunchbacked? This is a slouchy person. A hunchback is a person who will definitely never be able to walk straight, his spine is curved, so his head is always turned down, not up. I remember the saying "the grave will fix the humpbacked grave." This literally means that only a coffin will fix a hump, but in a figurative sense, nothing can fix a person’s shortcomings. The meaning of "sculpt a hunchback" is due to the fact that it is impossible to stick a humpback to the wall, since the wall is even, but the back is not. Therefore, they do not converge with each other. This is where the meaning of "sculpt" comes from.humpbacked" - to say something that does not make sense, to fantasize, not to connect words with the truth.
Jargon language
Jargon is the language of one group of people bound by their own rules and laws. The slang language appeared for the reason that the thieves needed to be incomprehensible to other people. It is by talking that thieves recognize their own.

Of course, in today's information age, jargon has become available to many, nevertheless, it is a necessary sign for "their own", that is, for those who want to hide something. Distinguishing jargon is not so difficult: usually the words of this style do not shine with beauty and euphony. Is it up to the beauty of thieves who do not want to be declassified? Some slang phrases, such as the expression "sculpt a hunchback", the meaning of which we have considered, are sometimes appropriate in the speech of ordinary people, since they express emotions more vividly.