The most influential official in the Moscow government - this is not what they write about the mayor of the capital. Anastasia Rakova, the new wife of Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin and Deputy Mayor of Moscow, deserved this assessment. True, there is no official information about the marriage of two high-ranking civil servants. At the same time, almost all experts note her high professionalism.
Early years
Anastasia Rakova was born on February 8, 1976 in the Siberian city of Khanty-Mansiysk, in the family of a retired military man - Colonel Vladimir Rakov. After graduating from high school, she studied at the Institute of State and Law of the Tyumen State University. Having received a law degree in 1998, she continued her studies at the Faculty of Economics of her native university. In 2000 she received the second speci alty "Finance and Credit".
Anastasia's father in the 2000s headed the Association of Automobile Business Enterprises of the Tyumen Region, in 2006 he became the head of LLC"Association of motorists of Tyumen". After graduating from the institute, the younger brother received the post of deputy head of finance at the Sibinformburo media holding. Later ran a transportation company.
First job

Having received a higher legal education, Anastasia Rakova in 1998 got a job in the civil service in the apparatus of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug as a specialist of the first category, chaired by Sergei Sobyanin from 1994 to 2000. She also worked in the local parliament until 2000, gradually climbing the career ladder, having worked as a leader, chief specialist, and moved to another job from the post of head of the legal expertise department. Anastasia Rakova and Sobyanin have almost always worked together since then.
In 1999-2001 was a member of the inter-regional public political movement "Ugra", which was headed by the governor of the district, later included in the pre-election bloc of Yevgeny Primakov and Yuri Luzhkov.
In the Tyumen Regional Administration

In October 2000, Anastasia Rakova went to work for Sobyanin's close friend, Oleg Chemezov, the first deputy chairman of the district government. In 2001, after the victory of Sergei Semenovich in the election of the governor of the Tyumen region, she transferred to his assistant. Soon she was promoted to the position of first assistant, later joined the Commission on Legislative Work.
Already at that timeThe district press noted that although Anastasia Rakova did not have the right, by virtue of her position, to make political statements and legislative initiatives, she participated in the development and adoption of key decisions. Many documents were signed by the new governor only after prior agreement with his close collaborator. In 2001-2003 participated in the work of the regional election commission, holding the post of deputy head of the Control and Auditing Service. During these years, she participated in the development of several important regional and federal laws. Tyumen officials noted that Rakova is a first-class professional lawyer and knows the law well.
Moving to the capital

In 2005, she briefly worked as the head of the apparatus of the regional governor, since in the same year Sobyanin was appointed to the post of head of the presidential administration, Vladimir Putin. The local press speculated whether she would become the new governor or follow her boss. The newspaper "Evening Tyumen" printed on the front page a huge portrait - in the photo Anastasia Rakova and the inscription "Swear!". She seemed like a natural successor, who knew the region well and whom Sergey Semyonovich fully trusted.
However, soon Anastasia Rakova left for Moscow, having received the post of deputy to Viktor Nagaitsev, head of the secretariat of the head of the presidential administration. She became the only specialist who was taken from Tyumen by Sobyanin. was engagedpreparation of decrees, orders of the head of state and other documents. Colleagues did not really like her for sometimes excessive rigidity, but they respected her for her strong character and good organizational skills.
In Medvedev's hundred

After Dmitry Medvedev was elected president of Russia, Vladimir Putin appointed Sobyanin to the post of head of the government apparatus with the rank of deputy prime minister. Anastasia Rakova for the first time got a job where she did not report directly to Sergei Semenovich, most likely because he could not immediately take her with him. She became Secretary of State and Deputy Minister of Regional Development. High-ranking officials noted that Rakova, most likely, does not strive to become an independent political figure and, perhaps, will not pull it off, but she is a good and reliable deputy for organizational work.
At the same time, she was accepted into the United Russia party, and one of the leaders of the organization, Vyacheslav Volodin, handed her a party card. On her own, Anastasia Rakova worked for a little over a year, having managed to enter the presidential reserve of promising specialists (in the first hundred people), President Medvedev's favorite "toy". She became the first "reserve" from this list, who received a promotion. She was appointed director of the government legal department, through which all documents issued by the government passed.
Return to your beloved boss

In the autumn of 2010, the Moscow mayorSergey Sobyanin was appointed, Anastasia Rakova received the post of head of the apparatus of the government of the capital in the rank of deputy mayor. Several departments of the city administration, including the department of information technology and the administration of affairs, fell under its command. Many employees of the mayor's office noted that it is effective in achieving its goals, its main tool is authoritarianism. Conducts meetings in a tough manner, believes that there is only one of her correct opinions, and the rest are wrong. Because of what she has a "permanent conflict" with the other vice-mayors.
Opposition resources believe that 19 billion rubles are annually spent through the Moscow Information Technologies company controlled by the city for total control of the media space, propaganda and disinformation. Rakova was accused of holding back "unnecessary" information for the mayor's office at her command.
Indispensable substitute

Both supporters and opponents of Anastasia Rakova note that she is not involved in street politics, has nothing to do with pre-election budgets, and never lobbies for the interests of any business. She cannot be charged with financial dishonesty.
Although the Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation wrote that she was seen with expensive jewelry - a necklace (worth more than 1.3 million rubles), a pendant (the price is more than 2 million rubles), perhaps at one of the secular parties where the mayor often takes it with him to facilitate communication. From such "mandatory" eventssometimes shots appeared in various publications, where Anastasia Rakova and Sobyanin were in the photo.
New appointment

After being elected for a second term in 2018, Sobyanin reorganized the city government. Anastasia Rakova received the post of deputy head of the city for social issues. According to experts, the appointment of a close and trusted person to this post suggests that priority will be given to the development of the social sphere. This is a very responsible area of work, with great powers and budgets, but also with great responsibility.
If she used to informally supervise the electoral processes, now she is directly responsible for the loy alty of the city's residents. The mayor's rating and how the voters will vote largely depend on the solution of social issues. The city administration explained the appointment of Anastasia Rakova by the need for a young and energetic leader who should take the social sphere and medicine to a new level.
Personal Information
The fact that Anastasia Rakova is Sobyanin's wife was reported by almost all opposition information resources. Officially, she has never been married, and the mayor of the capital has been divorced since 2010. In the same year, Rakova went on maternity leave, and in 2016 for the second time. Both times daughters were born. A close circle says that there is a husband, although he is not indicated in the declaration filed by officials.
The children of Anastasia Rakova did not prevent her from continuing her career. After the birth of the first child, the mayor's office organizeda children's room so that the daughter could be close to her working mother. And after the birth of her second child, she was at the workplace a week later. The press reported that when the deputy mayor went to register her daughter at the MFC, she made a terrible scandal there due to the fact that the employees worked slowly and poorly.