Evening verification: the sacred ritual of the military

Evening verification: the sacred ritual of the military
Evening verification: the sacred ritual of the military

For every man (and in some cases - women) who served in the army, the phrase "evening verification" immediately evokes a lot of memories. There is nothing surprising. If the same event is repeated throughout the entire military service every day, then in any case it is stored in memory. And if it is also accompanied by funny situations and a collective performance of a drill song - even more so.

So what kind of evening verification event? Why and by whom is it carried out? How long does it take? What is accompanied by and what stages does it consist of? If these questions are of interest to the reader, then he can easily find the answers to them, collected in one small article.

formation of soldiers
formation of soldiers

What is this?

Evening verification is a routine moment in the daily routine of a soldier, exactly the same as a morning inspection and divorce, a training session or an hour of a soldier's letter. This regime moment is provided for by Article 235 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation andheld daily in every military unit.

soldier check
soldier check

What is it for?

Discipline is the most important thing in the army. Its violation is fraught with serious consequences in the form of outfits out of turn or even "rest" in the guardhouse. The movement of the personnel of the military unit is under constant control of the commander. He must know about those soldiers who are on leave, on a business trip, in the hospital and in all sorts of other places. But how do you get this information? That's what evening checking is for. Thus, the main task of this event is the operational control of the movement of personnel.

officer checks
officer checks

Conducted by whom?

According to the Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the evening verification is carried out by the duty officer of the military unit. Its rank varies depending on the number and type of unit. In a separate battalion, a lieutenant can also be a duty officer. In the regiment, verification is always carried out by a senior officer - major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, and so on.

Russian airborne forces
Russian airborne forces

What comes with it?

We have established that the main purpose of the evening verification is personnel accounting. In addition, this event has other secondary goals.

The first of them is bringing operational information to the responsible persons in the departments. The officer on duty gives an approximate daily schedule for the next day, possible nuances.

Evening verification in the army is not only a verification of personnel. This isand an evening walk that precedes the verification. On a walk, each unit (company or separate platoon) passes several times along the parade ground, performing a drill song. Techniques of combat training are being worked out. After all, this is a walk in the fresh air, very appropriate before lights out and provided for by the routine.

A very important point: contract servicemen rarely spend the night at the location and do not take part in the verification. The only exception is the field exit, where the unit is present for verification in full force.

soldier boots
soldier boots


It all starts with an evening walk. The walk begins at 21:40, respectively, the formation of the unit and preparation for it begin in 5-10 minutes. The unit gathers in the central aisle at the command of the orderly: "Company, STAND for an evening walk."

After the formation, the unit descends in an organized manner from the location and, at the command of the responsible person (duty officer, foreman of the company, commander of a separate platoon), begins to move to the parade ground. It should be noted that the person in charge is in the unit around the clock, is on duty and monitors compliance with the regime.

Arriving at the parade ground, the unit begins to work out drill drills, sing drill songs. As a rule, several songs are performed. Company, battalion, regiment have their own song.

After performing songs and having worked out drill techniques, the unit takes its place in the ranks. The location of the divisions starts fromthe very first one (as a rule, there is no control at the evening verification) to the last one according to its number. For example, 1 company is built first, 2 - second, and 3 - third.

The person in charge of the department, after "parking" in the ranks, takes out a list of evening verification. Outwardly, this document resembles a class magazine. It also contains the surnames, first names and patronymics (if any) of military personnel, but instead of estimates there are notes on the actual whereabouts of the personnel.

Having taken out the list, the person in charge begins the evening verification ritual. Why ritual? Because during it, the servicemen should not make a single extra sound. There are strict exceptions to this rule, for example, such. Hearing his last name, the soldier must loudly and clearly pronounce "I". He is noted as being present at the verification. If a serviceman is not in service (dismissed, sick, on a business trip, attire, outside the barracks, and so on), then a specially appointed person, usually from a sergeant, loudly and clearly names the reason for his absence. The person responsible for the unit makes the appropriate marks in the log.

When the list for the evening verification ends, the senior in the unit gives the commands "Become", "Equal", "Attention", "Alignment to the middle" and goes to the duty officer of the regiment. When approaching an officer, he takes three combat steps and reports on the state of the unit's personnel. Having accepted the report, the regiment officer on duty gives the command "At ease", which is duplicated by the person in charge fordivisions. On the command "At ease", the serviceman is allowed to loosen one of the supporting legs.

After the end of the verification, the unit either returns to its position and prepares for the retreat, or a few more circles pass along the parade ground. An important point of the walk is the opportunity to visit a designated smoking area. This is important because the first months of service, many military personnel smoke on a schedule.

How long does it take?

Evening verification can take a long time. It depends on the discipline and mood of the officer on duty. If the military unit is small and there is no need to gather several hundred people together, then verification can take several hours. This phenomenon is especially common in "quarantine" during the first months of service of young soldiers.
