How to become cooler than the rest of the guys? This is an important question for you, right? Maybe you just moved to a new school, and now you're trying to gain popularity, or at least not be considered a loser? And it doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, because coolness is important for everyone!

Of course you look around and you see examples of tough guys. And you want to understand how to become a cool kid yourself. Let's think about this together. Look, what do you understand by the word "cool"? Surely, it must be a strong man. First of all physically. Therefore, if you have never lifted anything heavier than a sandwich in your life, then this is definitely not cool. So the first advice to yourself is to increase your strength. It is not necessary for this only to go to the gym and download iron. Maybe you would be more interested in learning how to use the opponent's strength against him, and then a sport like aikido will suit you. Or do you prefer athletics? This is also strength, but also endurance and a good toned shape. Something that will always come in handy in life. So don't be lazy, go in for sports.
And remember that physical strength is notimplies that it should be applied everywhere and on everyone. A person who offends the weak, unfairly hits another, or simply boasts of his strength, is not cool by definition. He's pathetic.
The second step on the way to become cooler than others will be … also strength. But the power is spiritual. Do you remember how a lion differs from other animals? Why is he considered a king? Remember the leonine posture, look at the tigers - remember their confident movements. If you want to be cool, act cool. This means - believe in yourself, remember that you are strong, that your task is to protect those who are weaker.
Never be afraid, do not complain about life and do not be cowardly. Remember that if you think you are strong, others will believe you too.
And your third weapon in achieving the goal of how to become cooler should be the power of intellect. Being a dumb jock is definitely not cool, so don't be shy, read more smart books, develop yourself, master new knowledge and skills. If you can get the other person interested in your conversation, consider that half the work is done - you are already cool. But all these tips will work for sure only if you try to follow them all together. Individually, they will either turn you into a stupid strong man, or a smart guy, or a nerd - none of these options are definitely cool.

Well, if you are a girl, you also want to know how to become the coolest - in class, in the yard, in the company? In general, all the advice for young men will suit you. Of course, you do not need to run to the martial arts section right now. But worth itremember that your strength is in your femininity. Don't try to outdo the boys, don't learn bad habits from them. Modern girls know for sure what is not cool. It's not cool to swear through the word, smoke, it's not cool to drink alcohol and brag about these dubious achievements.
An important tip on how to become cooler than others is to respect the woman in yourself and treat yourself like a queen. And a real queen should be proud, but at the same time not arrogant, responsive and femininely weak. Indeed, in female weakness there is female strength. And therefore, do not strive to be accessible, but do not put on airs, do not try to look older than your years, behave naturally and affably. But don't let anyone hurt you. All this, combined with erudition, the desire to communicate with people and develop, will surely make you popular.