Showbiz stars, like other famous people, should always be in shape and look good, because they are constantly under the increased attention of curious fans. It is unacceptable for public people to look unattractive or gain extra pounds, as they are an example to follow and the pride of their country. So how do celebrities manage to always be in great shape without gaining weight?
As an example, we can take the popular singer Ani Lorak, whose diet has become popular and is of interest to almost every girl and woman.

How did Ani Lorak manage to lose weight?
Not so long ago, the Ukrainian singer Karolina, who became famous in show business as a beauty singing under the pseudonym Ani Lorak, became the mother of a charming girl Sofia. After giving birth, the singer in a short time was able to get rid of several kilograms of excess weight gained during pregnancy. She willinglyshares with all his weight loss methods without making a secret of it. And the thing is that Ani Lorak's diet after giving birth consisted of fractional nutrition and the rejection of certain foods.

The set of rules that make up Ani Lorak's diet
For everyone who wanted to know the secret of harmony, the journalists took a short interview. Here is what Ani Lorak herself said about this: “The diet must be followed throughout life, and I am not interested in short-term restrictions on food intake.” Her rules turned out to be known to most losing weight:
- You need to completely abandon fried and fatty foods, because even vegetables at the time of frying add an average of 100 kcal per 100 grams of weight. According to the recommendations of many nutritionists, it is worth giving preference to boiled or grilled dishes. The meat can be cooked in the oven or in the double boiler, which will save a lot of time and result in a low-calorie meal.
- The diet should include dishes from whole grains. It is worth abandoning instant oatmeal containing flavor enhancers and vegetable cream. Ani Lorak, whose diet is very popular, notes that porridge can be eaten with fresh vegetables and fruits, or flavored with a minimum amount of vegetable oil.
- Also, the singer recommends eating during the day with 3- or 4-hour intervals (there should be at least 4 meals, but no more than 6), only on condition that the portions are small. Ani Lorak's diet, the menu of which is not very limitedprohibition is based on the principle: “Eat as much as can fit in your cupped hands.”
- Those who want to lose extra pounds should include vegetables and fruits (at least 5 types) in their daily diet. The celebrity is fond of fruit smoothies - she replaces them with her morning meal. It is worth paying attention to the fact that nutritionists advise eating boiled vegetables with cereals or meat. When fresh, they can serve as an excellent product that satisfies hunger between main meals.
- Rejection of bakery products. Ani Lorak prefers to exclude from the diet not only white, but also black bread. She also believes that sweet foods can be detrimental to the figure.

Additional ways to lose weight Ani Lorak
Stars of show business adhere to popular methods of losing weight, visiting fitness centers and restricting themselves in food. But, as it turned out, the problem can be solved in quite simple ways. This is Ani Lorak's affordable diet. The singer is helped to remove her stomach by daily physical exercises that she performs at home. As the singer admitted in an interview, you can do “Soviet” gymnastics every morning, which is also known to our mothers. Leg swings, squats and bends give the same effect. The most important thing is not to be lazy and work on yourself. Also, a set of exercises includes vigorous rotation of the shoulder joints and head, push-ups and twisting of the body on the press. Such exercises will help those who wish not only to reduce their own body weight, but alsochange the state of he alth for the better.

Another of the additional ways to adjust the figure of Ani Lorak were concerts. For the period of one performance, the singer can lose a kilogram of weight. Since exhausting loads and strict diets are contraindicated for nursing mothers, Carolina regularly did special body wraps and massages that help prevent postpartum depression and improve metabolism. In addition, these procedures keep the muscles of the body in good shape, help women become owners of elastic, smooth skin and get rid of cellulite.
It is worth noting that the famous performer does not abuse alcohol and does not smoke.
Is it possible to break the diet
You can break the rules, but occasionally. The diet invented by Ani Lorak allows you to eat your favorite dishes, but only on condition that the portions are small and these dishes will be consumed in the morning. Even if the singer eats chocolate, then only a piece of the bar. Karolina also likes to eat the Ukrainian national product - in her opinion, lard improves the functioning of the vocal cords. Another of the "harmful goodies" is fried potatoes, by using which Ani Lorak tries to slightly increase the load by doing a couple of extra physical exercises.

Expert opinion on Ani Lorak's diet
Undoubtedly, the weight loss method developed by the celebrity has already found its fans and is effective. But what is the opinion of professional nutritionists about him,specializing in he althy nutrition?
Experts analyzed Ani Lorak's diet, reviews of which are very positive, and it turned out that this system complies with all the rules of dietology. With the help of fractional nutrition, you can easily improve the absorption of useful nutrients and speed up metabolic processes, and the restriction in sweets will reduce the intake of excess glucose, which is converted into fat cells.
Who needs to follow Ani Lorak's diet
In conclusion, I would like to note that the system of recovery of the body after childbirth, which was developed by Ani Lorak, is effective and correct from the point of view of a he althy lifestyle. Absolutely all women can adhere to it without fear of harm to he alth.
It is important to remember that before starting a diet, it is imperative to consult a doctor who specializes in this issue.