Diana Spencer is the most famous and most mysterious woman in Great Britain, who went down in history as the Princess of Wales, the wife of Prince Charles. Why is she famous? What is the secret of her death? And why is the investigation into the tragic end of Diana's life still going on? Look for answers to these questions in the article.
First years of life
Diana Spencer has ancient aristocratic roots. Even during the reign of Charles I, her paternal ancestors were awarded the title of count. Her maternal grandmother was once a lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother herself.
The girl was born in the family castle of Sandrigem on July 1, 1961. It should be noted that this castle is one of the residences of the king, it was here that the royal family most often rested at Christmas.
As befits aristocrats, the Spencer family used the services of numerous servants. In addition to Diana, the family had 3 more children, and all of them were brought up in strictness. Witnesses said: the upbringing was such that between parents and children there were no warm and closerelations. The traditions of the aristocracy forbade not only kisses between relatives, but also hugs. A cold distance was observed in everything.
Unfortunately, at the age of 6, the life of our heroine was overshadowed by the divorce of her parents. Diana, like all the children of her family, stayed with her father.
The mother of the family, having left for London, was alone for a short time and got married.
Diana was brought up by Gertrude Allen, it was she who gave the girl the first knowledge. A succession of schools followed: Sealfield Private Schools and Riddlesworth Hall, West Hill's elite girls' school.

Diana's friends noted that she was not a diligent student, she did not like studying, but the girl was very loved and respected - she had a cheerful and kind character.
Diana Spencer's height was 178 cm. This became an obstacle to the realization of her most cherished dream. Diana was very fond of dancing and dreamed of becoming a ballerina.
First meeting with Prince Charles
After the death of Diana's grandfather, her father, John Spencer, inherited the title of earl. The family moved to their family estate - the castle of Althorp House. The Spencer estate was famous for its excellent hunting grounds, where representatives of the royal family often hunted.
In 1977, Prince Charles came here to hunt. The young people met. However, the shy 16-year-old Diana made absolutely no impression on him.
Diana Spencer was also only thinking about studying in Switzerland at the time.

After studying and returning to London, the girl received an apartment as a gift from her father. Independent life began. Diana, despite the we alth of her family, got a job in a kindergarten. She wanted to provide for herself.
Diana and the Prince
It was at this time, 2 years after they first met, that Diana and Charles met again. The romance between young people developed rapidly.
At first they had a great time on the Britannia yacht, and over time, Diana Spencer (see photo in the article) was invited to Balmoral, the royal residence. At Balmoral, Charles introduced the girl to his parents. Soon the couple got married.
Things are not what they seemed at the beginning
Here we should make some digression. At the time of his acquaintance with Diana, Charles led a wild life. His relationship with a married woman, Camille Parker, worried his parents very much. Therefore, when Diana appeared on the horizon, her candidacy for the role of the wife of her son leading a vicious lifestyle began to be considered immediately.
Charles was not at all going to part with Camilla, so Diana's candidacy for the role of his future wife was approved not only by the prince's parents, but also by his beloved woman.

Diana Spencer, whose biography has received a new round, agreed to marriage, knowing full well that her future husband has a mistress.
The marriage ceremony took place on July 29, 1981.
Payback for a mistake
Diana loved her husband, she probably hoped that everyoneformed, and they can live happily. Yet these hopes were not justified. Jealousy, unsuccessful attempts to save the family, tears and pain - this is the atmosphere in which the young wife had to live.
Diana's unhappy existence was brightened up only by children. She found solace in her sons, William and Harry.
Over time, the situation in the family only began to heat up, because Charles stopped hiding his love affair with Camilla. This, of course, had a negative effect on Diana, every day it became more and more difficult for her to control herself.
The mother-in-law supported her son, and this did not affect the relationship between her and Diana in the best way. The mother-in-law was also annoyed by the fact that the daughter-in-law was becoming more and more popular with ordinary people every day.

Lady Dee - this is how the subjects of the British crown began to call Diana. She was considered a princess "from the people", because she often took part in charity events, helped those in need both in word and deed.
Decisive step leading to divorce
Tired of dealing with the current situation, Diana spoke about her personal life to the public. The whole world learned about how the life of the royal family goes. This step angered the Queen very much: with Diana, they became irreconcilable enemies.
Lady Dee decided to end the marriage at all costs. The Queen Mother believed that a true aristocrat should humble herself and live for the sake of her children, because a conflict in the royal family, and even more so a divorce, is a terrible scandal and complications.
However the princessDiana has already made her decision, she has begun to act. The once-prudent, crystalline princess has been caught hooking up with her riding instructor.
This caused the couple to break up, the marriage was officially annulled after 4 years. The Queen had to accept the situation.
The prospect of being a queen for Diana was lost, but this did not upset her. She became free, which meant that she could be a beloved and happy woman. Moreover, she retained the title of Princess of Wales, and she had the right to raise her children.

Life seemed to be getting better. At first, Diana found solace in fleeting, meaningless novels. This went on until fate threw her a meeting with the son of a famous Egyptian billionaire, Dodi al-Fayed.
After 2 months of dating this couple, significant pictures began to appear in the press. Rumors spread that the couple was already engaged. Diana's happiness was so close…
End of story
August 31, 1997, the terrible news spread around the world: Dodi al-Fayed and Princess Diana died in a car accident.
It all happened at the moment when the couple, trying to escape from annoying photographers chasing sensational shots, drove into the tunnel at very high speed. The car crashed into a support in front of the bridge on the Seine embankment.
The tragedy of this situation is also that Diana Spencer died under the rubble for about an hourcar, and the paparazzi took care at this time of sensational shots. Dodi died instantly.
The true causes of death of a couple in love are still unknown. Among the most popular versions of Diana's death, the following are noted: an escape from annoying paparazzi, a drunk driver at the wheel, the intervention of British intelligence agents. What is it: an accident or a well-planned operation? We will probably never know.
Lady Dee's funeral
The whole country wept when Diana Spencer died. The funeral of the princess was a tragedy for England. Mourners littered the gates of Buckingham and Kensington Palaces with wreaths and flowers.
The organizers of the funeral ceremony put out 5 books in which everyone could write their condolences to the royal family, in a few days their number increased to 43.

More than a million people stood with their heads bowed along the route of the funeral procession. The funeral liturgy was very touching.
Diana Spencer's grave is located on a small island in the middle of a quiet lake, which is located in her family estate Althorp House.