About where the midge comes from

About where the midge comes from
About where the midge comes from

Everyone is familiar with the situation when, in the summer heat, flying creatures appear very quickly over an uncovered apple - tiny and very annoying. We are talking about "fruit" midges. They are also popularly called "sour". Each of us uttered this already sacramental phrase: Where does the midge come from?"

Where does the midge come from
Where does the midge come from

Turn to Science

The midges live no more than a day, but the larvae manage to lay a great many, providing us with no loneliness. These representatives of the Diptera family have more than 2000 species. Distributed throughout the world, the most famous genus of the family is Drosophila (Drosophilia). These are the very "fruit" midges. Their favorite place is the tropics and subtropics. The moisture of the Hawaiian Islands contributed to the habitat and reproduction of more than 300 species of fruit flies.

These little insects are 10 times smaller than normal flies. Rotting plant matter is their favorite haunt, which is where the midge comes from. Any fruit, vegetable orrotten food is their prey. Flowers, even fresh, even planted in pots, can also be their haven. Even in a container with a chemical or a cream in the bathroom, these "bastards" can settle.

Where do midges come from on the street
Where do midges come from on the street

With their size, getting into any gap is a simple task. If you are wondering where the midges come from in the apartment, and do not find the answer, read the article further.

Bag (even unopened) of cereal, nuts in a box, seasoning for dishes, wet tea bag, bowls of pets, dishes not washed on time, a jar of jam, spoiled bread, trash can (closed), sinks, sinks, sewerage in the house - these "pranksters" will make their way there too. Now you have learned about where the midge comes from. People who often have to overcome the distance on a bicycle along the river note this feature. Moving along the same road, in a certain place they will certainly encounter a swarm of midges, which unexpectedly fly into all the open holes on the body. The feeling is not pleasant. The reason is simple: in this place on the shore there is probably a large pit with stagnant water. But spoiled substances of plant origin are almost everywhere, so the answer to the question of where midges come from on the street is already clear.

where do midges come from in the apartment
where do midges come from in the apartment

What to do?

Enough to endure and wait, it's time to act! Clapping your hands in the hope of killing them all is a very tedious and stupid task. Or maybe midges can be drowned? NotRemember: they are waterfowl, so it does not make sense to fill them with water either. But there is a way, and quite simple. In a plastic cup (from yogurt, for example, which you don’t even need to wash), put the bait in the form of a lemon / banana / watermelon / grape peel. Cover it with a transparent cling film that adheres well to the edges of the cup (almost sticks). Then make a few small holes with a large needle. That's all! The midges fly inside easily, but back … In general, they got caught! The closed cup is thrown away, or better, mechanically destroyed. But do not forget the main rule: you cannot create favorable conditions for the life of these insects. Now you know not only where the midge comes from, but also how to get rid of it.
