Most of the population of the Russian Federation is interested in where the lion's share of the country's budget goes. These costs are not always justified and at least somehow correspond to the norms. The most interesting for residents are questions about salaries of officials. After all, everyone is curious about how much the powers that be get, while ordinary people constantly complain about the lack of financial resources.

Increasing the salaries of officials
Of course, the most interesting question is what Putin's salary is, because the head of state probably receives a lot of money for such a responsible position. It is known that last year the President of the Russian Federation raised the salaries of senior officials of the Kremlin. As a result, their income increased immediately by 2-3 times. So, earlier the head of parliament could - without bonus income - receive about 120 thousand rubles, and now this figure has soared to 300. Or the deputy head of the department, who previously received about 100 thousand. Now he gets 240. The idea behind the bonuses is to compare civilian bureaucratic jobs with those in the military. That is, for example, the head of the administration is equal in salary to the Minister of Defense. Of course, not everyone liked the plan. Myselfthe fact of equating to military positions was initially perceived with hostility by the army cell. However, later they agreed that there is still a logic in this, and the importance of administrative work should be evaluated no less than military.

White House salaries
To talk about what Putin's salary is in comparison with other high-ranking officials of the state. When the monthly payments to the Kremlin employees increased significantly, it caused a storm of emotions among the workers of the "White House". After the scandal, which became known to journalists, wages were raised for them as well. According to a similar scheme, they were also leveled with the military, but left at a lower level compared to the Kremlin. That is, in fact, the rank of an official corresponded to a military one with a difference of one step. After such a reform, the scandal was stopped.
How salaries are for officials

When considering what Putin's salary is, an important factor in the assessment is the way he allocates funds for the budget. In order to ensure the proper level of earnings of the bureaucracy, one has to adhere not only to a specific figure of a particular salary. First of all, an individual approach is applicable to this action. Each official has a salary that depends on his position and, let's say, the degree of its significance. In addition, in Russia, often a person can hold several posts at once and receive, accordingly, several salaries. But this is not alwayswill be full rate. What is Putin's salary? First of all, official, since income is disclosed every year. This amount does not include income from business and real estate. The same can be said about his subordinates. Allowances are made depending on the intensity and complexity of work, seniority and length of service, as well as for overtime work. All these factors affect the salaries of officials.
What is Putin's salary: 2013
According to the latest information, the salary of the President of Russia has grown significantly. Every year, journalists receive information on the average salary of the head of state. What salary Putin has can be judged by the news reports. Journalists and reporters are shouting not only about increasing the income of officials, but also about a similar situation with the president's earnings. It is known that in Russia many businessmen are much richer than Putin himself, however, looking at the numbers, one can understand that the latter is not too in need. Not so long ago, specific presidential incomes for 2013 were announced. The data was obtained from the tax authorities. According to them, the total annual earnings of Vladimir Vladimirovich amounted to approximately 3.5 million rubles. It is not difficult to calculate the monthly salary: almost 292 thousand rubles.

Changes in President's salary
How much is Putin's salary, we found out. An interesting fact is that last year the prime minister's income exceeded the president's by more than 0.5 million. How could this happen? Medvedev's income amounted to 4.2 million rubles, and Putin's - 3.5 million, since the Presidentstill have not paid vacation pay, which he did not "work off". Putin himself jokes that it is absolutely normal when the head of state receives less money than some of his subordinates, because this only indicates how dedication he works.

But the President did not offend himself: in 2014, his salary increased by more than 2.5 times. The same thing happened with the prime minister's income. Which is easily explained: he couldn't raise the salaries of the Kremlin and White House officials, but at the same time leave the same level of income as before for himself and his chief assistant. In general, wages are increasing across the country, although not on the same scale as at the federal level. What is the salary of President Putin this year is still unknown. Such information will be disclosed only at the end of the financial year. The average salaries of officials now fluctuate at around 160 thousand rubles.