Tatyana Lioznova, the creator of the legendary image of Stirlitz, shot only nine films during her career. But the work of this director entered the history of Russian cinema. What is the success of the films created by Tatiana Lioznova?

The heroine of this article in her youth did not plan to connect her life with cinema. Lioznova Tatyana Mikhailovna was born in Moscow in 1925. Father died during the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from school, Tatyana entered the Aviation Institute. But I studied for only six months. After the first semester, Tatyana Lioznova took the documents from the institute and entered VGIK.
What influenced the change in the views of a nineteen-year-old girl is unknown. But there is evidence that they wanted to expel her from the Institute of Cinematography in the very first year of study. Indeed, in the profession of a director, life experience is important, that is, something that a young lady from an intelligent Moscow family could not have.
But Lioznova was not expelled. And already in the third year, the teachers attributed her to the category of the most gifted students of the director's department. AfterAfter graduating from the institute, Tatyana Lioznova was sent to the Gorky Film Studio. But soon she was fired. For some time, the novice director served as an assistant. The famous teacher S. Gerasimov played a significant role in her work.
Tatyana Lioznova is a director who has never been repeated. In everything she tried to find something new. In her film, even the main voice of the Soviet stage - the voice of Joseph Kobzon - sounded differently. Lioznova invited the famous performer to record a song for her picture. She demanded from Kobzon what seemed to him absolutely meaningless. Namely: to sing so that his voice becomes unrecognizable. Despite certain disagreements between Lioznova and Kobzon, the composition was recorded.
Musical compositions played a huge role in the films of this director. Most of them turned into hits.
Actors and roles in Lioznova's films
In the work of a director, one of the most difficult tasks is the selection of actors. The heroine of this article always solved it brilliantly.
For the role of Hitler in the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" Lioznova invited a German artist who by the end of the seventies managed to play the Fuhrer in dozens of films. But few today know that the director also tried Leonid Kuravleva for this role. The image of Hitler, of course, was beyond his power. However, according to Kuravlev, Lioznova understood this from the very beginning. In the filmography of Kuravlev, before the start of filming the legendary series, there were mainly the roles of ordinary village guys. Afterit would be extremely difficult to play such images as a German officer. Tests for the role of Hitler became a kind of preparation, a way to distract from previous work. From the director's point of view, it was a brave step to give Kuravlyov, in whose filmography only the roles of simpletons, the role of a fascist.
Tatyana Lioznova was never afraid to invite little-known actors or those who were assigned a certain type to her films. This director has always managed to see what other colleagues could not do. For the role of the hero, who in one of the episodes utters the legendary phrase: “Stirlitz, and I will ask you to stay,” Tatyana Mikhailovna approved the then little-known Leonid Bronevoy. It is worth saying that, inviting this artist, Lioznova changed her principles. After all, she even filmed episodes of only famous actors.
One can talk endlessly about the history of the creation of the painting "Seventeen Moments of Spring". Each role in this film is a whole story. A few words should also be said about Lioznova's other works.

Before the release of the series based on historical events, the paintings "Evdokia", "Early in the morning", "He submits to the sky" were created. A special place in the work of this director is occupied by the film "Three Poplars on Plyushchikha". Tatyana Lioznova's films are devoted to different topics. It's hard to believe that the same filmmaker filmed the lyrical story and the series about the Soviet intelligence officer.
After the famous serial film, Lioznova shot the following films:
- Carnival.
- "We, the undersigned."
Three poplars on Plyushchikha
The picture tells about a chance meeting between a native Muscovite and a married woman who came to the capital from a deep province. Just one day changes their outlook on life. A feeling is born that will only complicate the lives of the heroes of the lyrical story. The film "Three Poplars on Plyushchikha" is not about love, but about the loneliness that a person experiences even in the circle of loved ones. This picture was included in the golden fund of Soviet cinema.

This movie is a comedy musical with a classic storyline. A girl from the province leaves for the capital. In Moscow, she fails the entrance exams to a theater university. After some time, he returns home, matured and wiser by experience. The creation of the musical was a rather unexpected and risky undertaking. First of all, because Tatyana Lioznova has not worked in this genre before. But she also succeeded. The film won the love of millions of viewers.

Lioznova made films understandable to everyone. At the same time, she used techniques previously unknown to domestic filmmakers. And that is why her paintings broke all possible records in terms of the number of views.
Tatyana Mikhailovna Lioznova passed away in 2011 after a long illness. She was buried in Moscow, at the Donskoy cemetery.