Terentiev Alexander Vasilyevich: biography, family, education

Terentiev Alexander Vasilyevich: biography, family, education
Terentiev Alexander Vasilyevich: biography, family, education

Among party members Terentiev Alexander Vasilievich, State Duma deputy, is well known. He joined A Just Russia in December 2006, and a year later he was elected to the State Duma. From his faction, he entered the committee dealing with construction and land relations.

Terentiev Alexander Vasilyevich: biography

Terentyev's birthplace is Kazakhstan, the village of Karabidai, Shcherbakty district, Pavlodar region. Date - 1/1/1961

The village of Karabidai was located near the Altai Territory. Its inhabitants at that time lived extremely poorly, many huddled in dugouts. Some time after the birth of the child, the Terentyev family managed to move to the Crimean peninsula.

terentiev alexander
terentiev alexander

There Alexander Terentiev graduated from high school and continued his education at a vocational school with a degree in truck crane operator. Before being drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army, he decided to help his parents and got a job at the Perekop PMK-36. After demobilization, he first worked at Azovstalkonstruktsiya, and since 1982 he moved toTyumen region. He worked there as a driver for the Surgut department of technological transport and Noyabrskneftegaz.


In absentia in 1991 Terentiev Alexander studied at the Noyabrsk Oil College, having received the speci alty "maintenance and repair of vehicles." Then he entered Surgut State University. After graduation, he studied at the Taurida National University, having received the speci alty "economist-manager".

Surgut State University
Surgut State University

In 1993 Terentiev Alexander Vasilyevich began to work in the field of oil production. He started as a specialist and head of the technical department at Sidano-Vostok, then held the positions of a commercial agent and assistant to the president of NaftaSib.

He is married and has two sons.

From the memoirs of Terentiev

Alexander Terentiev often recalls the period of work in Noyabrsk in his interviews. The most valuable quality in his colleagues at work for him was the ability to responsibly treat the assigned work. The enterprises of the Tyumen region and the Surgut State University left their mark on his character. Northern conditions forced much attention to be paid to mutual assistance and a sense of solidarity. Bureaucratic delays and negligence were completely unacceptable in such conditions.

Work in the field of oil production allowed Terentyev to meet worthy people, communicating with whom he came to the conclusion that a person should achieve everything in life on his own, with the help of his own strength. Energyis drawn from team work, as well as the support of like-minded people and their own family, - Alexander Terentyev said.

Creating your own business

Since 2000, after Putin V. V. came to the leadership of the state, who activated the development of domestic production, Terentyev decided to start his own business. He was interested in construction and production in the food industry. In 2000, he headed the Board of Directors of "P. F. K.-Doma" and took the position of president in "Altaikholod".

Terentiev Alexander Vasilievich
Terentiev Alexander Vasilievich

This period was remembered by him as a constant struggle against the arbitrariness of officials and the unscrupulousness of some leaders. A lot of effort had to be given to the struggle aimed at the improvement of enterprises. Terentyev managed to create a team in a short period of time, which turned Altaiholod into the largest and most successful industry enterprise. In "P. F. K.-Dom" he implemented innovative construction and housing and communal projects.

Party activities

2.12.2006 "Fair Russia" has formed its branch in the Altai Territory. At this time, the party included the "Pensioners' Party", "Life" and "Motherland". Terentiev immediately became the head of the regional branch of the united party, which at first included 1,240 members, and a year later there were 10,400 "Just Russians" in Altai.

Each district in the region has acquired a local branch with a public reception, where they can provide real assistance in variousquestions. The Regional Council of Deputies has created a permanent deputy group, which is working to increase social support for the inhabitants of the region by amending the legislative acts. The regional party branch has done a lot of work to implement events, as a result of which sports grounds have been built in the region, assistance has been provided to kindergartens, the rights of citizens are constantly protected, and various social problems are being solved.

Terentiev about party work

According to Terentyev, a lot of time and effort went into the fight against bureaucracy and political empty talk. You always have to prove your case only by real deeds. He and his like-minded people made a conscious choice in politics, which gave confidence in their command strength and allows them to achieve permanent improvements in the lives of ordinary Altai residents.

fair russia in altai region
fair russia in altai region

At the end of 2007, Terentiev was nominated by his fellow party members to the State Duma.

Protecting flood victims

In September 2015, as a member of the State Duma, Terentyev asked the prosecutor of the Altai Territory, Yakov Khoroshev, to evaluate from a legal point of view the decision that was adopted by the regional administration regarding the procedure for paying funds for the overhaul of houses destroyed by the 2014 flood. The deputy decided to speak out in defense of the Altaians who suffered from the accepted unfair payment conditions.

The adoption of this resolution took place a year after the flood. By this time, many of the victims of flooding at the expense of their personalfunds have tried to solve the housing problem. In this case, some of them remain without legal compensation.

terentiev alexander vasilievich deputy
terentiev alexander vasilievich deputy

For example, Terentiev was approached by a villager from Chekanikha, who was denied compensation because she had a share of seven and a half square meters in the regional capital. Many took loans from various banks for repairs, and since they carried out the restoration work, they are not included in the lists for compensation.

The public reception of the deputy received a large number of complaints about this. Residents of the following districts applied in oral and written form: Bystroistoksky, Krasnogorsky, Charyshsky and Krasnoshchekovsky. An appeal to the head of the region with a request to cancel the aforementioned decree with a large number of signatures of the inhabitants of the Ust-Pristansky district was sent earlier by the head of the district branch of "Fair Russia" Svetlana Khoroshilova.

In defense of farmers

In March of this year, on behalf of his faction, Terentyev proposed to exempt agricultural producers from excise payments on diesel fuel. He put forward such a legislative initiative due to the fact that the State Duma adopted a bill, according to which excise taxes on all types of fuel have been increased since April 2016. According to the Just Russia party, wide circles of the population will suffer from this law, in particular it will hit the agricultural sector. Farmers, Terentiev believes, should be at the legislative levelprotected from such attacks by the authorities, otherwise agriculture in the Altai Territory will simply die.

Terentiev Alexander Vasilievich biography
Terentiev Alexander Vasilievich biography

According to the politician, this is a clear attempt by government officials to blame the crisis problems and their own shortcomings in overcoming them on ordinary workers. A particular danger is that excise taxes on fuel are raised at a time when the sowing campaign is actively underway. Every spring for Altai agricultural workers is remembered for the search for additional funds to purchase fuel, so its rise in price will cause irreparable damage to the economy of agricultural enterprises.

Terentiev has many other initiatives of this kind.
