"Sons of the Fatherland, get up, the day of glory has come!" - this is how the famous French anthem begins, which everyone will remember performed by the talented Edith Piaf. But how many people can name the author of these words? Will the forgotten and lonely composer who wrote the revolutionary march be remembered in his time?
The line "Liberty, cherished freedom, fight with your defenders" (Liberté, liberté chérie, combats avec tes défenseurs!), sounding in the French anthem, reveals the essence of the 1789 revolution. Even then, the people fought for the right to a decent life.
Liberty, equality and fraternity (Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité) - that was the motto of the great upheaval. With this slogan, revolutions were made in many European countries.
In this article you will get acquainted with the biography of Rouget de Lisle, a bright figure of that time.
Childhood and youth
Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle was born in 1760 to a bourgeois family. His father, Claude Ignatius Rouget, was a we althy lawyer.
From early childhood, the future poet developed a craving for music. The boy ended up at a street concert of itinerant musicians, and soI was impressed that I was seriously interested in this art.

Rugé started playing the violin, but his parents controlled his hobby and did not let him spend much time on it. The fact is that Father Rouge dreamed of sending his son to a military school, and for this he even went to some trick. At that time, only nobles could study at the military school. They were distinguished from others by the particle "de" added to the surname. My father had to buy a piece of land and add his name to his last name.
The boy entered the military school in Paris in 1776. He graduated from it six years later, in 1782. After graduation, the young man began working as a military engineer.
Life during the Revolution
Very soon, namely, in 1789, the Great French Revolution took place. Rouget de Lisle, becoming a volunteer of the Republican army, was sent to the garrison of the French city of Strasbourg. By 1792 he had risen to the rank of captain. It was during this period that Rouget de Lisle composed his famous song - "La Marseillaise", which later became the anthem of France.

Historians note that the musician was not a revolutionary. Moreover, he supported the monarchy. For his noble origin, de Lisle had to serve time in prison.
History of the Marseillaise
In the winter of 1792, the French composer and military man Rouget de Lisle was in the Strasbourg garrison. Here the musician often came to see Philippe de Dietrich, the first mayor of Strasbourg. The politician shared de Lisle's views on the revolution.
It was de Dietrich who asked the talented young man to compose a song for the upcoming city holiday. The composer wrote the music and lyrics and brought them to the mayor the next day. Ditrish liked them.
Initially, the song was called "Chant de guerre de l'armee du Rhin", which is translated into Russian as "War Song of the Army of the Rhine".

On the day of the holiday, Ditrisha's eldest daughter played piano music, and the young officer sang. The performance made such an impression on the audience that the audience applauded loudly at the last line.
Performed for several days in Strasbourg, Lily's song began to spread throughout France. With her, the inhabitants of Marseille began and ended political meetings, with her the soldiers went into battle. It was from this moment that the military march of Rouget de Lisle went down in history under the name "La Marseillaise".
The song became the national anthem on July 14, 1795, but it was not recognized as the official symbol of France until February 14, 1879.
Last years of life
The revolutionaries did not raise their hand to execute the royalist musician, because the "La Marseillaise" was very popular in their ranks. Rouger de Lisle was released, and he went on a free voyage, continuing to write poetry and music. However, he never managed to repeat the success of his famous creation.
Soon the unfortunate composer was no longer remembered. A person who accomplished a creative feat was forced to drag out a miserable existence. He hadlarge debts that forced him to hide.

Loneliness, old age and the collapse of creative hopes tormented him for another 40 years spent at large after imprisonment. The poet died in 1836 in Choisy-le-Roi, where he lived recently.
After many years, a tombstone was erected in this place in memory of Rouge de Lisle. Thus, descendants saluted the man who gave France and the whole world a great revolutionary march, which supported the spirit of the people in the struggle for justice.
July 14, 1915, on Bastille Day, the ashes of the musician were reburied next to Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.