"Raven to count": the meaning of a phraseological unit, origin, synonyms and antonyms

"Raven to count": the meaning of a phraseological unit, origin, synonyms and antonyms
"Raven to count": the meaning of a phraseological unit, origin, synonyms and antonyms

What is phraseologism? This term refers to the established phrases inherent in any language. Any phraseological unit consists of several words that share a common meaning.

Most of these expressions are so deeply rooted in the past that over time they have lost their former imagery. Some words in set expressions are obsolete. Therefore, without knowing the history of the origin of some phraseological units, it is impossible to understand their meaning.

What does "counting crows" mean? This phraseological unit has some figurativeness, so its meaning can be guessed.


Phraseologism "crow to count" has several interpretations:

  1. Be distracted. So they say about inattentive people who are not focused on some kind of work. For example: "He teaches classes so boringly that everyone thinks they are crows."
  2. Goofing off. In this sense, the phraseological unit "counting the raven" is used when talking about a person who spends time uselessly. For example: "Instead of a crow counting, I would read a book."
crowcalculate the meaning of a phraseological unit
crowcalculate the meaning of a phraseological unit

The origin of the expression is connected with the natural desire for a person to watch the "smaller brothers". Such phraseological units have their own name - zoomorphisms.

Phraseological units with the word "crow"

There are several catch phrases with "crow":

  • "White Crow" - a person who is different from others; "not like everyone else".
  • "Crow in peacock feathers" - tradesman; a person who tries to appear as someone he is not; snob.
  • "Neither peahen nor raven" - a person with a weak life position, dependent.
  • "Catching crows" - missing something important.
  • "Scare the crows" - look ridiculous, cause laughter with your appearance.
  • "Crows croaked" (emphasis in the first word on the second syllable) - bad weather has come.
  • "Crow's nest" - shaggy hair on the head.
  • what does it mean to count a crow
    what does it mean to count a crow

Synonyms and antonyms

The meaning of phraseologism "raven count" can be conveyed by other set expressions. Here are some of them:

  • "Beat the thumbs up". Baklushi - wooden blanks for products. Beating the buckets is one of the easiest jobs in Russia. From here came the idiom in the meaning of "to mess around".
  • "Sharpen lyasy". To engage in empty chatter, to spend time idly. The origin is connected with the work of a master who sharpened balusters, ornate objects, like a conversation.
  • "Fool around". "Fools" - children's toys in Russia.
  • "Don't strike a finger on a finger".
  • "Sit back".
  • "Lie on the stove".
  • "Lie on your side".
  • "Spit on the ceiling".
  • "Count flies".

The opposite meaning of the phraseologism "raven count" can also be expressed in other turns:

  • "Keep your eyes open".
  • "Keep your ears up".
  • "Be alert".
  • "Look into both eyes".
  • "Watch/listen with your mouth open".
  • "Catch every word".
