Northern administrative district: history, description, borders

Northern administrative district: history, description, borders
Northern administrative district: history, description, borders

Moscow is a city with a special status. It is the capital of the Russian Federation and home to almost 13 million people. The territorial division of Moscow implies the existence of administrative districts, districts and settlements within it. The latter appeared only recently, during the implementation of a project to expand the square of the capital. The Northern Administrative District is one of the largest in Moscow. It consists of 16 districts with a population of 1.2 million.

northern administrative district
northern administrative district

Features of the Metropolitan Government

Moscow is divided into 12 administrative districts. They include 125 districts and 21 settlements. The last changes concerning the administrative-territorial structure of Moscow took place in 2012. Then two new districts were formed. They included 21 settlements, territorialunits that were not previously part of the capital. In fact, the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky districts, formed during the implementation of the Moscow expansion project, are currently managed as a single entity.

northern administrative district of moscow description
northern administrative district of moscow description

Northern administrative district of Moscow: description

Even in the last century, there was a countryside here. On the territory of Moscow there were only Yamskoye Pole, Petrovsky Park and Butyrskaya Sloboda. The border between the zemstvo and the city passed first along Skakovaya Street, and then along Pegovsky Lane. The modern Northern Administrative District is located on a territory that has never been a single entity. The local villages belonged to four different volosts. Most of them were small. One hundred or two hundred people lived in them. The only industrial enterprise was a weaving factory.

The St. Petersburg road played a huge role in the development of this territory. Another factor was the laying of railroads. The district was formed on the territory of several districts that existed under the Soviet Union. Among them are Zheleznodorozhny, Leningradsky, Timiryazevsky, Frunzensky, part of Krasnopresnensky and Sverdlovsky. It is of key importance for the life of the city and has good scientific and industrial potential.

northern administrative district of moscow borders
northern administrative district of moscow borders

Northern administrative district of Moscow: borders

It stretched from the ring road to the Belarusian railway station. The Northern Administrative District is one of thethe largest in the capital. Its area, according to 2012, is 113.73 square kilometers. The Northern Administrative Okrug includes 16 districts. Among them, the largest in terms of area is Molzhaninovsky. It occupies 2178 hectares. In second place is Timiryazevsky. Its area is 1043 hectares. On the third - Khoroshevsky. It occupies 988 hectares. The smallest district is Savelovsky. Its area is only 270 hectares. The largest in terms of population is the Golovinsky district. As of January 1, 2010, 100.2 thousand people lived in it. Least of all people live in the largest area by area - Molzhaninovsky. In terms of population density, East Derugino is in first place. There are an average of 25,278 people per square kilometer of its area. The least populated Molzhaninovsky district.
