The brown bear is found in taiga forests, mountains and conifers abounding in windbreak. A large population can settle in permanent habitats. In the midst of winter, brown bear cubs are born to the female. How do they develop and mature? What happens after a little brown bear is born?

It is worth noting that mother bear does not have a permanent pair. During the mating season, which begins in late spring, several males claim the role of a spouse at once. During this period, they are extremely aggressive, fiercely compete with each other, fights often end in the death of one of the rivals. The winner forms a pair with the female, but the union lasts no more than a month. Then the female bear is left alone, and in winter, usually in January, brown bear cubs are born. Most often there are two of them, and they are quite tiny. The weight of one teddy bear rarely exceeds 500 grams.

In the first two months, brown bear cubs do not leave their dens, remaining all the time at their mother's side. It is during this period that the family is most vulnerable. Since brown bearsbelong to protected rare species, with the exception of some, the hunting season is open for them. Bear dens often become a desirable object for hunters. In places where a significant population of bears lives, the "bear trails" along which these animals are found are very noticeable.
A newborn brown bear cub is born with a sparse coat, ears and eyes covered. After 2 weeks, the ear holes are fully formed and the eyes open. The first exit from the den occurs at 3 months. By this time, brown bear cubs reach the size of an average dog and weigh from 3 to 6 kg. All this time they feed exclusively on milk, but with the beginning of summer a new food appears - vegetable. Imitating the mother, the cubs begin to try new delicacies for themselves - roots, berries, nuts, wild oats, worms and other insects. During the first year of life, the animals do not leave their mother. They continue to live with her, spending another winter together.

After reaching the age of 3-4 years, individuals are considered sexually mature and begin to lead an independent life. But they reach full maturity at 8-10 years. A matured brown bear is a large forest animal, weighing up to 300-400 kg. However, one species is known, called "kodiaki" and living in Alaska, in which males weighing up to 750 kg are found.
Color is most often brown, but can vary from straw yellow to dark, almost black. The fur is very dense, thick, long. Moreover, the inhabitants of the northern latitudes have longer hair than those of the southern inhabitants. Tail short, hiddenunder fur. Long black claws reach 10 cm in length.
Becoming an independent adult animal, the brown bear begins to look for a separate territory, and in males their personal area is 7-10 times larger than in females. Despite their formidable appearance, these animals feed on plant foods and invertebrates, fattening up subcutaneous fat during the summer. But if the bear has not gained enough weight, it can wake up in the middle of winter and go hunting. They are extremely aggressive, attacking anyone who meets them on the way, and pose a serious threat to humans.