The "Tornado" installation is a second-echelon unit designed to provide fire support to motorized rifle units. It is used to inflict salvo and single strikes on artillery, manpower, armored vehicles that are on the march, during deployment, in the defense zone, in combat readiness, in open areas or in shelter, in the concentration area.
The Tornado multiple launch rocket launcher is the successor and relative of the famous Grad multiple launch rocket system, which appeared in the Soviet Union back in 1964. It was a truly terrifying weapon that few could resist. However, any weapon has its own resource, and the Grad, having been in service for more than four decades, it became necessary to replace it with a newer system. During this time, other multiple launch rocket systems were developed - "Hurricane", "Smerch". The Tornado installation was developed not so long ago. It was first tested in 2011 on September 25 at a test site called Kapustin Yar. During exercises at the training groundthe command of the troops of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan was present. The complex "Tornado" in 2012 in July was adopted at the legislative level for artillery.

"Tornado" - the installation, the photo of which is presented above, has a number of changes compared to its predecessors. A gyro-cursor screen indicator was installed with self-orientation to the launch package, as well as equipment for remote input of parameters and target data. The installation is equipped with a device for transmitting information in automatic mode about the exit of a rocket projectile from the barrel. There is a navigation and guidance system via satellite communications. A special apparatus is also installed on the machine to set the time of the explosion of the rocket blaster. This was done so that the Tornado launcher could fire the new rockets.

The "Tornado" system includes: a system for automatic fire control called "Kapustnik", combat vehicle 2B17-1. "Kapustnik" (series 1V126M) consists of a control post and an observation post. Also included are old and new 122mm rockets.

The "Tornado" installation was developed in several types on a unified chassis, which were considered KamAZ and "Ural" vehicles. A single platform allows you to minimize the cost ofoperation due to the elimination of various types of chassis of multiple launch rocket systems that currently exist: Eiy-131 (installed on the Grad system), MAZ-543M (Smerch system), Ural-375 and Ural- 4320", "Ziy-135 LMP" ("Hurricane" system). A unified single carriage is installed on the new chassis, on which a package of interchangeable guides is attached. This will allow you to use, in addition to the caliber 122 mm, also calibers 220 mm and even 300 mm. The presence of two sets of packages on the loading and transport machines will reduce the time for reloading from seven minutes to three. You can replace the module in the shortest possible time in the field. This provides the Tornado system with the ability to use the entire range of its ammunition, expanding its combat capabilities.
Differences from predecessors
The "Tornado" installation, the characteristics of which exceed the characteristics of the MLRS "Grad" several times, is actively used in the armed forces. This was made possible by improving the parameters of ammunition. The cockpit of the combat vehicle is equipped with the latest automated fire and guidance control system, which includes a gunner's console, a Baguette series 41 computer on-board vehicle. This allows you to fire at the desired targets without topographic and geodetic preliminary preparation of the vehicle, directing packages directly from the cockpit. The operator's monitor displays all the necessary information in real time. The combat crew was reduced to a couple of people. The prepared position "Tornado" is deployed in one minute, andunprepared - less than five. MLRS has the highest mobility. During the launch of the rocket until the time of its detonation, the installation manages to go a distance of five kilometers from the launch site. This significantly increases the survival of the complex. The Tornado installation has modifications: installation of a fire control system from self-propelled guns, equipment with protection equipment for transmitted and received information. There is work to create a package design that will allow the use of cruise missiles (CR).

The Tornado multiple rocket launcher can use existing rockets as ammunition, as well as the latest range of developments in the form of guided missiles in flight. For example, it can be a cluster projectile with a detachable warhead and a homing submunition with a cumulative effect. Or a reconnaissance missile capable of "hovering" over the target and working as a target designator. There are samples that can be used to lay minefields remotely.