The Remez bird weighs no more than 7-11 grams and surpasses its overseas sister, the hummingbird, in its features. For example, to build a nest, a Russian bird is content with one flexible branch, while a hummingbird needs fairly thick rods on a tree. Why is the Russian "inch" not as popular as the others?

According to scientists, this is facilitated by its rather modest coloration and inconspicuous behavior. After all, the word "remez" in translation from German means "reed tit", from Latin - "hanging", "hanging down". That is, you can guess that most of the time the bird lives in reed thickets and other bushes and trees growing near water bodies. With the enviable skill of an acrobat, she is able to hang on thin rods of vegetation, clinging to them with only one foot.
Nutrition and reproduction

The Remez bird finds most of its food in reeds and tree bark in the form of small beetles, berries and plant seeds. Insects and larvae are excellent complementsdaily diet of poultry.
Reed tits are recognized as polygamous. However, there are also individuals who are able to live with one partner. The female lays 5-8 eggs and incubates the chicks for two weeks. They are born naked and helpless.
For 30 days, Remez chicks are in a protected nest, and their parents feed them, bringing small insects in their beaks. After about a month, the chicks become independent and ready to leave the parental home.
Ordinary remez
The feathered "inch" living on Russian territory is compared with anyone! It is often called the "swamp tit", and there is no mistake in this. After all, the Remez bird is the closest relative of this sonorous songbird!
But still, it should be recognized that the Remezov family is a separate species and it has been seen not only in Russia. Little birds have long chosen the eastern zones of Japan, China and the temperate climatic zone of Central Europe. Common remez is somewhat larger than other subspecies. The length of his body reaches 12 cm, and the weight can reach up to 19 g (for males).
Can we say about these birds that they are songbirds of Russia? Their thin whistle can hardly be compared with a nightingale trill. However, the “king of singing” has a more modest color than the remez. The bird, the description of which we are considering in this article, pleases the eye with the color of its back. Most often it is a muted brown color. The head of the remez is usually gray and has a black mask around the eyes. Scientists note that this feathered one is a magnificent buildernests.

Bird hangs it on the end of a thin but strong branch. It brings grass stalks in its beak, weaves an elegant frame from them and fills it with poplar fluff and petals of inflorescences. The result is a unique rocking nest!
Magic House
It is often used for esoteric and medicinal purposes. According to ancient beliefs, if you take fluff (straws) from the Remez's nest and put it in a chicken coop, then the poultry will regularly lay eggs. And advanced magicians use the remez nest in various rituals. So, to reconcile the spouses, the "house" is hung on a stick and hit with a quarreling couple.
If a woman is supposed to have a difficult birth, then she is fumigated with a nest, which is previously spoken for a successful outcome. In Russia, there are cases when babies who are late to take their first steps were taken to water bodies in order to find a refuge for Remez. It was customary to keep children over the bird's nest with a special plot so that they would quickly and confidently go.
Songbirds of Russia

If we talk about singing talents, then, of course, the primacy here can be given to the nightingale, blackbird, oriole, chaffinch, kinglet. And an ordinary remez, as we have already found out, is more famous for its building gift. But we should not forget about other subspecies of this family.
For example, Remez oatmeal. She has a rather pleasant singing - slightly broken and filled with different tonalities. Birds are usually located on the side branches and begin theirchant. However, when the Remez bunting is very disturbed, it can make sharp sounds, similar to an unpleasant "poking".
Scientists advise lovers of bird singing to enjoy the gentle trill of this bird in nature, rather than keeping it in captivity. Remez oatmeal is difficult to tame and can even die, having lost its freedom. But if there is a great desire to keep the songbird at home, then choose a spacious cage for her in the sunny area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Remez bunting is more insectivorous than granivorous. If this is not taken into account, then the singer will eventually cease to please the owner with her delightful trill.