Animal of the ocean. Fauna of the World Ocean

Animal of the ocean. Fauna of the World Ocean
Animal of the ocean. Fauna of the World Ocean

From the phrase "World Ocean" there is a slight trembling in the soul. It appears something large and powerful, with beautiful colors, outlandish inhabitants and a dark, dangerous bottom. And there is! A person living on land rarely thinks that every second such a mysterious life is bubbling or calmly flowing somewhere under the water.

World Ocean

It is known that our planet mostly consists of water. Pictures from space, where the blue color predominates, confirm this. At the same time, it is still called the Earth, and not some kind of "Water" or "Oceania". Do not forget that there is moisture in the earth itself.

Three-quarters of the planet's surface is occupied by water - the oceans. It is believed that it is one and simply divided by continents into different oceans. Therefore, when you hear about the Pacific, Arctic or other ocean, know that we are talking about only part of the World Ocean.

The ocean is divided into four main parts: Pacific, Indian, Atlantic and Arctic. Each of them includes seas, bays and straits.

Already in the 15th centurypeople sought to explore the oceans, sailors went on expeditions to study the boundaries of water spaces. Of course, only superficial data was collected at that time. The depths began to reveal their secrets much later, and today they are not fully understood. The inhabitants of the ocean often become the heroes of feature and scientific films that everyone watches with pleasure.

Living organisms

Thanks to explorers, navigators and operators of the deep sea, we know that life also exists in the aquatic environment of the ocean. They can hardly know and convey all the diversity of underwater life, the beauty of the ocean floor and the power of water.

The flora and fauna of the ocean refers to the living organisms inhabiting its space. Scientists deduce classifications of the species, subspecies, and classes that make up these worlds.

animals of the arctic ocean
animals of the arctic ocean

Inhabitants of the ocean: animals, fish, mollusks, crustaceans, plants and many others - live their lives, not looking back at humanity and progress. The underwater life of the World Ocean is beautiful and unique, leaving a lot of mysteries for a person.

Pacific Ocean

It is considered the warmest, largest and deepest. More than half of all living organisms in the oceans are located in the Pacific or Great Ocean. The animals of the Pacific Ocean fascinate with their size, shape, color.

In its depths mammals, sperm whales, whales, as well as fur seals, dugans, crayfish, giant squids and many other representatives of marine fauna are found. Shark - an animal of the ocean, terrifyingon people, it is very common here. Several species of these fish live in the ocean: blue, mako, fox, whale and representatives of other species. It is noteworthy that in the Pacific Ocean, its seas, there are unique species of sharks, whose representatives are no longer found in other waters.

ocean animal
ocean animal

The abundance and diversity of the fauna of any ocean is influenced by many factors: phytoplankton, current, water temperature and environmental pollution. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a consequence of human negligence towards nature, it causes enormous damage to flora and fauna.

Fishing thrives in settlements on the banks. Most of the world's catch that hits the table for the inhabitants of planet Earth comes from the Pacific Ocean.

Many animals of the Pacific Ocean are found in the Atlantic and Indian. But there are rare and unique representatives living only here.

Indian Ocean

Its flora and fauna are extremely diverse. The third largest and deepest ocean is rich in unusual organisms that glow at night: certain types of jellyfish, peridine, tunicates.

The Indian Ocean under the surface of the water hides a variety of fish (dollfish, tuna, sharks), reptiles (turtles, snakes), mammals (whales, sperm whales, dolphins, seals, elephant seals). There are many inhabitants above the surface of the ocean: albatrosses, frigates, penguins.

A very beautiful and large animal of the ocean - the sea devil (or Manta). This amazing animal weighs more than two tons. It is noteworthy that the sea devil -absolutely harmless creature. Relatively recently, people considered him a bloodthirsty killer, but, as it turned out, nature did not endow him with either a lethal or defensive weapon. If he meets a carnivorous shark on his way, he will surely say goodbye to life.

animals of the pacific
animals of the pacific

The food of this inhabitant of water spaces is plankton, larvae and small fish. It filters the water, leaving the edible in the mouth. It is noteworthy that the brain of this representative of the fauna is much larger than that of rays or sharks. The sea devil is very curious and enjoys coexisting with divers.

Environmental problems have also affected the Indian Ocean, especially animals in the seas and oceans suffer from the oil film.

Arctic Ocean

This is the smallest of the four parts of the oceans. Due to harsh weather conditions, its flora and fauna are not so diverse. Most of the surface of the water is covered with ice, it drifts, freezing to the shores.

It is worth noting that although the diversity of fauna here is significantly inferior, the animals of the Arctic Ocean are larger and live longer than their counterparts from other waters.

The inhabitants of the coldest ocean include: fish (150 species), birds (30 species), seals, penguins, walruses, beluga whales, whales.

Perhaps the most beautiful and dangerous animal in the ocean is the polar bear. This beautiful and powerful animal feeds on fish, seals, carcasses of dead whales and birds. All year round, the white bear deftly swims under water and climbs ice floes in search of prey. MediumThe life expectancy of a bear is 15-20 years, but many die young - up to five years.

ocean dwellers
ocean dwellers

The environmental problems of the Arctic Ocean are the most pressing issue, because in addition to pollution and the disappearance of some populations, we are talking about melting ice and global warming.

Atlantic Ocean

The second largest ocean includes almost all species of the animal world of the entire Pacific Ocean. This diversity is made possible by the climate. The fauna of the Atlantic Ocean is distributed zonally, the Atlantic is famous for its borders and the number of ocean deserts.

ocean wildlife
ocean wildlife

Flora and fauna are very diverse. Perhaps the brightest animal in the ocean is flying fish. There are 16 species of flying fish here. They "leap" out of the water and lay their eggs on any floating object.

Environmental problems of the oceans

The development of civilization and technological progress bring a lot of useful and even vital things to a person, but this is what destroys nature, including the World Ocean. Populations of many animals have been irretrievably lost, and species of animals and plants of the deep sea are disappearing every year.

animals in the seas and oceans
animals in the seas and oceans

The activity and inactivity of a person inevitably entails sad consequences. And although the seas and oceans are under the care of the UN and a special unit of the IMO, the future of the oceans is in danger.

People should protect the oceans for many reasons, the main of which are its resources and"road" linking continents.
